Friday 5 December 2014

Dixie Carter Responds To Vince McMahon Saying TNA Is Not Competition To WWE

dixie carterVince McMahon has claimed countless times that TNA Wrestling is not competition to the WWE brand. However, don’t tell that to TNA President Dixie Carter. She feels that Vince’s claims of TNA not being competition to WWE is ridiculous. .
Regarding Vince’s claims of TNA not being competition, Dixie had this to say.
“Well, I think it’s ridiculous to say that we’re not competition. If we weren’t competition they wouldn’t try to stop our growth at every turn. We’re both wrestling companies and so competing for the same networks internationally and the same ticket sales globally and therefore you are competitors but all we can do is focus on what we do best. My big focus for 2015 is to further distinguish our product from anybody else’s out there. What can we do better and what have we been doing great that we can take to another level. We’re going to be announcing in the coming weeks some realty exciting changes to our show and that’s a big part – trying to make our brand much more distinctive than not just WWE but other wrestling companies around the world.”
To many, Dixie if off base with her comments. TNA has failed to do well in ratings with Spike TV, which led to the network cutting ties with TNA this year. TNA is now signed with Discovery Communications property Destination America. The network is on less cable and satellite packages with no Canadian affiliate. So TNA has lost a lot in their move to the cable channel. However, it is a network nonetheless, which is backed by one of the better television companies in the world today.
What is interesting is that Dixie also has a point. If TNA was not competition, why would WWE add them to the no-compete clauses of their talent when they are released? CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio both confirmed TNA was part of their no-compete. Both were able to get the no-compete clause thrown out in settlements. However, it is interesting that a company not considered competition is blocked by the company who claims such.
Dixie also claims she spoke with Shane McMahon, a story that drew a lot of interest. She was asked if any jokes were pulled on her by talent, she responded with an interesting story.
“I don’t think the talent have really ever done anything to me. I had somebody call me once and leave a message to call back Shane McMahon. So I returned his call but he had never called me. We had a conversation and he’s a lovely guy. But don’t give the roster any ideas!”
It is interesting that, if Shane never called, he would still take the time to talk with Carter. Shane is out of the wrestling business, and is involved with his own company. However, Shane is not beyond making deals. He once spoke with Paul Heyman about potentially buying ECW. There was at least a buy-in that was rumored. Heyman confirmed those rumors since then on his DVD and interviews. Could Shane have simply given business advice to Dixie? Maybe. Of course, Dixie says to not get any ideas from it. However, why would she say such a thing if she didn’t want rumblings to start?

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Dixie Carter Responds To Vince McMahon Saying TNA Is Not Competition To WWE
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