Monday 15 December 2014

WWE Monday Night Raw Result, The Champ is Here , Cena vs Rollins Steel Cage , Raw is Jericho

Tonight's WWE RAW opens up from The Joe in Detroit, Michigan as guest General Manager Chris Jericho makes his way out to the ring. Michael Cole welcomes us to WWE Week on USA Network. He's joined by JBL and Jerry Lawler.

Jericho gets a pop from Detroit and says he's making the show about the fans tonight. Jericho talks about winning a Slammy Award for Extreme Moment of the Year last week. Jericho disses Fandangoo for accepting his Slammy. Jericho demands that Fandango... Jericho picks on Fandango's name and is interrupted by Paul Heyman. Heyman introduces himself and walks to the ring. Heyman cuts a promo and says if anyone should get a Slammy that has anything to do with the word Extreme, it should be the Father of Extreme.... Jericho cuts Heyman off and calls him a walrus. Jericho says Heyman still owes him $200 from the ECW days. Jericho jokes with Heyman and approaches him. Heyman says he's not a fighter, he's an advocate. Heyman says he's here to advocate his own position because later tonight, Heyman wants to address the situation with Seth Rollins, with Jericho's permission. Heyman talks about how Rollins failed to stop John Cena at TLC. The music hits and out comes Rollins with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble.

Rollins hits the ring and gets in Heyman's face. Rollins asks if Heyman had something to say to him. Heyman says Rollins is crowding him. Heyman says he's not a fighter, he's not a sports entertainer, he's anadvocate. Rollins bullies Heyman some more. Heyman takes another step back and Rollins laughs. Rollins talks about how he defeated Cena last night at TLC but got his victory stolen. Rollins brings up Sting and his name gets a pop. Rollins says Cena needs help to beat him because Rollins is that good. Rollins says Cena is a coward. Rollins challenges Cena to a rematch but says it won't be tonight. Rollins says when he's ready, he wants to face Cena one-on-one. Cena's music hits and out he comes to a pop.

Cena tells Rollins just because he comes out with a mic doesn't mean he has testicles in his pants. Cena says Rollins put up a hell of a fight but he lost. Cena says Rollins is out here whining and making excuses so he still hasn't learned how to be a man. Cena turns to Heyman and says the match with Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble will be a fight. Cena says he still wants a fight tonight and turns his attention back to Rollins and asks about the rematch. Cena says he needs someone with power to make the rematch happen and gets a pop for Jericho. Cena welcomes Jericho back to RAW. Jericho makes the rematch for tonight but it will be inside a steel cage. Cena is all for it but Rollins isn't happy. Cena heads up the ramp as Rollins yells at him from the ring. Rollins has words with Jericho and calls him the worst General Manager of all-time. Rollins says Jericho is jealous of him. Rollins says Jericho is nothing compared to him. Rollins says Jericho couldn't beat the janitor, the popcorn guy or Heyman. Heyman laughs at this. Jericho stops Rollins and says he thinks he can beat Heyman. Heyman agrees that Jericho can beat him and wants to change the subject. Jericho announces Rollins vs. Cena in a cage and Heyman vs. Jericho. Jericho tells fans to go to the WWE App and vote on the stipulation for his match. Jericho says Heyman will never, ever be the same after their match. Jericho drops the mic and heads up the ramp as Rollins and Heyman argue in the ring. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get the stipulations for Heyman vs. Jericho - Street Fight, No Holds Barred or Extreme Rules. Voting is open on the WWE App.

Luke Harper and Big Show vs. Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler

We go to the ring and Big Show waits with Luke Harper as Erick Rowan finishes his entrance. New WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler is out next to a big pop.

Show starts off with Ziggler. Ziggler fights out of the corner and knocks Harper off the apron. Show catches Ziggler in mid-air and slams him on his front. Show works Ziggler around and runs over him with a shoulder. They go to the floor and Show sends Ziggler flying into the barrier. Ziggler barely makes it back in the ring in time. Show picks Ziggler up by his head as we go to commercial.

We come back and Harper is working Ziggler over in the ring. Show tags in and drops the big elbow on Ziggler for a 2 count. Show keeps Ziggler grounded now. Harper comes back in and drops Ziggler for another pin attempt. Ziggler finally turns it around as Harper runs into the ring post. Rowan tags in and drops Harper with clotheslines. Rowan with a splash in the corner and a big Full Nelson slam. Rowan hits Show on the apron but he stays up. Harper drops Rowan with a shot to the jaw. Show tags in and misses a clothesline. Rowan drops Show with a kick. Harper kicks Rowan. Ziggler takes Harper out and they tumble over the announce table. Rowan turns around to a knockout punch from Show in the ring. Show covers for the win.

Winners: Big Show and Luke Harper

- Trainers apparently come out to check on Ziggler. Cole asks if Ziggler is ok as we go backstage to Fandango and Rosa Mendes. Chris Jericho walks up. Fandango says Jericho will have to take his Slammy if he wants it. Jericho tells Fandango to shut the hell up. Jericho says when he's done with Heyman, he's coming to dance on Fandango's face and take his Slammy. Jericho walks off and we go to commercial.

- We come back and get a look at Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose at TLC. They will both be on the live SmackDown.

- Renee Young is backstage with The New Day. Kofi starts rhyming and they get hype.

The Bella Twins vs. Alicia Fox and Natalya

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella with sister Brie Bella. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Nikki decks Natalya on the apron before even going at it with Alicia. Nikki fights Alicia and drops her for an early pin attempt. Brie tags in and they double team Alicia. Brie with a 2 count. We see Tyson Kidd at ringside. Brie takes Alicia down off the ropes for another pin attempt. Brie keeps Alicia grounded now. Natalya tries to get fans to chant for Alicia.

Natalya gets the tag and unloads. She ends up getting the win by making Brie tap to the Sharpshooter after Nikki went off the apron.

Winners: Alicia Fox and Natalya

- After the match, we see Kidd checking on Nikki at ringside. Natalya sees this and Kidd runs in to hug her, joining in on the celebration. 

- Voting is open for the Jericho vs. Heyman stipulation. The Highlight Reel is up next. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Chris Jericho is out for The Highlight Reel. He introduces Lana and WWE United States Champion Rusev. Lana reminds us that Rusev stayed undefeated by defeating the stupid American Jack Swagger again at TLC. They talk and Jericho asks both of them why they're so mad all the time. Jericho wonders if there's something between Lana and Rusev. He sings "Lana and Rusev sitting in a tree..." and asks if they're more than Putin's butt puppets. Jericho calls them the US Champ and the Communist Tramp. He tells them to let their freak flags fly. Jericho and Lana yell "shut up!" back and forth at each other. Fans chant for Jericho.

Rusev calls Jericho a little man and says he talks too much. Rusev says maybe he will crush Jericho right now. Jericho says he knows there's someone in the back that wants to fight Rusev right now. The music hits and out comes Ryback to a pop. Fans chant "feed me more" as Ryback stares down Rusev in the middle of the ring. They talk trash to each other. Lana and Rusev back out of the ring as fans boo. Rusev raises the title up on the apron and runs his mouth some more. Fans chant "USA" as Ryback stares Rusev down while Rusev is making his exit. 

- Voting is still open on the WWE App for the Jericho vs. Heyman stipulation. We see the steel cage hanging above the ring for Cena vs. Rollins later on tonight. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a vignette for The Ascension.

The New Day vs. Stardust and Goldust

We go to the stage and out comes Xavier Woods, Big E and Kofi Kingston. Goldust and Stardust are out next. It will be Woods and Big E representing The New Day in this match. Kofi sit down for commentary. Goldust and Woods start off.

Back and forth before taking a commercial break. They come back and Stardust and Goldust keep control for the most part. There was a CM Punk chant at one point. Fans then chanted for NXT. The end came when Xavier and Big E hit the Midnight Hour on Goldust for the win.

Winners: Big E and Xavier Woods

- Still to come, Rollins vs. Cena in a cage. Back to commercial.

- Renee Young is backstage with The Miz and Damien Sandow. Miz cuts a promo on Jimmy Uso and says he's quickly spoiling any chance Naomi has to make something of herself. Miz says the credits will roll tonight on the story of Jimmy Uso.

- We see Adam Rose and the Rosebuds backstage. Rose says they're going to have a huge after party following his match tonight. Kane walks up. He doesn't like Rose or his freaky friends. Rose tells him not to be a lemon... The Bunny gets in between them. Kane informs Rose he has a match right now, against Kane. Back to commercial.

Kane vs. Adam Rose

Back from the break and out comes Adam Rose with the Rosebuds. Kane is out next.

Kane ends up getting the win after a double chokeslam on Rose and The Bunny.

Winner: Kane

- After the match, Kane comes back and hits a Tombstone on The Bunny.

- We get a look back at Heyman and Jericho from earlier. Back to commercial.

Paul Heyman vs. Chris Jericho

We come back and Chris Jericho makes his way out. Paul Heyman is out next. He doesn't find this amusing. Heyman understands the beating Jericho is about to give him is anything but PG. Heyman wants to give Jericho the $200 he owes him and Jericho give Heyman a pass. Heyman pulls out his checkbook. Jericho smacks it away and kicks it out of the ring. Jericho doesn't want $200, he wants to go to the WWE App and see what kind of match fans picked... and it will be a Street Fight. Heyman says he doesn't understand why Jericho thinks it's fair to get into a fight with.... Brock Lesnar! The music hits and out comes the WWE World Heavyweight Champion to a big pop and no belt.

Lesnar circles the ring and checks with Heyman as Jericho looks on from the ring. Lesnar enters the ring and comes face to face with Jericho. Lesnar smirks at Jericho. Jericho strikes with forearms. Lesnar pushes him off. Jericho goes for a Codebreaker but Lesnar takes it and nails a F5. Heyman comes into the ring now. Fans chant for John Cena and Lesnar laughs. Lesnar's music hits and he leaves with Heyman as Jericho tries to recover. We come back from replays with a referee checking on Jericho.

- We go back to the ring and Rosa Mendes dances as Fandango makes his entrance. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Fandango is in the ring with Chris Jericho's Slammy Award. Fandango cuts a promo and taunts Jericho. The music hits to a big pop and out comes Roman Reigns through the crowd. Fandango goes to speak but Reigns decks him in the mouth. Reigns nails a spear to a big pop. Fans chant for Reigns and he goes to speak but Big Show's music hits and out he comes.

Reigns warns Show that he will punch him in the mouth if he comes to the ring. Show calls Reigns a pretty boy. Show says he's about to put Reigns back on the injured list. Show gets on the apron and Reigns nails a big Superman punch. Show throws a fit at ringside and tosses the steel steps. Reigns' music hits as he poses for the crowd.

- Still to come, Cena vs. Rollins in a cage. Back to commercial.

The Miz vs. Jimmy Uso

Back from the break and out come WWE Tag Team Champions The Miz and Damien Sandow. The Usos are out next to a pop. Jimmy hits the ring and goes for Miz but the referee gets in between them.

The bell rings and Jimmy charges but Miz goes to the floor. Fans chant for Sandow already. Miz goes back in but retreats once again. Miz continues to stall. Jimmy chases him back in and ducks a clothesline. Jimmy with a scoop slam. We see Naomi watching backstage as Uso works Miz over. Uso with another scoop slam and some chops in the corner. Jimmy beats Miz down in the corner now. Uso runs into an elbow but tackles Miz with right hands. Miz rolls out of the floor after another big chop. Uso comes after him but Miz nails a boot to the face on the apron. Sandow gets in the way and Miz pushes him to boos. Miz rams Uso into the apron and brings him back in for a 2 count. Miz with a headlock now.

Fans chant for Sandow, who is putting on quite the performance at ringside. Miz slides out of a Samoan Drop and hits the neckbreaker combo for a 2 count. Uso makes a comeback and leaps out onto Miz on the floor. Uso rolls him back in and goes to the top. Uso nails the crossbody for a 2 count. Miz catches a superkick and goes for the Figure Four but it's countered. Uso hits the Samoan Drop. Sandow runs in and bumps across the ring. Miz comes from behind with a Skull Crushing Finale but it's blocked. Jey Uso assists and Jimmy nails a superkick. Jimmy goes up top for the big splash and the win as Naomi watches from backstage.

Winner: Jimmy Uso

- Still to come, Cena vs. Rollins in a steel cage. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Naomi walks up on The Miz and Damien Sandow backstage. Miz tells her he's a man of his word and because he's still champion, he's still trying hard to get her a music deal. Miz offers her a spot on MizTV during tomorrow night's live Main Event. He says maybe she shouldn't tell her husband about it.

- Renee Young is backstage with Seth Rollins and The Stooges. Rollins isn't happy about being in the cage with Cena tonight. He says WWE isn't safe and they need The Authority back in power. Rollins says he's going to finish what he started at TLC and teach Cena a lesson he will not soon forget. 

- We see the steel cage being lowered around the ring. Back to commercial.

Steel Cage Match: Seth Rollins vs. John Cena

We come back and Seth Rollins makes his way out with Mercury and Noble. Rollins hands off the briefcase and gets high-fives before entering the cage. John Cena is out next to a mixed reaction. 

They go at it to start. The dueling chants for Cena start early on. Rollins takes control and throws Cena into the steel for a 2 count. They end up on the cage and Rollins falls hard. Cena with a 2 count. The door is opened for Rollins as Cena climbs the cage wall. Cena jumps back down and pulls Rollins away from the door. Cena goes for the door but Rollins pulls him. They go back and forth at the door. Cena pulls Rollins back into the ring and the door is shut. Cena runs into an elbow and Rollins lays him out for a 2 count.

Rollins climbs the cage but Cena catches him. Rollins slides down and powerbombs into the opposite corner. Rollins with a 2 count. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Rollins is still in control. Cena makes his big comeback with the usual moves. Fans boo as he calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Rollins blocks it but Cena counters and slams Rollins. Cena drops the Shuffle this time but Rollins slides out of an Attitude Adjustment. Cena throws Rollins onto the steel and knocks Mercury off the cage as he was climbing up. Cena nails an AA for a 2 count on Rollins. The Stooges end up running interference again. Cena and Rollins brawl in the corner near the door. Cena sends Rollins to the mat and nails a top rope leg drop for a close 2 count.

Rollins climbs the cage but Cena pulls him down. Cena goes for an AA but it's blocked. Rollins climb the cage and jumps down with a knee to Cena's face. 2 count by Rollins. Rollins throws Cena into the steel and talks some trash. They go on and Mercury slams the cage door in Cena's face but he kicks out at 2. Cena and The Stooges play tug-of-war with Rollins through the cage door. The door is closed and Rollins drops Cena with a kick to the head for a 2 count. The briefcase is now in the cage. Cena with a big clothesline. Rollins counters another AA and hits Cena with the briefcase but he still kicks out at 2. Rollins climbs over the top of the cage but Cena grabs him. Rollins dangles from the cage above The Stooges. Cena drags him back over and hit a super AA from the top rope. Brock Lesnar's music hits and out he comes with the title and Paul Heyman.

Lesnar enters the cage and hits three big German suplexes on Cena. Lesnar drops Cena with a F5. Rollins gets to his feet and Lesnar stares him down. Heyman comes in and hands Lesnar the title. Heyman approaches Rollins and offers his hand. They shake hands and Heyman leaves with Lesnar. Rollins nails a Curb Stomp on Cena. Rollins walks out of the cage door as The Stooges cheer him on.

Winner: Seth Rollins

- We go to replays as Rollins makes his exit with Mercury and Noble. They stop on the stage and lift Rollins on their shoulders as a referee checks on Cena in the cage. RAW goes off the air with Rollins celebrating.

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WWE Monday Night Raw Result, The Champ is Here , Cena vs Rollins Steel Cage , Raw is Jericho
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