Saturday 29 November 2014

Rumors of The Day: Triple H Hyper On CM Punk , Break The Walls Down

Triple H is apparently "furious" with CM Punk after hearing his comments, according to Figure Four Daily. While Ryback was called out the worst, and he's pissed too, Punk recounted in detail dressing Triple H down in that final meeting before he walked out, literally telling him "I don't need to work with you at WrestleMania, you need to work with me." You can imagine how that would go over in private. Now that it's publicly available, Triple H is, as stated, furious.
  • As for Colt Cabana, he's apparently been blacklisted by WWE for his part in all this.
  • Bryan Alvarez reported that the locker room reaction to Punk's interview was mostly positive, even from those who don't like the man himself and were glad when he left, because he spoke on a lot of issues many others simply cannot.
  • Chris Jericho is being advertised for Royal Rumble weekend events and it's led to further speculation that he'll be in the Royal Rumble match.
  • According to PW Insider, Hell in a Cell this year did 76,000 buys on pay-per-view.

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Rumors of The Day: Triple H Hyper On CM Punk , Break The Walls Down
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