Friday 17 October 2014

WWE Live Event Results From Montreal (10/17): Ambrose Teams With Ziggler, Zayn Makes Big Save

R-Truth def The Miz (w/ Mizdow). Damien Sandow was pretty over. After the loss, Sandow berated the fans and called out anyone to challenge them.
* The Great Khali defeated Damien Sandow in a quick squash match.
* NXT Champion Adrian Neville defeated Sami Zayn. Sami Zayn came out to a big response and received thunderous 'OLE' chants. He proceeded to talk about how his first time in the Centre Bell was Survivor Series 1997 in the nosebleeds and that he was back the very same building last night when the Montreal Canadiens defeated the Boston Bruins. That received a huge pop and a great 'GO Habs Go' chant. The match was absolutely fantastic and had an engaged audience on the edge of their seats! Neville was loudly booed throughout but that didn't matter as he retained his championship.
* Natalya (who received a loud ovation) and Naomi defeated Cameron and Layla. The match was given a solid 8-10 minutes and was interesting enough.
* Stardust and Goldust defeated The Usos. The crowd got a bit restless during this time, but it was a solid match.
* Mark Henry defeated Rusev via DQ. Rusev, and particularly, Lana, were well received, as was Mark Henry. A standard match from the two big men, but it didn't fail to get the crowd going.
* Dolph Ziggler and Dean Ambrose defeated Randy Orton and Kane in a Tag Team Street Fight. A solid match that was spurned on by a really hot crowd. Ambrose was red hot and Ziggler played his role perfectly.
After the match, all hell broke lose and some "heels" like Stardust and Goldust came out to help the Authority members beat up the two heroes. The Usos came out to stop them. Followed by Miz and Sandow, and so on, until Sami Zayn came out and the place went absolutely nuts as he helped the babyfaces clear the ring and land his signature high-risk spots. His theme song came on as the crowd Ole'd and sang their way native son home!

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WWE Live Event Results From Montreal (10/17): Ambrose Teams With Ziggler, Zayn Makes Big Save
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