Saturday 3 January 2015

UFC 182 Jones Vs. Cormier Full Results,Who Grabs The Lightweight Belt

ufc 182
Preliminary Fights
Marion Reneau defeats Alexis Dusfresne via unanimous decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-25)
Omari Akhmedov defeats Mats Nilsson via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Evan Dunham defeats Rodrigo Damm via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Shawn Jordan defeats Jarred Canonnier via TKO (2:57, round 1)
Cody Garbrandt defeats Marcus Brimage via TKO (4:50, round 3)
Paul Felder defeats Danny Castillo via KO (2:09, round 2)
Main Card
Hector Lombard  vs. Josh Burkman
Round 1: Lombard comes out aggressive with three punches, but Burkman counters with a big right. Burkman goes for a couple of punches after pushing off the cage but doesn't land. Lombard is getting in close and landing hook-uppercut combos. Lombard keeps landing those combos and is in control. Burkman is moving backwards a whole lot.

Round 2: Lombard and Burkman trade shots, but that doesn't prove well for Burkman as he's getting tagged. Lombard works Burkman against the cage and blasts him repeatedly. Burkman has his hands down and moves away from Lombard, which is a dangerous defense to utilize. Burkman is able to land a few counters and strikes but his hands are still down. Lombard with a stiff hook that lands flush.

Round 3: Lombard counters a takedown attempt with one of his own. He's working the half-guard before moving to side mount and trapping Burkman's arm. Burkman works his way to the feet but eats a couple of punches. Lombard connects with several more punches, but Burkman won't go down. A couple of straights and an uppercut from Lombard, and Burkman doesn't have anything. Lombard closes with a big punch.
Hector Lombard defeats Josh Burkman via unanimous decision (30-27,30-27, 29-28)
Lombard should be fighting top 10 talent. He's probably a win or two away from a title shot.

Kyoji Horiguchi  vs. Louis Gaudinot
Round 1:Both come out incredibly light on their feet, but don't throw anything for 45 seconds. Horiguchi hits a leg kick and evades Gaudinot's strikes. Gaudinot hits a leg kick of his own, but that's the only offense through the first 1:50. Horiguchi with a blocked head kick, a straight, an a flying knee attempt but comes up empty. Gaudinot goes back to a couple of leg kicks and Horiguchi answers with a push kick and a hook. He goes after a two hook combo and a push kick, but doesn't do a lot of damage, but a solid body kick changes that. Gaudinot is swinging big, but comes up empty and is pushed against the cage. A quick clinch ends up with both men on the ground, but they scramble.

Round 2: Horiguchi lands a big punch and goes for a flying knee but Gaudinot recovers. A front kick to the sackaroo stops the action for a brief moment. Horiguchi is caught in a standing arm-triangle but Horiguchi breaks out and pushes Gaudinot against the cage. Back in the center of the cage Horiguchi throws an awesome 1-2-head kick combo that Gaudinot answers with an inside leg kick. Horiguchi lands a few good punches against the cage. Horiguchi closes round 2 with a straight and a take-down.

Round 3: Gaudinot opens with a big right and a body kick. Little to no action for two minutes, and Horiguchi takes advantage of the round with a good 1-2-head kick combo, and then follows with a body kick. The two are trading shots, but nothing heavy lands. Gaudinot goes for a standing guillotine, but Horiguchi shakes it off.
Official Decision: Kyoji Horiguchi (#11) defeats Louis Gaudinot via unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)
Horiguchi could be in line with a title shot, although the Ian McCall/John Lineker winner could get the nod.
Brad Tavares (#15) vs. Nate Marquardt

Round 1: Tavares opens with opens with a leg kick and a body shot off of a failed muay thai plum from Marquardt. The two are still feeling each other out three minutes in until Tavares hits a body shot and an uppercut, followed by a similar combo. Marquardt with a smooth body kick up the middle. Tavares closes with a jab and a front kick.

Round 2: Marquardt catches a kick and tries a takedown but gets stuffed. Marquardt tries to take Tavares with the body lock, but Tavares stuffs it. Tavares is finding a home for the leg kicks. Tavares with an awesome throw, but Marquardt gets back up to his feet. Marquardt pushes against the cage, but Tavares breaks free and lands two jabs.
Round 3: Marquardt pushes Tavares against the cage, and nothing comes of it. Tavares hits a jab and a leg kick. Marquardt with a good overhand right and Tavares with a left and a body kick, followed by a head kick. Marqaurdt has been slow all night, but he's really dragging it now. The two are trading, but nothing much is coming of it until a Marquardt leg kick. Marquardt with a punch but Tavares counters and misses a spinning back kick at the end of the fight.

Official Result: Brad Tavares (#11) defeats Nate Marquardt via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Co-main event time.
Donald Cerrone (#4) vs. Myles Jury (#8)
Round 1: The two feel each other out for the first 30 seconds and Jury counters a body kick with a takedown. Cerrone immediately switches to an omoplata, for a solid minute before taking side control. Cerrone takes the back, locks on the body triangle and lands strikes. Cerrone works the body triangle for the remainder of the round, almost locking in a rear-naked choke at one point. He switches to an armbar at the end of round one, but time expires.

Round 2: The two trade kicks and punches for the first three minutes with neither gaining a real advantage. Cerrone with a straight, but Jury hits two big body kicks. Jury also lands a few leg kicks, but this round isn't a very active one.
Round 3: Cerrone comes out aggressive with kicks, but Jury lands a body kick of his own and a combo. Neither man is committing much to strikes, but are both trading leg kicks. Jury closes the distance and goes for the takedown, but Cerrone stifles it. Three minutes left and it's still anyone's fight. Cerrone with a big head kick and Jury tries to get a takedown, but no dice. Three leg kicks from Cerrone chew right through Jury. Cerrone stuffs yet another takedown attempt and hits a bunch of elbows to the head and stands up. Cerrone closes the fight with a takedown and giant leg kicks to the downed Jury.

Official Decision: Donald Cerrone (#4) defeats Myles Jury (#8) via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Long Time Awaited Match Next
UFC Light Heavyweight Championship
Jon Jones (c) vs. Daniel Cormier (#2)

Round 1: The two are going at it right out of the gate! Jones with a front kick and a knee, Cormier tries to take him down, but Jones backs out and knees him. Jones catches a kick and sweeps Cormier's foot. Cormier works back up to his feet and eats a big jab from Jones. Jones grabs a body lock but gets snapped down by Cormier. Jones back to his feet and the two trade punches. Big straight from Jones, followed by an uppercut. Cormier grabs a clinch, lands an uppercut and eats a knee. Cormier with a big punch but Jones isn't hurt. Jones with a huge body punch. Cormier with a leg kick, but eats a straight right. Jones begins kicking at Cormier's knee and hits another body shot. Jones is keeping his distance well, but Cormier is able to land a couple of punches. A clinch, Jones knee, Cormier uppercut. Jones goes for a flying knee and the two trade punches to end the round.

Round 2: Big body kick from Jones opens the round, but he's busted open by his nose. Another body kick is caught by Cormier, but Jones stops the takedown. Jones gets Cormier against the cage and works light strikes. Cormier gets off the cage and Jones misses a head kick but eats several uppercuts in the clinch from Cormier. Cormier hits a body kick and Jones gets in the clinch and lands elbows and a knee. Jones isn't using his distance anymore and Cormier is punishing him in the clinch. Straight by Jones and an uppercut from Cormier. The two are really waging a war in the clinch, back and forth. The knees and elbows of Jones and the uppercuts of Cormier keep coming. Cormier goes for an arm drag and Jones looks tired. The two slug it out to end the round.

 Round 3: Jon Jones goes to the body with kicks and punches, but Cormier answers with a kick of his own. Cormier with a good punch combo, but Jones with a knee kick followed by a superkick of all things. Eye poke stops the action, which is a bad habit of Jon Jones'. Huge body kick from Jones. They try to take each other down, but no dice. What a battle. Cormier throws a knee to the body but gets reversed on the cage and Jones hits an elbow. Another standing elbow from Jones, and the two clinch again. Cormier keeps finding a home for that clinch uppercut but can't take Jones down. Jones lands big body shots against the cage, and moves to use elbows as well. They slug it out in a sloppy battle, but Cormier hits a big right hand. They are going to war. Jones pulls guard to close the round.

Round 4: Jones with a head kick and a straight left to the body, followed by a knee to the body. Jones takes Cormier down! Wow. Cormier right back up to his feet. Another takedown from Jones! He's working for a guillotine but can't get it. Cormier back to his feet. Jones with some good strikes against the cage, and he's in control. He's working Cormier over, and this is where he should be fighting. Cormier breaks free and is aggressive. Cormier grabs a body lock and throws knees, then gets pinned against the cage.

Round 5: Jones stuffs Cormier's takedown and pins him against the cage again. Cormier tries to land punches and do damage, but he's being controlled. This is Jones' fight to lose now. Cormier reverses momentum when Jones tries to take his back. Cormier can't get the takedown off the body lock and ends up against the cage again. Cormier is trying to take Jones down against the cage with a minute left but is getting elbowed before finally getting the takedown. Jones right back up to his feet and hits a sick spinning elbow. Cormier gives up the takedown with seconds to go and Jones lands a sneaky, possibly cheap punch before the bell. Cormier gets mad and swings back and hits Herb Dean. Jones crotch chops.

Official Result: Jon Jones (c) defeats Daniel Cormier (#2) via Unanimous Decision (49-46, 49-46, 49-46) to retain the UFC Light Heavyweight Championship

Jones says that everyone who bought "Break Bones" shirts that they wasted their money.

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UFC 182 Jones Vs. Cormier Full Results,Who Grabs The Lightweight Belt
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