Wednesday 24 December 2014

WWE Main Event Results for 23 December 2014 Luke Harper vs. Jack Swagger,

Happy holidays from globelwrestling!

A very one-sided match from the start, with Cesaro bullying one of them and occasionally tagging in Tyson. Kidd lands a few stiff kicks to the gut and the beatdown continues. Cesaro maintains control for several minutes until he gets hit coming off the top rope with a dropkick. The other Matadores tags in and does a few high flying spots but it doesn’t last long. Cesaro throws him into an enzuigiri from Tyson, and they set up an amazing finishing move – set up like a front-facing Doomsday Device where Tyson springboards off the ropes and hits a neckbreaker. 

-Big E does a fired up backstage preacher promo.  Stardust cuts off Xavier Woods and says something about accepting their place in the universe. “New Day, same hypocrisy”. We’ll get Big E vs. Goldust later on tonight. 
Layla and Divas Champion Nikki Bella are ringside for their friends/partners/siblings/slaves. The two keep locking up in corners and the ref has to keep splitting them apart. Brie hits a dropkick after a minute of awkward locking up. Summer rolls into the ropes to escape and does the drop-down spot with the ropes. She follows up with a spin kick, and locks in a variation of the Cobra Clutch. Brie comes back with a few clotheslines and knee lifts. She climbs the ropes and does her screaming “Brie Mode” thing – everyone cower in fear – and picks up the win with a missile dropkick. 

Well, I guess Stardust is actually the one in action, even though they definitely said Goldust at the start of this show. Big E can’t get anything going for a few minutes, as Stardust out-maneuvers him and keeps the bigger man off his feet. He goes to the rest hold to slow things down for awhile. Eventually E breaks the hold and starts running through Cody with shoulder tackles. He connects with a belly-to-belly throw and the running splash. E teases the Big Ending but Goldust gets on the apron to distract him. There’s a scuffle between all five guys that ends with Goldust hitting the ropes while Star is trying to do the Disaster Kick, so he loses balance. Big Ending for the win. 
Winner: BIG E

The match is already underway after a short ad break. Harper is in total control and stays that way for several minutes. Swagger comes back with a belly-to-belly slam and a massive splash in the corner. He tries for the Swagger Bomb but runs into the boots, because that’s how the Bomb works. After yet another break, Harper is back in control and beats down Jack for another five minutes. A lot of power moves from the heel, as the commentary team (JBL and Cole) drone on about Adam Rose and the Bunny the entire time. 
Swagger comes back with a suplex and a splash for two. Harper with a big uppercut and a roll-up for two. He goes for a powerbomb that Swagger “counters” and Harper “counters” again into a pin, but it was very slow and looked incredibly obvious. Jack tries for the Patriot Lock but is forced to break the hold in the ropes. Again he tries and fails for the Swagger Bomb, this time getting rocked with a lariat. Jack hits a huge German suplex and finally hits the Swagger Bomb for a two-count. Again he applies the Patriot Lock, drags him back to the middle of the ring, but eventually has to break it. Harper rolls to the floor and Swagger throws him back in the ring, only to get caught with a crushing lariat for the win. 


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WWE Main Event Results for 23 December 2014 Luke Harper vs. Jack Swagger,
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