Friday 16 January 2015

TNA Impact Wrestling Results on Destination America for 16 January

low kiTonight's show begins with a fast and furious recap of last week's action, including the epic betrayal by Eric Young as he clobbered Bobby Roode with a chair, costing him the title against arch-rival Lashley. Josh Matthews and Taz fill in everyone on the changes to Impact Wrestling that we'll see on Destination America and we hear a bit from Bobby Roode about his next move. Then ,we head to ringside…
Samoa Joe and Low Ki saunter down the ramp accompanied by MVP. MVP says he's flipped the script so far that he script the flip. That's not a direct quote, mind you. He introduces his new posse, christening them "The Beat Down Clan," a.k.a The BDC. Apparently, they ain't nothing to… mess with. MVP calls Eric Young out, making sure folks know he isn't part of the BDC, per se. EY has sour grapes over losing the title and says he doesn't like the way Roode treated him after Young lost the title. MVP gets the mic back and claims credit for EY's conversion. Then he summons the beast… But Lashley doesn't answer the call. AWK-ward.
Angle comes out and wags a finger at all of the #BDC homies and says they'll all pay because he's going to make them all tap. Samoa Joe hops out to face down Angle and Kurt blasts him. The BDC pours out and security keeps them away from Kurt. Joe hops back in the ring and Kurt says it's freakin' go time. Ring the bell!
Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe
Joe gets the jump on Kurt first and works the knee. Kurt is down on the mat and Joe puts a whole lot of hurt on him. Angle struggles to retun to a vertical base but Joe takes him down again quickly. He keeps at Kurt's vulnerable joint, putting him in a submission hold. They cut to a split screen with something going on backstage. Looks like they're still trying to scare up Lashley.
Kurt looks to turn it around, working Joe up and into a German suplex. Joe escapes the second one and puts Angle down again. Kurt manages to catch Joe in the Angle lock but Joe doesn't tap and he flings Kurt into the corner. Joe gets back on top of things in short order. He tries for the muscle-buster and Angle counters into the Angle lock but once again, there's no submission. Kurt gets him locked up a third time and Joe tosses the Olympian into the ref to break the hold. Then he works Kurt into the rear naked choke, prompting Kurt to tap. Yeesh.

Result: Samoa Joe defeats Kurt Angle via submission.
Post-match, the Beat Down Clan returns for a , well… for a beat down. Kurt Angle gets saved by Bobby Ropode, who introduces The Clan to his good friend, Mr. Folding Chair.
After a commercial, Roode gets on the mic and announces that "this crap has gone too far." Turns out he's still kinda mad about getting screwed out of the title. It's all about payback, and he's not talking about the WWE pay-per-view, either.
Backstage, Taz and Josh reminds us about Tenay's interview series and we get a look at Mike talking to Magnus. Hey, did you know that just did an extensive interview with Magnus? Part three is posted here.
We're also reminded that EC3 went bonkers and shaved Borash's head last week. Borash tells Spud that one day, EC3 will get exactly what's coming of him. He also calls EC3 a "jackass." Back to the ring…
James Storm brings The Revolution out to watch the match between the Wolves and The Hardys commercial sign and then it's bell time.
The Wolves vs. the Hardys
Eddie Edwards and Matt Hardy start the match and Matt gets a fast advantage. He tags in Jeff and they double-0team for a sec. Jeff keeps it up and Edwards stays on the canvas. Matt comes back in and after another double-team, he works a short stint and brings back in his bro for more two-on-one. Davey doesn't fare better against the Hardys in the beginning but then The Wolves get it together and do some double-teaming of their own on matt. Eddie comes back in and delivers a wicked chop or two before bringing Davey in. The Wolves work him over briefly and then Davey continues on his own. He misses with the double-stomp and falls victim to Hardy's side effect. Jeff and Eddie tag in simultaneously and go at it. A short time later, The Wolves both end up outside and Matt takes them both out, Jeff then walks the top rope and follows with his own air assault. They get Eddie back in the ring and double-team him. Jeff gets up top for a swanton and hits Eddie's knees. Eddie tries for a pin and Matt breaks it up. Eddie tries to do in Jeff and Matt runs in for another side effect. Things heat up and Eddie almost pins Matt but Jeff breaks it up with a swanton. Jeff dumps Davey outside and both Hardys go at Eddie relentlessly. Matt ends up pinning Eddie for the three-count. Nice match.
Result: The Hardys defeat The Wolves via pinfall
Backstage, Bram cuts a promo for "Feast or Fired" and Eric Young gets ready to face Bobby Roode.
After a commercial, EC3 rings up Jeremy Borash and challenges him to a match next week. Interesting. And now, some wrestling…
Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young
EY heels it up as Roode comes out. They get into it right off the bell, brawling outside. It's a No DQ match, people. Commercial sign.
When we get back to it, the combatants are fighting throughout the venue. Eric Young seems to be in the dominant position, bouncing Roode around as they come back to the ring area. Roode eventually fires back but his comeback is short-lived. He tosses Roode into the ring and grabs a chair from under the ring. EY props the chair up in the corner and then goes back to work on Roode. Roode fights back but ends up on the mat again. He finally musters up the energy for a spinebuster and tries to follow with a Roode bomb but it doesn't happen. EY delivers a piledriver on to a steel chair and covers Roode for the win.
Result: Eric Young defeats Bobby Roode via pinfall.
MVP comes out and says maybe someone will visit Roode in the hospital because Roode didn't visit EY when he was laid up.
Austin Aries discusses his X-Division title win and the rematch on deck. AA says he's good at surviving and that he isn't scared of the BDC or anyone else.
We'll have some Knockouts action after a break.
Well, not so fast: Immediately after the commercials, we see some footage of EC3 and Tyrus walking around backstage and then we get a recap of Knockouts drama. We also get some footage of Brooke trashing Robbie's work on The Amazing Race and then it's time for a match.
Brooke Tessmacher and Taryn Terrell vs. The Beautiful People w/BroMans
Brooke and Angelina are the first to go at it and Brooke stays on the offensive until Angelina scores a kick to the guy, followed by a tag on Velvet. Terrell tags in and levels Velvet, gaining control of the bout. Angelina rushes in and Taryn clocks her and then Taryn and Brooke knock both opponents out with a double dropkick. Taryn takes them all out and then climbs up and hits Velvet with a flying clothesline. Brooke tags in and Robbie hops up to distract her. Velvet capitalizes, rolling Brooke up for the pin.
Result: The Beautiful People defeat Brooke Tessmacher and Taryn Terrell 
After the bell, the lights go down and when they return, Kong is in the ring staring down the Beauts. She takes them both down and DJ Z tries to get involved. Kong gives him a chokeslam for his efforts. Havok runs out and they tease a showdown but security breaks it up.
Backstage, EC3 chases down Borash and asks him if they'll have a match. Carter says nobody helped Borash when the chips were down because nobody cares. Borash says it's totally on.
Back on the show, James Storm introduces everyone to Khoya and says that he'll be unleashed next week. Taz tells Josh that Khoya looks like a beast. Josh reminds us that Feast or Fired will happen on the big show next week and then TNA shows a package explaining how that event works. You know; with the briefcases and all that.
X-Division title match: Austin Aries vs. Low-ki
Aries hops in loaded for bear and the ref shows off the title belt. The guys circle each other and then lock up. Low-ki works A-Double into the corner and breaks but then resumes the assault. The challenger is calling the shots at this point. Low-ki peppers AA with shots on the ropes but when he charges the champ, Aries dumps him outside. MVP tends to his BDC comrade and Low-ki makes it back into the ring. The guys go at it again as Aries builds up momentum. He gets Low-ki into a submission move but breaks when Low-ki grabs the ropes. Low-ki gets out of the ring and AA sets up for a dive but MVP prevents it. Back inside, Low-ki comes back and smacks around Aries. He mostly lands chops and strikes as Austin struggles to mount an offense. Aries meets the challenge and hits a ton of chops on Low-ki and follows with a dropkick in the corner. He tries for the brian buster and Low-ki blocks it. Aries does get his opponent into the submission hold again and Low-ki taps but the ref is distracted by the BDC outside. Aries ends up hitting them all with a suicide dive. He tries to go back in for the win and Kenny King catches him up on the ropes, giving Low-ki the golden opportunity to hit the Ki-crusher and grab the pinfall victory.
Result: Low-ki defeats Austin Aries via pinfall, winning the X-Division title.
MVP and the BDC are center stage again after the bout and calls Lashley to the ring again. Lashley's music hits and this time he emerges. He holds the belt aloft as MVP engages in relentless jaw-jacking. MVP says he made Lashley and give him all that mojo and swag. He says the world title belongs to the entire BDC. Lashley isn't so sure about that. No sir. Lashley takes to the mic and gets MVP in check. He says the title belongs to him. Lashley says he isn't about the Beat Down Clan and he tries to depart but MVP grabs him and says he's not allowed to leave. Lashley tells him to step off and MVP appears to relent, offering a big ol' bro-hug. Then he plants his lips on Lashley and that "kiss of death" brings about a full-scale beat down. The posse lays waste to Lashley and MVP plants his foot on Lashley and holds the title aloft as this one is in the books.

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results on Destination America for 16 January
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