Paul Heyman comes out and says Brock Lesnar has been receiving some disrespect for John Cena almost beating him atNight of Champions and Rollin interfering in the match. Lesnar told Heyman to come out and clear up a few things.
Stephanie starts to respond but Rollins comes out and gets the "You sold out" chant. He denies that the Authority told him to cash in on Lesnar and says he acted of his own free will. He points out he and Heyman have something in common in that they both take advantage of opportunities. He also mentions that none of them want to see Cena become a 16-time champion.
Another CM Punk chant breaks out, and Rollins apologizes to Heyman. The advocate accepts but says if it happens again, then Rollins must deal with Brock Lesnar.
Triple H stops Heyman before he leaves, shakes his hand and says he enjoyed their talk. After Heyman leaves, Rollins starts to rant about Ambrose stealing the briefcase. He demands Ambrose come to the ring or he'll do something worse to him than a Curb Stomp through cinderblocks.
Ambrose appears on the TitanTron and taunts Rollins with the case. He dares the Authority to come and get it. As they start to make their way up the ramp, Cena's music hits and he tackles Rollins. He chases him into the ring but Rollins escapes through the crowd.
The Authority and Rollins are backstage talking about what just happened. Triple H tells Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury to get the case.
Dolph Ziggler retains the Intercontinental Championship against both Cesaro and The Miz when he superkicks Cesaro and covers Miz, whom Cesaro had taken down with Swiss Death.
Noble and Mercury are backstage trying to find Ambrose. They walk up to The Great Khali but have no luck.
A new promo for The Wyatt Family airs and it focuses on Luke Harper.
Noble and Mercury head back to Triple H empty handed. Stephanie threatens to fire them if they fail. Miz and Damien Sandow come in to complain about the Intercontinental title match and Triple H laughs. He makes a match between Sandow and Sheamus and then threatens to fire Miz if he complains to him again.
Layla (w/Summer Rae) defeats Rosa Mendes (w/Natalya andTyson Kidd).
Dean Ambrose comes out with the briefcase. He sets up a table in the ring and puts the case on it. He says he was at the concession stand the whole time Noble and Mercury were looking for him. He says he is not a fan of WWE's merchandise stands and announces a clearance sale. He starts to sell merchandise until Mercury and Noble come out. They start to negotiate and Ambrose tells them to relax. He stares them down and they leave, so Ambrose decides to start flinging merchandise into the crowd.
Rollins, Mercury, Noble and some security guards come out to the ring. Ambrose mocks the guards by asking if they were Rosebuds last week. He tells Rollins to take the case and backs out of the ring. Ambrose climbs into the crowd and Rollins opens the case, only to get sprayed in the face with green liquid. Ambrose smiles and Rollins goes berserk.
Rollins is livid backstage and The Authority laughs. Triple H tells some of his cronies to find Cena and Ambrose to inform them they have a tag team match in the main event with Randy Ortonand Kane. The case starts to vibrate, and Rollins grabs it and says "it's an electric razor."
Mark Henry comes out to the ring and apologizes to America for losing to Rusev. Bo Dallas comes out and says Henry should apologize to himself first because he lost to Rusev twice and cried. Dallas tells him to shut down the Hall of Pain and join the Hall of Bo-lievers. Henry and Dallas have a match and Henry cominates until he goes for the Vader Bomb. Bo dodges it and hits the Bo-dog for the win.
Renee Young interviews an ecstatic Bo Dallas backstage. He tells everyone to Bo-lieve and Renee runs away as Henry assaults him with a huge box. He screams "That's what I do!"
Stardust cuts a crazy promo until Goldust interrupts him. He says they have the Cosmic Key now and only it can decide their fate.
Nikki Bella comes out and taunts her sister Brie Bella by referencing her quitting at Payback. She also brings up the numerous handicap matches Stephanie McMahon placed her in during Brie's absence.
Brie comes out and defeats Eva Marie and Cameron.
Heath Slater and Titus O'Neil defeat Los Matadores when the tiny dragon that accompanies Slater Gator distracts them, which allows Slater to roll up one of the Matadores for the win. Slater Gator and the dragon attack El Torito until Adan Rose who was on commentary, and The Bunny make the save.
Rusev and Lana come to the ring and she starts to insult Big Show until the giant appears. He takes some shots at her, but Rusev grabs the microphone and threatens to break every bone in his body. He starts to speak in Russian, but Big Show cuts him off and challenges him to a fight. Big Show gets in the ring, but Rusev and Lana leave. Big Show rips down the large Russian flag, which enrages Rusev. He tries to attack the giant, but Big Show tosses him out of the ring.
Renee Young interviews John Cena backstage, and Cena talks about how much he likes Chicago. He says he is glad he is in Ambrose's corner tonight rather than against him. He mentions they have a common enemy and Ambrose walks up as he tapes his knuckles. Cena asks if he has anything to add. Ambrose says no, but warns Cena that he gets his former Shield brother all to himself should Rollins intervene tonight. Cena says he will cash in his chance to beat up Rollins should the opportunity arise.
Paige comes out prior to AJ Lee's match and says she has a new best friend in Alicia Fox. Alicia beats AJ when Paige distracts her, which allows Alicia to hit the scissors kick. They gang up on AJ after the match.
Sheamus defeats Damien Sandow with the Brogue Kick. The Miz is on commentary for this match.
Hulk Hogan comes out to promote WWE's partnership with the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. He introduces some breast cancer survivors in the crowd and the crowd does a "Yes!" chant.
Randy Orton and Kane are backstage and talk about how they are sick of cleaning up Rollins' messes. Stephanie comes in and says they are going to do their jobs. She prods them by saying people think they have lost their edge. They question if people are really saying this or if it's just Stephanie, and she says it doesn't really matter.
Dean Ambrose and John Cena defeat Randy Orton and Kane by disqualification when Rollins attacks Ambrose, who had just hit Dirty Deeds on Orton and had gone for a pin. Ambrose cleans house and he and Cena corner him. They take turns attacking Rollins and pulling each other off of him to get their hands on him.
Ambrose grabs the briefcase again but Orton nails him with an RKO. Kane lays out Cena outside the ring and follows that up with a chokeslam on Ambrose. He places Ambrose's head above the briefcase and Rollins Curb Stomps his head onto it. Cena recovers and tries to fight off the three men but gets an RKO for his trouble. Kane chokeslams him and Rollins Curb Stomps him onto the briefcase, too. The heels stand tall as the show goes off the air.
WWE Monday Night RAW Results - Cena And Ambrose Main Event, IC Title Match,