Sunday 12 October 2014

Tna Bound For Glory 2014 Results

Tanaka gets the upper hand early and tries to shoot Manik to the floor, but he sticks in the ropes and comes back with a clothesline. Manik controls the match, playing the cocky heel, until he runs into a forward roll dropkick. Mike Tenay tells us Manik is the youngest wrestler to debut with New Japan, and his mentor was Tanaka, so there’s your story. Tanaka with a few more dropkicks and a snap suplex, followed by a jumping knee for two. He dropkicks Manik to the floor and comes off the ring post with a moonsault into the barricade. After a minute they roll back into the ring and trade knife-edge chops. Manik with a springboard dropkick and he tries for his double chickenwing gutbuster, gets about half of it, but can’t get the pin. He tries for a double foot stomp, but Tanaka comes back with a flurry of offense. They fight to the top rope and Minoru arm drags Manik all the way to the floor. Lots of “let’s go Manik” chants, which is pretty unexpected. They both look for suplexes and do some counter-wrestling. Manik pulls out about 3 or 4 different signatures/finishers including another gutbuster, but Tanaka keeps kicking out before three. Tanaka hits a superkick and locks in the flying armbreaker (the Minoru Special) for the submission victory. 

-Ethan Carter III is walking backstage and is asked about Rockstar Spud. He says he broke Spud’s heart by firing him, and announces a new associate who will debut on Impact Wrestling this coming Wednesday. He then brings his attention to his opponent tonight, one of the largest athletes in the world. He says he’s bringing the undefeated streak worldwide. 
-Out comes EC3 to a great reaction. He puts over Japan for showing him the respect he deserves, but then goes heel mode and mocks the crowd. He talks really slow, spelling out his name and his undefeated streak so “they can understand”. By the end of the promo the crowd is booing him. He promises to body slam Hama tonight. Good luck. 
Hama backs his opponent into the corner and laughs at his size. Carter shoves him, then gets knocked on his ass. He does the spot where he runs the ropes and tries to knock down Hama, but gets clobbered four times. He tries it again and gets tackled to the outside. Ec3 gets back in the ring and mocks the sumo pose, but gets body dropped head over heels to the mat. Hama stomps on Carter’s chest and suplexed over the ropes. He hits a running splash for two, tries for it again but comes up empty. Ec3 takes advantage of the miss and stomps away at the big man. He slams Hama’s head into the mat several times and motions that he’s going to slam him. He tries for a slam – it looks hilarious – and gets clotheslined. Carter gets splashed in the corner and falls to the mat. Hama builds up a head of steam and hits a running splash for a very close two-count. Hama tries for the Banzai Drop but comes up empty. He hits the Stinkface, shades of Rikishi, but EC3 kicks him in the crotch and gets the 1-Percenter for the win. 
-MVP cuts a backstage promo blasting “sports entertainment” and people who like to “sports entertain” the fans. He puts over Japan as the place where the best professional wrestlers in the world compete, and lists of guys like Great Muta and Mitsuharu Misawa as legends that strike fear into people’s hearts. He says he’s researched Sakamoto and he’s not impressed, and promises to win tonight. 
Once again, MVP gets a far better reaction than Sakamoto. Tenay actually mentions that he was the follower of Lord Tensai in WWE. They lock up and Kazma wins the first trade. They lock up again and this time MVP takes it. Sakamoto rolls to the outside to catch his breath, and MVP surprises everyone by diving between the ropes to take him out. He controls the match for a minute on the outside and the crowd is really into it. When they roll back into the ring Sakamoto takes a cheap shot and goes crazy in the corner, screaming out to boos from the crowd. MVP misses the big boot in the corner and eats a bulldog. Sakamoto does the Ballin’ Elbow but gets caught with a flapjack. MVP starts throwing big right hands and follows up with six lariats in the corner into an exploder suplex. Now he does the Ballin’ Elbow and the crowd eats it up. He hits a nice Fisherman’s Suplex for two, but runs into a superkick after. A running knee connects for a close two-count. Out of nowhere MVP hits a Shining Wizard for the 1-2-3. 
Winner: MVP
-Backstage, Samao Joe talks about the history of the X-Division and putting on some of the greatest matches of all time. He tells Low Ki and Hayashi that he’s Samoa Joe, this is Bound for Glory, and they need to be prepared for disappointment. 
X-Division Championship Match
Kaz leaves the ring and lets the other two slap the hell out of each other. Joe with dropkicks and clotheslines to everyone and the crowd is on fire for him. Huge running kick and a knee drop to Kaz for two. Low Ki baseball slides Joe into the outside barricade, and turns around into a crazy spin kick from Hayashi. Joe tries to suplex him out of the ring, but settles for slapping the crap out of his face. Low Ki with a springboard dropkick for two. Everyone rolls to the floor and there’s chops going everywhere. Joe clotheslines both guys to loud “Joe!” chants. They roll back into the ring and Joe hits a splash, but Low Ki breaks up the pin. Low Ki with several running elbows, but Joe catches him out of the air and powerbombs him, then transitions into the Boston Crab, then transitions into an STF. Kaz gets back in the ring and puts a crossface on Joe and Low Ki at the same time! Kaz breaks the hold and responds with a dozen stiff kicks to Joe, followed by a lariat. He tries to lift the big man, but Low Ki dropkicks them both. Hayashi sets up for the slingshot, but Low Ki catches himself on the ropes and jumps off with a double foot stomp. They both roll to the floor and Joe goes suicide dive to the outside to wreck them both. Loud “TNA!” and “this is awesome” chants – are they actually in Japan!? After a minute they get back to the ring. Kaz tries for a corner splash but runs into the S-T-Joe. He signals for the Muscle Buster, but side-steps a huge kick from Low Ki and Hayashi gets blasted. Ki and Joe trade a few dozen open-hand slaps. Low Ki actually tries to do the Muscle Buster, but Joe counters into the rear naked choke! Low Ki passed out and the ref calls the match. 
-After the match, Joe says a few things in Japanese for the crowd. He talks about having his first match at Korakuen Hall many years ago, and loving the Japanese people. He says TNA and Wrestle-1 are here to bring the world together for the fans. He is Samoa Joe, this is Bound for Glory, and he is professional wrestling. 

 Andy Wu & Hijo Del Pantera vs Kuroshio Ikemen Jiro & Yusuke Kodama
I’m not even going to try and call this one accurately. Jiro and Pantera do a ton of lucha-stylecounter-wrestling. Very choreographed, almost dance style wrestling that the crowd is respectful of. I’m not sure if anyone has actually hurt the other person yet. Kodama tags in and hits a headscissors takedown. Pantera knocks him to the floor and hits a swanton dive over the ropes, racking his foot on the barricade on the way down. Kodama rolls back in the ring and flapjacks Pantera, then takes in Jiro who starts stomping away on him. He hits a standing corkscrew moonsault for two, then tags in Kodama, who comes in with a springboard splash for two. He hits a tilt-the-whirl backbreaker and the heels (?) continue the double team beatdown for a few minutes. Pantera with a step-up kick to get a window, and he tags in Andy Wu who comes off the top rope with a flying crossbody. Several dropkicks later and he picks up a two-count. Nice head stand headscissors takedown and now Pantera tags back in. They hit a double 619 spot, followed by a flurry of double team dropkicks and splashes. Wu springboards over the ropes and takes down Jiro on the floor. Pantera with a slam on Kodama and he goes up top, tries for the 450 but lands on his feet; runs into a huge lariat. Andy Wu is back on his feet and he gets a swanton off the top rope to the floor on Jiro. Kodama finishes off Panteera with a corkscrew splash for the win. 
Winners: JIRO & KODAMA

-They run footage of the Team 3D Hall of Fame induction last night in Japan. Tommy Dreamer inducted them and had a speech before hand. Devon thanked the guys in TNA for giving them a chance to have yet another run. Bully thanks everyone, including his best friend Tommy Dreamer, the wrestling fans, the locker room and the TNA staff, plus Muta forhosting them and a bunch of others. 
Hardcore Match
Dreamer is dressed like Terry Funk tonight. Team 3D comes out through the crowd with weapons in hand. We get official ring introductions, and the crowd is 100% in favor of thenew Hall of Famers, but obviously respectful and appreciative of the others also. Loud “we want tables” chant immediately. Before the bell rings, Bully says something in Japanese and shakes Tommy’s hand, but Abyss blows him off. 
Dreamer locks up with Devon and they do some countering with Devon taking the advantage. Abyss tags himself in and the crowd boo’s him. He wants Bully Ray so Devon tags him in and the two big guys come face-to-face. They trade right hands and Bully comes out on top and suplexes the Monster. Abyss comes back with a side slam and a chokeslam, but they’re no-selling and we’re back to base. Devon tags in and Abyss smashes them together. They double clothesline him to the floor and Dreamer comes in to take a double suplex from Team 3D. They set up Dreamer for the Wazzup and nail it. A tiny table gets brought into the ring but Abyss comes back and takes them both down. Loud “E-C-Dub” chants. Everyone brawls to the floor and Abyss smashes Bully with the ring bell. Dreamer sprays water on Devon and they chase each other through the crowd. Bully hits him with a few chairs then puts the ring bell on his nuts, and brings the hammer down. The toys come out, as Bully throws traffic cones, chairs, signs, trash cans and more into the ring. Bully and Dreamer battle with kendo sticks as Devon and Abyss battle with chairs. Abyss hits a chokeslam on his opponent while Dreamer hits a DDT for a two-count. Dreamer gets thrown into a trash can, and Bully walks into the Black Hole Slam for two. Devon comes at him with a chair but gets punched. Abyss lines up for a splash with a chair, but gets crotched with it. Devon hits him with a spinebuster for two. He tries to put the Monster through a table, but Dreamer comes back and makes the save. Bully is back and Team 3D powerbombs him off the top rope, through the table. Abyss brings a bag of thumbtacks into the ring and dumps them everywhere. He tries to chokeslam both of them through it, but they reverse into the 3D into the tacks. Dreamer recovers and gets hit with the 3D for the 1-2-3. 
Winners: TEAM 3D
-Bully Ray grabs a microphone after the match and thanks the fans for 20+ years of love and support. He says that Japan is their favorite place to wrestle on the planet, and Devon ends it with an “oh my brother, testify!” There’s no mention of the Bullet Club, and they’ve edited out the bit with their shirt that we had in our spoiler coverage. 

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Velvet takes the fight to the champ with tons of kicks and forearm shots. She comes off the ropes with a double ax handle, then does it twice. She hits it a third time, then a fourth time, but gets caught in a splash attempt and hit with a backbreaker. Velvet is super over; lots of heat for Havok. The champ slams Velvet into the corner several times while Taz rambles about tempura for some reason. Havok stretches her across the knee for a few minutes to slow things down, breaking it a few times to get a backbreaker in. She goes into a bear hug and Velvet responds with several elbow shots. Havok grabs her by the hair and drags her around the ring, yelling at the referee. She motions for…something…and just keeps bullying Sky around the ring. Havok locks in another bear hug and gets the submission win. 
Winner: HAVOK 
We get official ring introductions and a full-on heel promo from James Storm that lasts about 10 minutes. Muta and Sanada, both in face paint, lock up to start the match, and neither gets an advantage. They lock up again and Muta takes the upper hand. Sanada with an arm drag that gets countered into a headscissors takedown, but his protege kips up and they staredown. Tajiri and James Storm tag in and we get a “let’s go Cowboy” chant; there’s no way this is Japan… Tajiri grabs Storm’s beard but gets caught with a shoulder tackle. Tajiri rolls under the ring and Sanada follows him. They stay under there for a good 30 seconds, and when they come out Sanada is choking him out with a towel. The heels now work over the Japanese Buzzsaw for several minutes, alternating in and out. Every time he gets close to tagging out, Storm gets in the match and interferes. The referee is all kinds of distracted, and Sanada has some sort of spike or pipe that he’s using to cheat. After a few minutes Tajiri gets his rebound elbow and makes the hot tag to Muta. Muta works over Sanada with a few dragon screws and they roll to the floor, bouncing off barricades. Muta chokes him out with a cable until the referee makes him stop. He hits a corkscrew elbow drop for two, but in comes James Storm with Closing Time. Sanada hits the Muta Moonsault, but Tajiri breaks it up. Storm gets him up for Eye of the Storm, but Tajiri counters and dumps him all the way to the floor. Superkick from Tajiri on Sanda, laying him out. He tries for his Buzzsaw Kick, misses, tries for the green mist, but Sanada dodges. Sanada comes off the second rope and gets red/green misted from both Tajiri and Muta. He gets caught with a superkick and Muta picks up the 1-2-3. 
-After the match, James STorm comes back and attacks the babyfaces. He calls to the back and out comes Manik. They beat down Great Muta 3-on-1 and Storm chokes him out with a bullrope. Team 3D come down and clean house. Muta gets the green mist on Storm, who turns around into the 3D. Great Muta leaves and walks to the back as Team 3D celebrates in the ring to end the show. 

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