Friday 24 October 2014

Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins Should Main Event at Hell in a Cell

In deciding whether or not the Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins bout will go on last this Sunday, WWE faces a crucial test—and hopefully one it will pass by letting the former Shield members close out the card.
Of course, it’s depressingly easy to foresee a scenario in which the writers fall back into their old, safe routine of pushing the Randy Orton vs. John Cena match as the main event.
But, honestly, that would be a major mistake on Vince McMahon’s part.
For one thing, there’s not that much excitement surrounding Randy Orton vs. John Cena. The company has tried to rustle up some interest in the bout—Triple H announced on Raw that the winner would be the new No. 1 contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship—but the clash simply doesn’t feel that compelling.
The truth is Orton and Cena have faced each other so many times before it’s probably impossible to make the match appealing to fans. It’s possible the best buildup in the world still wouldn’t have saved it.
There’s also the frightening possibility that the fans in the American Airlines Center could turn on the match and bombard it with various loud and embarrassing chants.
This is exactly what happened when Orton and Cena fought at January’s Royal Rumble event. That match marked the first time I have ever personally heard a crowd chant “We want pizza!” in response to in-ring action. It would have been hilarious if it weren’t so sad.
Honestly, the Royal Rumble bout was a total debacle and should have served as concrete proof to WWE that it should no longer book Cenavs. Orton as a singles bout on pay-per-view. Sadly, it didn't.
Come on, it would be a real shame if Hell in a Cell closed out with a match that the crowd had vociferously booed and jeered at.
Ambrose vs. Rollins, meanwhile, is a fun, exciting feud that has been a highlight of WWE programming over the last several months. It has delivered great promos and tremendous in-ring exchanges and has helped establish both men as major stars of the future.
People are eager to see their feud-ending match. There is virtually no chance of the fans getting tired during the match and turning on it.
Besides, forcing Ambrose and Rollins to play second fiddle to the veterans at Hell in a Cell would simply be a counterproductive move.
While they may be center pieces of the company, Orton and Cena are getting older. Both have suffered various injuries over the years, and it remains to be seen how their bodies will hold up in the next couple of years. WWE simply can’t rely on them anymore—and it certainlyshouldn’t be throwing everything it has behind them.
Putting Orton vs. Cena in the main event would be an indication thatWWE isn’t thinking about its future. It would tell people that thebookers are content to live in the past and not terribly bothered about what they are going to do in five or six years when Cena and Orton aren’t around anymore.
Allowing Ambrose and Rollins to main event, however, would show that Vince McMahon and his writers are smartly looking at the bigger picture. It would surely serve to give fans more faith in the company going forward.
It would also help the credibility of both guys. It’s time for WWE to recognize both men as fully fledged main event stars. Certainly they’ve both earned it with their superb work over the past year.
It seems obvious to me that the newer, more dynamic bout should be the one that closes out Hell in a Cell. It simply makes sense on every possible level.
Whether or not the bookers feel the same, however, remains to be seen, but let's hope they do. Because the thought of Orton and Cenahaving another disaster like the one we saw at the Royal Rumble is just too scary a thought.

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Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins Should Main Event at Hell in a Cell
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