I felt Barrett had WHC potential before his last injury, but since his return, I've been unimpressed with his booking. He had to play dirty to conquer Cesaro and needed help to beat Ziggler. Contrast this to when he returned last year, cleanly beating Mysterio before moving on to conquering Big E (back when that mattered) and RVD (also back when that mattered) before having a pretty good run for awhile.
But my question is, was this intended to be a dock on BnB's record or is there a plan to push Sin Cara? I remember when R-Truth beat Bo and it seemed like the plan wasn't to push R-Truth as much as it was to bring out an uglier side of Bo Dallas. I personally liked it at the time, but it ended up hurting Bo in the long run as their rematches seemed more competitive- making Bo look weaker instead of making Truth (who tends to job) look stronger. Will the same thing happen to Barrett?
Sin Cara's in ring abilities are awesome. Even when he gets destroyed, he usually gets to show off his athleticism in some capacity. This alone makes me wish that WWE would utilize him more effectively, but I also don't find Sin Cara- the character- to be very interesting. Every time he talks, he doesn't showcase any personality beyond vanilla face. Admittedly the mask is restrictive and Sin Cara isn't as charismatic as Ray Mysterio. I don't necessarily think he should drop then gimmick though because I kind of want to see a Luchador wrestler on the main roster.
So I can accept Sin Cara going over Barrett if there are any long term plans for this. But I'd rather see him used as a Jack Swagger-styled midcarder, as I don't think he'd get over as anything more. But WWE keeps botching peoples pushes with their short sighted plans that I doubt anything will come of it and this can only hurt Barrett in the long run. Maybe if he only lost to Sin Cara after some high profile wins, but not within the first month of his return.
Chances Raised That Sin Cara Be The Next Big High Flyer