Friday 24 October 2014

WWE Smack Down Complete Results For 25 October 2014 , Title Match

After the intro, Dean Ambrose emerges to a huge reception and WWE re-racks the meeting between Ambrose, Rollins and Foley on Raw. Dean takes to the mic and tells the live crowd that he's survived everything that Rollins and The Authority have thrown at him. He calls out Seth and Rollins appears on the tron and says he's not taking the bait. Rollins says The Shield was all about him and he says that he's going to beat Ambrose at Hell in a Cell and cash in his briefcase when he's ready. Ambrose says Rollins won't be able to talk his way out of anything on Sunday and that he'll do Seth in even if it means that'll be his last match.
The announce team tells us Ziggler will defend the IC title against Cesaro tonight and they'll revisit the Rusev debacle from Raw later tonight as well. Commercial sign.
Fresh from the break, we're ready for in-ring action.
Los Matadores vs. The Miz and Damien Mizdow
Mizdow starts out with Diego. Diego gets the jump first but Damien slows him with a shot and tags in Miz. Miz grabs Diego as he's over the rope and hits his chest with a series of forearms to taunt Sheamus who is at ringside. Miz works him back and forth across the ring but Diego eventually manages to get Fernando into the fray. He gets a near fall on Miz but Mizdow breaks it up and sends Diego outside. Miz puts the figure four on Diego and Mizdow applies the same hold to Fernando out on the floor. Diego taps and the bell rings.
The Miz and Damien Mizdow defeat Los Matadores by submission
Fresh from the break, we're ready for in-ring action.
Los Matadores vs. The Miz and Damien Mizdow
Mizdow starts out with Diego. Diego gets the jump first but Damien slows him with a shot and tags in Miz. Miz grabs Diego as he's over the rope and hits his chest with a series of forearms to taunt Sheamus who is at ringside. Miz works him back and forth across the ring but Diego eventually manages to get Fernando into the fray. He gets a near fall on Miz but Mizdow breaks it up and sends Diego outside. Miz puts the figure four on Diego and Mizdow applies the same hold to Fernando out on the floor. Diego taps and the bell rings.
The Miz and Damien Mizdow defeat Los Matadores by submission

Post-match, Sheamus has words for Miz and his buddy and they pose and taunt him from the ring. When Sheamus approaches the ring, the other guys run away.
Silliness follows from the Dust Brothers and Bo Dallas and we go to break again.
Post-match, Sheamus has words for Miz and his buddy and they pose and taunt him from the ring. When Sheamus approaches the ring, the other guys run away.
Silliness follows from the Dust Brothers and Bo Dallas and we go to break again.
Divas action follows the break. Fox is in the ring and Paige is at ringside.
AJ Lee vs. Alicia Fox
The ladies lock up after the bell and Paige works Fox into an arm bar. Fox breaks it with a forearm but AJ gets her back with a move of the ropes. Alicia puts her down on the mat but AJ gets up and looks like she's trying for some kind of submission. Alicia eventually shakes her off and after some grappling on the mat, Fox lands a nice body slam on the champ. Paige shouts instructions from the floor as Fox picks her up again. After some back and forth, Paige hops up on the apron to get involved. Paige shoves Fox into her and then gets a roll up pinfall.

Result: AJ Lee defeats Alicia Fox via pinfall.
Back on the show, we revisit the Big Show/Rusev shenanigans from Monday Night Raw. Show tells Cole that he's very passionate a few times and says he'll fix Rusev good at Hell in a Cell. Seriously, the word "passion" is used something like 4 times in 2 minutes. We see a clip of Hogan getting folks pumped up for Big Show and then WWE cuts back to the interview. Cole asks if Show can keep his emotions in check for his match and Show says he has to let all of the rage out and that he will knock Rusev's ass out and pin him. Curtain.
Intercontinental Championship match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Cesaro
Dolph Ziggler makes his way out to the ring as we head to commercial.
When we get back, Cesaro is in control of the match. He slaps a sleeper on Ziggler but the champ fights back so Cesaro pulls him to the mat with a handful of tights. They get back up, Dolph hits the ropes and gets put in another sleeper. Ziggler breaks free again and applies his own sleeper but it doesn't last. Cesaro fights back but Dolph delivers a neckbreaker and covers for a near fall. They trade shots again and in one really nice spot, Ziggler pins around like a top on Cesaro's shoulders and puts him in a sleeper again. It doesn't take, though and they guys stay at it. Cesaro tries to set up the Big Swing and Ziggler rolls him up for a near fall. Back on their feet, Cesaro misses with an upper cut, Ziggler looks like he lands a modified Zig Zag and gets the pinfall win. Really good match.
Result: Dolph Ziggler defeats Cesaro via pinfall.

After some commercials, it's time for a Divas tag match…
Brie Bella, Naomi & Natalya vs. Nikki Bella, Cameron & Summer Rae
Brie and Cameron start it off. Cameron ends up laying Brie out with a clothesline and her team celebrates with some "Yes!" chants. Summer tags in and continues the drubbing. Brie ends up in the corner and cleans house briefly but Summer regains control. Both women end up on the canvas after some slugging but Cameron sneaks over and stops Naomi from making the tag. Naomi makes it into the fray and totally works over Brie. She covers and gets the three count.
Result: Nikki Bella, Cameron and Summer Rae defeat Brie Bella, Naomi and Natalya via pinfall.
After the match, Nikki gets the mic and says that she's going to turn Brie into her "CinderBella" after Sunday's match. Yowza.
An impressive "Hell in a Cell by the Numbers" package follows and we get another pause for some important messages.
After the commercial, they do a #Raw Rebound and look at Seth's double-cross of Orton. Then the Usos hit the ramp.
Mark Henry and The Usos and vs. Bo Dallas, Goldust and Stardust
Henry charges Dallas after the bell. Bo slips outside and Stardust comes in. Henry tags in Jey who puts Stardust down. Jimmy tags in but Stardust regains control. Usos get back on top with a double team and Henry steps into the ring to block interference from the others.
Goldust is in the ring and on top of things after a commercial break. His opponent fires back and finally puts Goldie down with an enzugiri. Then he tags in Henry who dumps Goldust. Stardust comes in and get's drilled in the jaw by one of the Usos. The Dust Brothers end up outside and the Usos hit them with a dive. Henry gets Bo in his clutches but Bo escapes so Mark delivers the World's Strongest Slam to Stardust. Bo sneaks up and hits a running Bo-dog on Henry and covers for the win.
Bo Dallas, Goldust and Stardust defeat Mark Henry and The Usos via pinfall.
Backstage, Cesaro confronts Ziggler and they agree to a 2 out of 3 falls contest for the IC title on Sunday.
For the final segment, Seth comes out and then WWE rolls a recap of Ambrose's mannequin segment from Raw. He has a mic and a table of stuff ready for his promo. He goes through the stuff that he brought with him—including handcuffs, a screwdriver and a lead pipe—and says he might use them all against Ambrose on Sunday. He calls out Ambrose and Dean doesn't show. JBL comments that Seth just threw down a "punk card." Hmm. They roll the post-main event footage from Monday Night Raw and after it wraps, Ambrose sneaks in and hits Rollins with a kendo stick. Mercury and Noble break it up so that Seth can retreat and Ambrose proceeds to decimate the Authority's stooges. Noble and Mercury both get put through tables in a very fun segment. The crowd chants "Thank you Ambrose!" as Seth seethes at Dean from the safety of the ramp.

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WWE Smack Down Complete Results For 25 October 2014 , Title Match
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