Friday 5 December 2014

WWE NXT Results (12/4) Sami Zayn -Adrian Neville Confrontation, Baron Corbin, Kevin Steen (Owens)

Charlotte vs. Mia Yim
Yim gets some early offense with a spin kick, but it doesn't last long as Charlotte hits a neckbreaker and Natural Selection for the win in under a minute.
Winner: Charlotte (via Natural Selection)

Sasha Banks comes to the ramp and tells Charlotte to hand over the title. Charlotte starts a "rachet" chant. Banks says Charlotte thinks she's special because her last name is Flair and says she'll make Charlotte a loser just like her father.
Bayley comes to the ramp on a crutch and tells Sasha to shut up. Banks kicks Bayley in the knee and Charlotte makes the save. Sasha tries to jump Charlotte but Charlotte carries her all the way to the ring. Becky Lynch runs down for the distraction and Banks hits the Lungblower.
- A old-timey vignette featuring the Vaudevillains is shown.

Buddy Murphy & Wesley Blake vs. The Vaudevillains
Wesley Blake catches Aiden English with a powerslam to start the match, but English hits a snapmare and headlock takeover into the ropes before tagging Gotch. Gotch does the deathlock with squats and tags back out to English. The Vaudevillains are working over Blake's leg.
The Vaudevillains tag in and out, attacking Blake's leg with dropkicks and knee drops. Finally Blake hits English with a back body drop and makes the hot tag to Murphy who cleans house. A jumping calf kick and double knees from Murphy to English.
English makes a blind tag and the Vaudevillains hit their finish for the win.
Winners: The Vaudevillains
- William Regal is backstage and tells Tyler Breeze that Marcus Louis hasn't been found. Tyson Kidd comes up and says he wants another match with Finn Balor. Instead, Regal makes a tag match with Breeze & Kidd against Balor & Hideo Itami.

Bull Dempsey vs. Elias Sampson
Dempsey runs Sampson over. Diving headbutt, that's it. Win.
Winner: Bull Dempsey (via diving headbutt)
Dempsey is still on the match and Baron Corbin's music hits. Corbin doesn't even look at Dempsey.

Baron Corbin vs. Steve Cutler
End of Days. Match is over. Corbin wins.
Winner: Baron Corbin (via End of Days)
- An awesome promo of Kevin Owens (Steen) is shown. He talks about how WWE called Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville first.

Tyler Breeze & Tyson Kidd (w/ Natalya) vs. Hideo Itami & Finn Balor
Breeze evades after the Irish whip, and Tyson Kidd tags in, then attacks Balor from behind. We go to a quick commercial.
Back from the break Kidd is stomping Balor's face and then tags Breeze following a back elbow. Breeze puts the boots to Balor in the corner. Another quick tag out to Kidd, who goes to work on Balor with a kick to the ribs, an elbow to the face and a neckbreaker that only gets a one count.
Balor tries an Irish whip but comes up empty on a dropkick and Kidd makes the tag. Breeze hits a neckbreaker of his own but only gets two. Breeze tags back out, and Kidd lands his slingshot ledrop for two. Balor is able to fight back with a fallaway kick.
Balor makes the hot tag to Itami, and he lights Breeze up with a series of kicks. Kidd tries his luck and gets the same treatment. Itami then lands a dropkick to Breeze in the corner. Kidd tries to drag Itami out. While he's distracted, Balor lands the double foot stomp to Breeze. Itami rolls back in and lands a Buzzsaw Kick (only not as brutal) for the win.
Winners: Hideo Itami & Finn Balor (via Buzzsaw Kick)
- Balor says the Ascension better bring all they have next week, because he's bringing something they've never seen before. By all indications, he'll be bringing back his paint gimmick.
- NXT Champion Adrian Neville makes his way to the ring. He says his goal is to win at any cost, the same goal he's always had. He's not ashamed of his recent actions. He said he's not proud of pulling the ref out of the ring or blowing his knee out in recent title defenses. He says Sami Zayn is just too nice.
Sami Zayn's music hits, and he comes to the ring. Neville says he won't be held responsible for Zayn putting his career on the line. Zayn says he's really starting to get pissed off that Neville says he's too nice. Neville tries to calm Zayn down and says that he respects him. He puts out his hand, but Zayn hesitates.
Zayn says this is where he goes wrong every time. He says it isn't about respect between them, then smacks Neville in the face and says he's taking the title.

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WWE NXT Results (12/4) Sami Zayn -Adrian Neville Confrontation, Baron Corbin, Kevin Steen (Owens)
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