Thursday 16 October 2014

Rumor of The Day: Hell in a Cell main event,TNA 'major announcement

Rumors for the Day:

  • Either match could actually go on last but WWE will be promoting both Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins and John Cena vs. Randy Orton equally, treating both like the main event ofHell in a Cell. Everyone was instructed to avoid saying anything on Raw about Orton getting the "loser" of Ambrose vs. Cena, so they're trying to play up both as equally important.
  • Bray Wyatt is expected back on television in a regular role soon and it is believed he will be in the main event picture sooner rather than later.
  • Justin Roberts apparently applied to trademark his name a month ago, leading some to believe he may have been aware his time with WWE was ending when it did.
  • The next NXT Takeover special on the WWE Network will air on Dec. 11 and reportedly feature Adrian Neville vs. Sami Zayn in what should be the big payoff to Zayn's title chase.
  • According to the Observer, Dixie Carter was recently telling some talent to expect a "major announcement" soon. It's almost certain that would be a new television deal, although there are also claims that TNA is negotiating with a free agent who would shock everyone and create a lot of publicity for the company.

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Rumor of The Day: Hell in a Cell main event,TNA 'major announcement
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