Monday 8 December 2014

WWE Monday Night Raw Results Slammy Awards, Cena Vs Big Show , Rollins Vs. Ziggler

The 2014 WWE Slammy Awards RAW pre-show kicks off from Greenville, South Carolina with Byron Saxton and Alex Riley ready to give out some awards. We go to Booker T and Renee Young on the stage at the Slammys podium. We go to the promo for "Insult of the Year" and get the nominees.The Rock insulting Rusev on RAW wins the award. Rusev's music hits and out comes the WWE United States Champion with Lana. Lana says the only insult here is fans who think The Rock is a hero. She says Rusev is the only hero here and praises him as fans boo. Rusev says he will crush The Rock the next time Rock steps in his ring. We return to the pre-show table and Booker is back with Riley and Saxton. They hype voting on the WWE App.
- We come back and Saxton reveals that Seth Rollins takes home the award for Double Cross of the Year and Fan Participation of the Year for the "you sold out" chant. The Bunny won Animal of the Year and The Rock won Actor of the Year. We go back to the stage and Renee introduces the video for Tag Team of the Year. The Usos win and come out to accept their award to a big pop. The Usos say they won titles and Slammys this year. They thank the fans and talk about showing Damien Sandow and The Miz why they're the best tag team of 2014 at TLC. Saxton hypes some of the awards that will be revealed on RAW. We get a WWE 2K15 promo and come back to Saxton and friends. He reveals that Dolph Ziggler wins the Twitter award, The Shield wins Faction of the Year, Sami Zayn wins NXT Star of the Year and Rollins' dive at WWE Payback wins Anti-Gravity Moment of the Year. We go back to Renee at the podium. She leads us to the Breakout Star of the Year promo. Ambrose wins but Renee says he's not here tonight because of the attack he suffered on SmackDown from Bray Wyatt.
- Saxton reveals that Booker T will be presenting Superstar of the Year on RAW. We go to another promo for TLC. Saxton reveals that Hugh Jackman wins RAW Guest Star of the Year, Daniel Bryan vs. The Authority wins Rivalry of the Year and Brie Bella & Daniel Bryan wins Couple of the Year. We go back to Renee on the stage for the Hashtag of the Year Slammy. #RKOOuttaNowhere wins but Randy Orton isn't here so Seth Rollins, Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury come out to accept. Rollins runs down Orton and takes the award. We go back to the panel for more RAW hype and that's it for the pre-show.
- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a video package. They're pushing John Cena vs. Big Show as a blockbuster main event. JBL and Michael Cole are on commentary as Lilian Garcia introduces Jerry Lawler. Lawler comes out on the stage to the Slammys podium and fans chant his name. Lawler introduces this year's Slammys host Seth Green and out he comes. Seth says the Slammys aren't pre-determined like other award shows because the fans control these awards on the WWE App. Green is interrupted by WWE Tag Team Champions The Miz and Damien Sandow. Sandow gets a big pop when he appears. Miz puts himself over to Green. Green says he does see an A-lister but it's not The Miz, it's Sandow. The crowd pops again. Green says Sandow is awesome. Miz wants to move on and introduce the This Is Awesome Moment of the Year Slammy. We go back to the announcers and Cole tells us that voting is open on the WWE App.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins
We go to the ring and out comes Dolph Ziggler to a pop. Seth Rollins is out next with Mercury and Noble. They lock up and Rollins starts stomping away.
Rollins ends up on the apron and Ziggler dropkicks him to the floor. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Rollins is in control and covers for a 2 count. Ziggler makes a comeback and splashes Rollins in the corner. Ziggler drops Rollins again and hits an elbow for 2. Rollins blocks a DDT and goes for the powerbomb in the corner but Ziggler rolls him up for 2. Ziggler misses a superkick and they trade shots. Ziggler gets the upperhand for a close 2 count. The Stooges end up interfering and Rollins hits a Curb Stomp for the win.
Winner: Seth Rollins
- We go to Seth Green on the stage. Sting wins the Slammy for Most Awesome Moment of the Year at Survivor Series. Seth says Sting can't be here and fans boo. Rollins' music hits again and he walks up the ramp. He's upset and yells Sting's name. Rollins says Sting cost him the biggest win of his career. Rollins says he's accepting the award because Sting doesn't deserve it.
Stardust vs. Kofi Kingston
We go to the ring and out comes The New Day - Big E, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Stardust is making his entrance with Goldust. He locks up with Kofi and they go at it back and forth. Kofi fights out of a corner but misses a big move off the top. Stardust springboards in with an elbow. Stardust works Kofi over on the ropes now. Kofi tries to fight back but Stardust cuts him off and keeps him grounded.
Kofi finally makes his comeback and nails a dropkick. Kofi with the Boom Drop. Kofi drops Stardust with Trouble In Paradise and hits a big splash from the top for the win.
Winner: Kofi Kingston
- After the match, Big E and Xavier get in the ring to get hype with Kofi. They taunt Goldust and Stardust.
- Lilian Garcia introduces John Laurinaitis. He comes out to the stage for the Surprise Return of the Year Slammy Award. Laurinaitis said with The Authority gone, it's time for People Power to come back to WWE. We get a video for the nominees. Voting is open now on the WWE App. We go to commercial.
- We come back and Laurinaitis is still on the stage. The Ultimate Warrior wins the Slammy for Surprise Return of the Year. We see some stills of Warrior as the announcers briefly talk about his return.
- Seth Rollins is backstage with The Stooges when Paul Heyman walks in. Rollins says Heyman is all dressed up to meet with him but Heyman says he's also dressed up because he expects Brock Lesnar to sweep the Slammys. Rollins sends Mercury and Noble away. Rollins talks about beating John Cena at TLC and forcing him to drop the #1 contendership. Rollins points out that he still has the Money In the Bank briefcase. Rollins says when he does decide to cash in on Lesnar, nobody will see it coming. Heyman acknowledges that Rollins is the future but says Cena is standing in his way. Heyman tells Rollins to make sure Cena is stuck in the past after TLC.
Charlotte vs. Natalya
We go to the ring and out comes NXT Women's Champion Charlotte in her RAW debut. We get a video package for her. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Natalya is making her entrance. The announce hype NXT Takeover: R Evolution. Charlotte hits the ropes and whoooo's in Natalya's face. Tyson Kidd is at ringside. Charlotte drops Natalya and goes to work on the ropes. Charlotte with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Charlotte talks trash and runs into an elbow. Natalya gets on Charlotte's back but Charlotte breaks free and drops her for a 2 count. Charlotte mounts Natalya with right hands now. Charlotte blocks a kick and they trade slaps. Natalya with a takedown and a leg lock. Charlotte counters into a headlock. Charlotte drop Natalya with a big chop and knees her in the back. Charlotte taunts Tyson and drops Natalya again.
Charlotte drops an elbow for a 2 count. She keeps control but Natalya counters and goes for a Sharpshooter. Charlotte counters that with a Figure Four but Natalya turns it into a roll up for the win.
Winner: Natalya
- After the match, Tyson goes to the corner and steals Natalya's celebration.
- We go to the ring and Santino Marella is out to present the Slammy Award for Shocking Moment of the Year. We get a video for the nominees and go back to commercial as voting is open on the WWE App.
- Back from the break and they hype Cena vs. Big Show. Santino reveals that Brock Lesnar ending The Undertaker's Streak at WrestleMania is the Most Shocking Moment of the Year. Paul Heyman comes out to accept and cuts a quick promo.
- We go to the ring and out comes Bray Wyatt for another promo. Wyatt says the rocking chair that Dean Ambrose destroyed last year was "hers." Wyatt says Ambrose took something from him that he can never be replaced so he's going to do the same. We see Wyatt attacking Ambrose on SmackDown. Wyatt says we will all bear witness to his fire at TLC. Wyatt chants TLC when sirens go off and an ambulance backs into the arena. The door swings open and Dean Ambrose is standing there with a neck brace on. His music hits and fans pop. Ambrose tosses a table on the stage and pulls a ladder and a chair out of the ambulance. Ambrose stands on the stage and rips off the neck brace. Ambrose walks to the ring with a ladder and a chair. He tosses the chair in but Wyatt moves. The ladder goes in next and jabs Wyatt in the gut. Wyatt goes down with another shot. Ambrose tosses chairs in the ring and one smacks Wyatt in the head. Ambrose sets up a table and lays on it while Wyatt watches from the ramp. Wyatt comes back to the apron but Ambrose launches a chair at him and he falls off. Ambrose says the only way Wyatt is leaving TLC is in the back of an ambulance. Ambrose says he's going to eat Wyatt alive on Sunday.
- We go back to Seth Green on the stage. Green calls up Jerry Lawler to present the Slammy for Diva of the Year. Lawler says this is his favorite award of the night and we get a video. Voting is open on the WWE App. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and Lawler introduces Diva of the Year, AJ Lee. She is proud of changing what the word Diva means. She hopes next year girls like Sasha Banks or Bayley or Charlotte or Paige can win this award. She says she's not done being Queen yet and will get the Divas Title back.
- Renee Young is backstage with John Cena. She asks about his match with Big Show tonight. Cena says Show will always be The Authority's puppet. Cena addresses TLC and says he knows Rollins is going to step up, referring to Vince McMahon's comments on Steve Austin's podcasts about the locker room. Cena says without the help of Big Show, Rollins can't pin him. Cena says Rollins isn't man enough to make him tap out. Cena talks about Rollins possibly putting him through a table to win on Sunday. Cena says he's going to prove to everyone tonight that he's not done stepping up. Cena gets fired up and walks off.
Erick Rowan vs. Luke Harper
We go to the ring and Erick Rowan makes his way out. We go to commercial.
We come back and WWE Intercontinental Champion Luke Harper is out for a non-title match. They start off by trading shots and brawling. They end up on the floor early on but Harper gets disqualified for using a ladder.
Winner by DQ: Erick Rowan
- After the bell, Rowan comes back and slams Harper into the steps. Rowan tosses Harper in the ring and throws the steel steps in. Harper tries to fight him but Rowan rams him in the face with part of the steps. Harper retreats but Rowan throws steps out at him, barely missing.
- Jimmy Uso is backstage with Naomi and they're happy. Naomi says she's talked to The Miz's agent and is going to Hollywood to see what can happen. Jimmy gets upset and says he's going to Hollywood too because he doesn't trust The Miz.
- Adam Rose comes out to the stage with the Rosebuds. He shows us a video for the LOL Moment of the Year Slammy Award. Voting is now open on the WWE App. Back to commercial.
- We come back and Adam Rose reveals that the LOL Moment of the Year goes to Damien Sandow  for his performances as The Miz's stunt double. The Miz and Sandow make their way out. Sandow goes to speak but Miz nudges him out of the way and fans boo. The Miz takes full credit and walks away with the award.
- We go to the ring and WWE United States Champion Rusev makes his way out with Lana. Lana cuts an anti-American promo until Jack Swagger interrupts from the stage. He says Rusev broke Zeb Colter's leg so Swagger's going to snap his ankle. They start brawling at ringside but Rusev throws Swagger into the barrier. Rusev misses a kick and Swagger takes the leg out. Swagger slams Rusev into the barrier. Swagger applies the Patriot Lock on the floor. Officials finally come and back Swagger up the ramp as his music hits.
- Still to come, Ryback and The Usos vs. Kane, Sandow and The Miz. Back to break.
Ryback and The Usos vs. Kane, Damien Sandow and The Miz
Back from the break and out come The Usos. Seth Green is on commentary. Ryback is out next to a big pop. Kane is out next followed by WWE Tag Team Champions The Miz and Damien Sandow.
Kane starts off with Ryback and they go at it. We take a break mid-match and come back to The Miz in control of one of The Usos. Miz shows off and taunts the other Uso, connecting with a cheap shot. Ryback ends up getting the win for his team by pinning The Miz.
Winners: Ryback and The Usos
- After the match, Seth Green comes in the ring to celebrate with Ryback and The Usos.
- We get a look back at the very first WWE Slammy Awards in 1986.
- Lilian Garcia introduces WWE Hall of Famer Ricky Steamboat and out he comes to introduce the Slammy Award for Match of the Year. We get the nominees and voting is open.
AJ Lee vs. Nikki Bella
We go to the ring and out comes AJ Lee. Back to commercial.
We come back and Steamboat announces Team Cena vs. Team Authority at Survivor Series as Match of the Year. Dolph Ziggler comes out to accept the Slammy. Ziggler gets fans to cheer for Steamboat. He says the moment at Survivor Series was not just one of the coolest things in his life but he feels like they're going to build on that. He says he was only in the match because fans have been behind him for years. Sting's name gets a pop. We go back to the ring and Summer Rae is in. She mushes AJ but gets knocked down. AJ unloads but Summer drops her with a facebuster for a 2 count.
AJ turns it around ends up getting the easy win with a Black Widow.
Winner: AJ Lee
- We go to the stage and out comes Rob Van Dam to the Slammy podium. He's introducing Extreme Moment of the Year and we get the video of nominees. Back to commercial.
 Back from the break and RVD reveals that Chris Jericho's top of the cage crossbody to Bray Wyatt wins the Slammy for Extreme Moment of the Year.Fandango comes out with Rosa Mendes to accept the award. Fandango reminds us he beat Jericho in his debut match at WrestleMania. Fandango says we will never forget the name of..... Fandango.
- We see Mick Foley dressed as Santa Claus for another WWE Shop segment. His daughter Noelle Foley is there again as Santa's little helper.
- We get a look back at Big Show knocking out John Cena at Survivor Series. Renee Young is backstage with Big Show right now. Cena talks about unleashing his rage on Cena tonight. He says Erick Rowan will be out of his league on Sunday at TLC. Back to commercial.
- We come back and Booker T is on the stage for the Superstar of the Year Slammy Award. Voting is now open on the WWE App. Back to commercial.
- We come back and it's revealed that Roman Reigns is the Superstar of the Year. He comes out live to accept the award and gets a big pop. Reigns says he doesn't care if it's Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Triple H, The Rock or Vince McMahon himself, he's stepping up and taking the top spot when he comes back.
John Cena vs. Big Show
We go to the ring for tonight's main event and out comes John Cena. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and out comes Big Show. They go at it and Show drops Cena first. Show steps on Cena. Show beats Cena around and dominates now. Show with a big sideslam and a 2 count. Cena ends up getting a sleeper hold on and bringing Show down to one knee.
Show tosses him out of the hold but Cena fights back. Cena nails an Attitude Adjustment and covers for the win but Seth Rollins runs in with The Stooges.
Winner by DQ: John Cena
- After the bell, they beat Cena down and Rollins brings a ladder in the ring. Mercury and Noble slide tables in. Dolph Ziggler runs down to help but Show knocks him out. Show then knocks out Cena. Erick Rowan comes down but Luke Harper meets him at ringside and they brawl. Show and Harper double team Rowan, sending him into the steel steps. Show chokeslams Rowan on the steps. Ryback runs out and sends Show into the ring post. Ryback hits the ring and drops Harper with a Meathook. Ryback goes to put Harper through a table but Kane runs in. Kane beats Ryback down with a steel chair. Rollins ends up hitting a Curb Stomp on Cena. They take apart the announcers table and powerbomb Cena through it. Show looks on smiling as Rollins talks trash at Cena on top of the debris. Rollins' music hits and we go to replays. RAW goes off the air with Rollins and crew standing over Ziggler and a broken table in the ring.

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WWE Monday Night Raw Results Slammy Awards, Cena Vs Big Show , Rollins Vs. Ziggler
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