Mark Briscoe vs. Roderick Strong
The two lock up, and Briscoe grabs the arm of Strong. Roderick is able to counter with a headlock, which Briscoe breaks out of. The two trade strikes, but repeatedly dodge each other after a double backslide attempt. They square up in the ring and get a round of applause.
Briscoe drops Strong with a shoulder block and flips out of a back body drop, then hits Strong with a belly to belly suplex that sends Strong outside, Briscoe hits a suicide dive dropkick before the commercial break.
Back from commercial both men are in the ring, with Briscoe still in control. Briscoe hits a flying chop and a couple of clotheslines for two. This match is all Mark Briscoe until he goes up top and eats an enziguri. A Roderick Strong superplex is his first real offense of the match. Strong follows up with elbows, but Mark Briscoe hits a uranage and a blockbuster off the apron to the outside for two.
Briscoe goes for a second suicide dropkick, but Strong catches him and alley-oops him onto the ring apron for two. Briscoe goes for redneck kung fu, but Strong blasts him with a knee and lands End Of Heartache for the win.
Winner: Roderick Strong via pinfall (End Of Heartache)
- Nigel McGuinness announces that tonight's Michael Elgin vs. Hansen match will be a number one contender match for the ROH Title.
McGuinness calls out Tommaso Ciampa and says he's not fired from ROH for accidentally hit a referee. He says Ciampa owes him one. Ciampa says Jay Briscoe owes him one. Elgin comes out and trash talks Ciampa as officials come to the ring. McGuinness adds Tommaso Ciampa to the number one contender's match!
- Jay Briscoe will face an unnamed member of Kingdom next week.
- J Diesel vs. Will Ferrara, Mikey Webb vs. Beer City Bruiser, Donovan Dijak vs. Jake Dirden, and Ashley Sixx vs. Dalton Castle are the matches in ROH's 2015 Top Prospect Tournament, which starts tonight.
J Diesel (w/ Truth Martini) vs. Will Ferrara
Diesel works Ferrara into the corner and throws punches to the body before Ferrra does the same. Disel is tossed to the outside and Ferrara hits a suicide dive. Diesel runs him into the apron, and hits a monster fallaway slam into the guard rail. Diesel hits a backdrop to the apron and sends Ferrara into the ring.
Ferrara fights back with punches, but gets tossed into the corner. Ferrara with a Wasteland and a knee to chest after a few sloppy moves from each. Diesel connects with a big knee and a flying stomp to the back of Ferrara's head. A front powerslam from Diesel gets a two count. Diesel goes right back to it twice more, and just gets two count. Ferrara starts Hulking up and the two trade punches and slaps.
Ferrara lands a Sonic Boom for two and goes up top but catches and uppercut. Diesel puts Ferrara on his shoulders, but Ferrara counters with a victory roll that actually ended up slamming Ferrara down on his back. Either way, he won.
Winner: Will Ferrara via pinfall (victory roll)
J Diesel attacks Ferrara after the match.
Triple Threat Match For ROH Title Shot
Tommaso Ciampa vs. Hanson vs. Michael Elgin
Tommaso Ciampa vs. Hanson vs. Michael Elgin
Hansen and Ciampa go right at Elgin and bounce him from the ring before locking up. They reach a stalemate but Hansen goes for the spin kick. Ciampa with a headlock, and Hansen does a back suplex, but Ciampa holds on.
Elgin is back in the ring and gets a 2-on-1 beating again, and ends up outside again. All three men outside and Ciampa hiptosses Hansen into the barricade. Hansen goes for a suicide dive but Elgin tosses Cimapa in his way. He goes inside and gets a two count or his efforts.
A flying Codebreaker from Elgin doesnt get the job done, and Hansen side slams him and beats Elgin down in the corner. Elgin is laid across the top rope, and Ciampa is put on top of him as Hansen clubs away. Elgin gets the advantage and DVD's Ciampa onto Hansen in the corner. A big splash from the top from Elgin on Ciampa gets broken up by Hansen before the commercial.
A spinning slam from Hansen to Ciampa is split by Elgin as we come back from the break. Elgin connects with a forearm, and grabs Ciampa for a fallaway slam, but Hansen hits a German suplex! Hansen scores on a double underhook powerbomb, but Elgin kicked out.
Ciampa with an Air Raid Crash, but Hansen kicks out. A bicycle kick from Elgin to Ciampa sets up the flip legdrop over the second rope. Elgin has both men in opposite corners and throws repeated clotheslines before catching Ciampa with a uranage. Elgin hits an amazing top rope frankensteiner/moonsault combo on both men but can't get the three count on either.
Elgin with a sunset flip on Hansen that ends in him lifting and powerbombing him. Ciampa hits a big 360 clothesline on Elgin for two and the crowd goes nuts. Hansen connects with a big clothesline, but gets caught by a Ciampa powerbomb/backbreaker. He has the three count but Elgin pulls the ref out!
Ciampa and Elgin are outside arguing with the ref as Hansen comes outside with a suicide dive that takes everyone out. The three brawl and the match is thrown out. Tons of officials and security are out to break up the brawl.
Result: No Contest
The show goes off the air with "let them fight" chants.
Ring Of Honor TV Results For This Weak Number One Contender Main Event