Monday 13 October 2014

WWE Monday Night Raw Results For October 13


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Recap of last week's distension between John Cena and Dean Ambrose
Dean Ambrose comes out to the ring, and he looks as crazy as usual.
Ambrose professes he desire to absolutely annihilate Seth Rollins inside Hell in a Cell.
However, before he can do that, he has to go through John Cena, who has pissed him off lately. He vows to beat John Cena senseless and then go inside the Cell and beat Rollins even more senseless.
After Ambrose's wonderful tirade, John Cena comes out.
Cena panders to the Atlanta crowd before addressing Ambrose and their match at HIAC. Eventually, Cena tells Ambrose to "shut up" and "use your two weeks to get ready for the biggest match of your career at HIAC."
Ambrose sarcastically thanks Cena and fires back, telling Cena that he has wanted to kick his ass for a LONG time.
Cena again attempts to calm Ambrose down, and this leads to Ambrose dropping his mic and preparing for a fight.
At this time, The Authority comes out. After shilling the Network, Steph and Triple H make a triple threat tag match putting Cena and Ambrose against The Usos and The Dust Bros. They also bet that they will tear each other apart before the night is up.
John Cena/Dean Ambrose vs The Dust Bros vs The Usos
This goes like your typical "top face team vs other teams" match. The top faces are controlled for a good portion of this match, but a couple hot tags allow the top faces to assert their dominance
Cena/Ambrose each hit their finishers on a Dust Brother after The Usos, Cena, and Ambrose (respectively) do some crazy diving maneuvers to the outside.
John Cena/Dean Ambrose defeat The Dusts and The Usos
After the match, Triple H comes out, gives Stephanie a dollar, and announces that the no-holds-barred-contract-on-a-pole match is TONIGHT!
AJ Lee/Layla vs Paige/Alicia Fox
Short match that features AJ chasing Paige, Layla abandoning AJ, and AJ giving a Shining Wizard to Alicia for the win.
AJ Lee/Layla defeat Paige/Alicia Fox by pinfall
After the match, AJ chases down and beats up Layla for abandoning her.
Backstage, Steph and Triple H are talking when Randy Orton comes in. He wants to get something straight before he "destroy's Dolph Ziggler." He doesn't want Seth Rollins to get in his spotlight at Hell in a Cell. As a result, he wants a main-event match against the loser of the "...on a Pole" match. Triple H grants his wish.
Promo about Erick Rowan getting helped by Bray Wyatt.
Dolph Ziggler vs Randy Orton
Cesaro is out for commentary during this match. One of the first things he says is that he wants to be Intercontinental Champion.
As for the match, it was straight-up excellent and fully deserving of the "THIS IS AWESOME" chant that it received. It was back-and-forth the whole way, and it even made for some moments where you might have thought that Ziggler could have won (DAT SUPERKICK!). However, Orton picks up the win with a beautiful RKO from a powerbomb's something you really need to see.
Randy Orton defeats Dolph Ziggler by pinfall
After the match, Seth Rollins(who came out mid-match to observe) enters the ring and delivers a huge Curb Stomp to Ziggler. This earns Rollins a semi-disapproving look from Orton.
Jack Swagger vs Seth Rollins
Another pretty good back-and-forth match. Swagger appears close to getting the win until Rollins uses a dirty roll-up to get the pinfall. It should be noted here that Swagger worked fairly stiff during this match, and Rollins nearly fell head-first onto the ring steps.
Seth Rollins defeats Jack Swagger by pinfall
After the match, Randy Orton (who came out mid-match to observe) came in and RKO'd Swagger. This lead to a staredown and verbal exchange between Rollins and Orton until Rollins left the ring. Teasing a face-turn for Orton perhaps?
Renee Young interviews Dean Ambrose. She asks about his upcoming match with John Cena. Ambrose replies that we shouldn't expect "nice-guy Ambrose" tonight. He also promises to send both Seth Rollins and John Cena straight to hell.
Tom Phillips interviews Big Show. He asks about tonight's match with Rusev. Big Show brings up his knocking out of Rusev, and says that he is not unbeatable. He also vows to successfully carry the weight of 318 million Americans on his shoulders.
Rusev vs Big Show
Before the match, Lana does her usual schtick. This time, she bashes Columbus Day and the Atlanta Braves. Rusev also takes the mic and promises to crush Big Show.
Obviously, this is a HOSS FIGHT that is in Big Show's favor until Rusev is able to retake advantage. He stays in control and eventually locks Big Show in The Accolade. However, Big Show is DQ'd when Mark Henry delivers a huge clothesline to Rusev.
Rusev defeats Big Show by DQ
After the match, Mark Henry and Big Show corner Rusev. Rusev tries to fight out, but eats a KO Punch for his troubles. Lana freaks out afterwards.
Renee Young interviews Sheamus about his upcoming match with Miz. He says the only thing worse than one Miz is two Miz's, and they both need a Brogue Kick. He also tries to figure out the correct plural form of "Miz"during this interview.
Sheamus vs The Miz
Honestly, it was hard to pay attention to the match in the ring due to Mizdow completely stealing all of the attention here. Mizdow does such a good job here that he is able to fool Sheamus into losing via count out as Miz crawls under the ring and reenters as the ref counts to ten.
The Miz defeats Sheamus by count-out.
Some segment involving Nene Leakes and most of the Total Divas cast.
Total Divas Team 1 (with NeNe Leakes) vs Total Divas Team 2
Stuff happened, and this match thankfully ended
Total Divas Team 1 defeat Total Divas Team 2 by pinfall
Sheamus/The Usos vs Miz/The Dust Bros announced for SmackDown
Renee Young interviews John Cena. Cena instantly starts pandering to the crowd and doing his usual schtick. Cena/Ambrose is next.
New Bray Wyatt promo promoting a new singles push.
John Cena vs Dean Ambrose (No-Holds-Barred Russo Special)
All of The Authority are ringside for this match.
Cena and Ambrose go back-and-forth until the inevitable shenanigans start. Cena eventually delivers an AA to Kane, but unbeknownst to Cena, Ambrose has his hand on the contract. Ambrose mocks Cena's taunt and pulls the contract off of the chain to win.
Dean Ambrose gets the contract

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WWE Monday Night Raw Results For October 13
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