At the beginning of the show, not only did The Authority announce that Seth Rollins would be added to the WWE championship match at the Royal Rumble, they also announced that tonight’s RAW would be labeled “John Cena appreciation night.”
At the end of the night, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon called John Cena to the ring, so they could show their appreciation for him. Then, they called Ryback, Dolph Ziggler and Erick Rowan, all of which were on Team Cena back at Survivor Series, to the ring to show their appreciation as well.
After all members of Team Cena were in the ring, Triple H and Stephanie began to ponder potential punishments for the individual superstars for siding with John Cena instead of The Authority. Triple H said he may suspend Erick Rowan for three months, Ryback for six months, and Dolph Ziggler for nine months. Then, Triple H and Stephanie left the ring to further ponder their decision, and by the time they reached the top of the entrance ramp, they turned around and fired Rowan, Ryback and Ziggler as RAW went off the air.
You remember, back before the “Team Cena vs. Team Authority” match at Survivor Series, Triple H announced that should Team Cena lose, he would fire every single member of the team, except for John Cena, so while this decision made WWE fans roll their eyes, as many of them know that Ziggler, Rowan and Ryback won’t be away for very long, it does make sense.
Many WWE fans expected Sting to make an appearance in the main-event segment and confront The Authority. Well, unfortunately, he didn’t. Also, the show didn’t really build towards the Royal Rumble, which is taking place in just under three weeks.
It’s unclear how long WWE will keep Ziggler, Rowan and Ryback out of action, and one would think that WWE wouldn’t keep them out for very long, as the talent roster is extremely thin right now.
This week’s RAW was rumored to feature a “big angle” that would build towards the Royal Rumble, and have a major impact on WrestleMania. Other than the firing of Ziggler, Rowan and Ryback, and adding Seth Rollins to the WWE championship match at the Royal Rumble, nothing on this week’s RAW could be considered a “big angle.”
WWE Fires Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, and Erick Rowan