Monday 1 September 2014

WWE Monday Night Raw Results And Live Blogs For 1 September 2014

  • Cesaro and The Miz vs. Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler
    Back from the break and WWE United States Champion Sheamus is out with Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. The Miz and Cesaro are out next with Miz's stunt double Damien Sandow. Cesaro starts off with Ziggler. Cesaro drops him and hits Ziggler's elbow drops, mocking him. Ziggler comes back with a super kick. Ziggler goes for Miz and Cesaro turns it around. Miz tags in to keep control of Ziggler now.
    Back and forth between The Miz and Sheamus now. The Miz also has an assistant at ringside. Sheamus hits a bunch of forearms on the apron but Miz kicks out at 2. Cesaro eventually tags back in and takes control as we go to commercial.
    We come back and Ziggler finally gets the tag. He unloads on Miz. Miz blocks the Fame-asser but Ziggler blocks that for a 2 count. Ziggler hits a big DDT for a 2 count. Sheamus and Cesaro tumble out to the floor. Ziggler misses the Fame-asser again and lands on his leg. Miz tags in his stunt double Sandow. Ziggler lays him out with a Zig Zag. Miz runs in from behind and hits Ziggler with a Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

    Winners: The Miz and Cesaro

    - We get hype for The Bella Twins and the first "Growing Up Bella" video. Nikki talks about how Brie stole her high school crush and how he disappeared from their prom. Nikki found him in the parking lot later that night. Nikki says she cried her eyes out and never told anyone that before. Back to commercial.

    Cameron, Eva Marie and Rosa Mendes vs. Layla, Naomi and Summer Rae
    Back from the break and we get hype for Total Divas. Rosa and Layla go at it to start the match. They trade holds and pin attempts. Layla botches a move in the corner and hits a crossbody for 2 as Cameron breaks the pin. Eva, Cameron and Rosa jump Layla, causing a big brawl to break out. Naomi takes out Cameron with the Rear View. Eva runs into Rosa and they fall. They get up and get dropkicked by Summer and Layla.

    - We get a look back at Dean Ambrose getting taken out two weeks ago. Still to come, multi-man matches. We go to commercial.

    Mark Henry and Big Show vs. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan
    Back from the break and out comes Big Show with Mark Henry. The lights go out and out next comes Erick Rowan and Luke Harper.
    Henry and Rowan start things off and they go at it. Henry takes Rowan to the corner and hits him with shoulder thrusts. Henry keeps control and hits a big splash. Henry works Rowan over and goes to the second rope. Harper comes over and distracts Henry, allowing Rowan to drop him and tag. Harper comes in and nails a big boot on Henry for a 2 count. We go to commercial.

    Back from the break and Harper is in control of Henry. Rusev and Lana appear on the stage to watch the match. Harper runs into a big boot. Big Show tags in and unloads on Harper. Show kicks Rowan in the face. Show goes outside of the ring but Harper takes out his knee and Show slams into the barrier. Harper brings it back in the ring and keeps Show down. Rowan comes in and keeps control of Show. Another tag to Harper now. Show finally DDT's Rowan and creates an opening. Harper and Henry tag in. They go at it. Show sends Rowan to the floor. Show follows and Rowan slams him into the announce table. Harper turns around to Henry grabbing him for a World's Strongest Slam. Henry turns around with Harper in his arms but Rusev superkicks Henry in the face, sending Harper and Henry to the floor.
    Winners by DQ: Mark Henry and Big Show

    Still to come, more from John Cena. Back to commercial.
    - WWE has invited NFL player Michael Sam to next week's RAW and will give him an open mic.
    - Paul Heyman comes out and addresses John Cena. We see stills of Brock Lesnar destroying Cena at SummerSlam. Heyman talks about Cena losing again at Night of Champions.
    Jack Swagger vs. Curtis Axel
    We go to the ring and out comes Jack Swagger with Zeb Colter. Back to commercial.
    Back from the break and Axel locks up with Swagger. Bo Dallas makes an appearance at the top of the ramp. He's got some stools set up and a microphone. Bo brings fans up and sits them in the chairs as Axel keeps control of the match. Axel dropkicks Swagger out of the ring. Zeb tells him to get back in. Swagger goes for the Swagger Bomb but Axel puts his leg up. Swagger catches the leg and turns it into the Patriot Lock for the win.
    Winner: Jack Swagger
    - After the match, Bo interrupts from the stage and congratulates Swagger on the win. The fans Bo have on the stage have been let down by Swagger. One lost his life savings, one failed hit citizenship test and will be deported, and one says her son now wants to be like Vladimir Putin instead of Swagger. Bo tells everyone to just Bo-lieve.
    - Still to come, tonight's six-man main event. Back to commercial.
    Adam Rose vs. Titus O'Neil
    Back from the break and Adam Rose is out with the Rosebuds. Titus O'Neil has Heath Slater at ringside. Titus catches Rose and hits his backbreaker.
    The Bunny ends up taking out Slater on the floor and distracting Titus, allowing Rose to get the win.
    Winner: Adam Rose
    - Another video from Nikki Bella.
    Rusev vs. Zack Ryder
    We go to the ring and out comes Rusev with Lana. Back to commercial.
    Back from the break and Lana rips the Labor Day holiday. She says we suck. The bell rings and Ryder is ready. Ryder attacks but Rusev throws him to the corner. Ryder leaps but Rusev catches him with a big overhead slam. Rusev nails a kick to the face. Lana tells him to crush. Rusev stomps on Ryder's back and applies The Accolade for the easy win. 
    Winner: Rusev
    - After the match, Rusev poses under the Russian flag. Mark Henry's music hits and out he comes. Henry runs to the ring and Rusev leaves in a hurry. Fans chant USA. Henry cuts a promo on Rusev and says he just opened an international wing of the Hall of Pain. Rusev is going to be the first inductee.
    Still to come, tonight's six-man main event. Back to commercial.
    Goldust vs. Jimmy Uso
    Back from the break and out come WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos. Goldust and Stardust are out next. Goldust tries to apologize for what happened last week but The Usos attack them. They separate and we get the bell. Uso unloads but Goldust nails a spinebuster for a 2 count. Goldust keeps control now.
    Uso turns it around with the splash in the corner and the big slam for a 2 count as Stardust breaks the pin. Jey Uso runs over but Stardust kicks his leg out. Jimmy dives out onto Stardust. Goldust brings Jimmy back in for the Final Cut and the win.
    Winner: Goldust
    - After the match, Goldust attacks Jey and works over his injured leg. Cody nails the knee with a steel chair and Uso screams in pain. Doctors and Jimmy check on Uso and he's helped away.
    - Back from the break and we get a Total Divas sneak peek.
    - Big Show is backstage with Mark Henry. Show agrees that Rusev needs to be stopped but they had a deal to focus on their tag team. Henry says he's got to get Rusev first. Show wants to be in Henry's corner. Henry says he's got to do it by himself. Show gives Henry a pep talk before walking off.
    - We go to the ring and out come Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. They take a seat at ringside.
    John Cena, Roman Reigns and Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins, Kane and Randy Orton

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WWE Monday Night Raw Results And Live Blogs For 1 September 2014
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