Saturday 6 December 2014

Dean Ambrose transported to local medical center after Bray Wyatt attack

Dean ambrose vs Bray wyattWyatt attacked The Lunatic Fringe, violently slamming his neck on top of a steel chair. As a result, the unstable Superstar needed to be taken off on a stretcher. WWE physician Dr. Chris Amann updated on Ambrose's condition. "As you saw on SmackDown, Bray Wyatt struck Dean Ambrose in the neck with a chair, and as a result of that, he had sustained brunt and crushing trauma to the front part of his neck," Dr. Amann told "There are many vital structures there including the windpipe and the trachea. Our initial diagnosis was a crushed trachea with inflammation or a tracheal contusion."

After being diagnosed, Ambrose was taken to a local medical facility, where he will be observed and examined further. "We monitored his oxygen levels and gave him oxygen, transported him to a local medical facility where he will be monitored to make sure that the swelling doesn't compromise his breathing, and we will have updates as they are available," Dr. Amann revealed.

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Dean Ambrose transported to local medical center after Bray Wyatt attack
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