Wednesday 17 December 2014

WWE Main Event Results For 16 Dec Kane vs. Erick Rowan, The New Day in Action

WWE Main Event 
The Miz and Mizdow are out to the start the show. They welcome Naomi to Miz TV for the first time, and she makes her way down rocking a top with a ‘V’ that goes all the way down. She tells him he sees through all the phony crap and the two of them will never be friends. Miz says he got her a Divas Championship match on Smackdown Live tonight, but understands if she needs to ask her husband for permission first. The Usos run down and Jimmy tells Miz to stay the hell away from his wife. 

Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods vs. Cesaro & Tyson Kidd
Kofi starts things off out-maneuvering Cesaro. Tyson tags in and he gets caught by quick tags from the babyfaces. Kidd takes down Woods with a shoulder block, but ends up getting caught with a dropkick. Kofi off the top rope with a crossbody for two. He tries for Trouble in Paradise, but settles for dumping him to the floor. They fly over the ropes in stereo to take both the heels down. Cesaro ends up attacking Woods on the apron to stop a tag from taking place, and  Kidd takes advantage to hit a neckbreaker on Kofi. 
 The heels are in control after a commercial break. They tie up Kingston in the tree of woe and beat him down with alternating tags. Cesaro cuts off a hot tag with a deadlift overhead throw; scary strength. He breaks up another tag with a series of uppercuts and sets up for the Swing, capped off by a baseball slide from Kidd for good measure. Kofi comes back with a kick through the ropes and finally makes the big tag to Woods. Xavier with three dropkicks to Tyson and a step-up enzuigiri to Cesaro on the apron. They do a series of near-falls that ends with Woods dead-lifting him into a double leg gutbuster. Kofi tags in and Woods hits Kidd with a backbreaker, followed by a massive double foot stomp from Kingston off the top rope. 1-2-3. 
Winners: The New Day
Roman Reigns is being hyped for the top of the hour, and will be kicking off Super Smackdown Live. 
-Paige is playing chess backstage with Erick Rowan. Titus O’Neil walks up and tells her to stop wasting her time. He makes fun of Rowan for being stupid, but doesn’t know how to play chess and storms off. 
Emma vs. Paige
Emma does her dance move and shoves Paige, which pisses her off. Paige kicks the hell out of her and screams “this is my house” before choking her in the ropes. She locks in a back submission but ends up just throwing her opponent into the mat instead. Paige starts throwing elbows and kicks in the corner, then slaps her in the ass for fun. Emma with a roll-up out of nowhere for two, and Paige clotheslines her and stomps a mudhole in the corner. Emma comes back with a facebuster and a few clotheslines and locks in the Dil-Emma and follows up with a kick to the side of the head. Paige ends up getting the submission win with the PTO. 

Kane vs. Erick Rowan
Very slow match from the start. Rowan controls for a few minutes before Kane catches him from the DDT. Kane takes control for several minutes, as Titus O’Neil comes out to do commentary. Rowan comes back with powerslams and big elbow shots, but Kane drops him over the top rope. They fight up to the top turnbuckle and Captain Corporate comes down with his signature clothesline. He sets up for the chokeslam but Rowan fights back and hits a massive spin kick. They fight to the announce table and drinks end up spraying all over Titus’ suit, and he freaks out. Kane ends up hitting the chokeslam for the win. 
Winner: Kane
-Titus continues to freak out about his suit being ruined and trades cheap shots with Michael Cole. He storms off as Rowan is left laying the ring, which is sort of a weird way to end that segment. They hype Super Smackdown Live and that’s the end of our show

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WWE Main Event Results For 16 Dec Kane vs. Erick Rowan, The New Day in Action
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