Thursday 8 January 2015

WWE NXT Results 8 January NXT Tag Team Title Match, Sami Zayn Return, Chad Gable in Action

chad gable Sami Zayn comes out for the first time since his NXT Championship win, and the crowd goes totally nuts. Huge chants of "Sami Zayn" and "you deserve it."
Zayn says him winning the NXT title means that people can do things their way. He says this is everyone's title, and giant "Ole" chants break out. Zayn says Takeover was the best night of his life until Steen attacked him, but he didn't finish the job.
Adrian Neville comes to the ring, and Zayn tells him that he's entitled to a rematch. William Regal comes out and books the championship rematch for next week's show!
- The Vaudevillains are backstage and say they're taking the NXT Tag Championships tonight in a rematch from Takeover.
Hideo Itami vs. Curtis Axel
Itami quickly takes control of the match with a dropkick and several kicks to the ribs, but Axel counters with an elbow. Curtis puts the boots to Itami on the ground and follows up with a dropkick.
Axel applies a chinlock, then hits a kneelift for two. Axel goes to a headlock, then throws Itami to the mat. The crowd seemed asleep until Axel wisely taunted Itami and got a "Hideo" chant going. Axel goes to an armbar on Itami.
Itami breaks out and destroys Axel with a leaping clothesline. He drops Axels face across the top rope with a tornado DDT-esque move, then hits a dropkick from the top. He hits big chops and kicks as the crowd wants to see a GTS.
Axel tries for a Perfect Plex, but Itami gets out and lands a spin kick for the win.
Winner: Hideo Itami via pinfall (spin kick)
Natalya and Tyson Kidd are backstage. Natalya says that Tyson is busy getting ready for a match with Finn week. Kidd asks when she last checked on the cats, and says that when they're sick he chews up their food and feeds them mouth to mouth.
A Baron Corbin/Bull Dempsey video is shown. They'll Face off next week.
Alexa Bliss vs. Sasha Banks (w/ Becky Lynch)
Alexa Bliss starts off with some really hard forearms and a sunset flip for two, but runs right into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.
Banks grabs Bliss' hair and strikes her, and is warned repeatedly. Bliss tries a small package and a crucifix but can't get the pin. Banks drops her signature knees in the corner and hooks on the Bank Statement for the win. She refuses to let go of the hold for a while after the win.
Winner: Sasha Banks via submission (Bank Statement
- The announce team reminds us that Zayn vs. Neville will be on NXT next week.

Tyler Breeze vs. Chad Gable
Gable, the former Olympian, gets a good reaction in his TV debut. A "Let's go Gable/Tyler Breeze" chant starts.
Gable with a waistlock takedown and grabs a front headlock as huge chants break out for him. Breeze breaks out, mocks Gable and kicks him in the corner. Breeze applies a headlock and taunts Gable.
Gable with a giant arm drag throw and drops a knee on Breeze's elbow, then locks on an armbar in the ropes! Breeze hits his spin kick for the win.
Winner: Tyler Breeze via pinfall (Beauty Shot)
Great showing for Gable, and a really good crowd reaction.

NXT Tag Team Championships
Lucha Dragons (c) vs. The Vaudevillains
Kalisto goes right at Gotch with a dropkick, then tags in Sin Cara. The two land a sandwich kick and a wheelbarrow senton before Sin Cara chops Gotch. Cara puts on the Gory special, and then tries to backslide Gotch for two. Gotch gets out and tags Aiden English.
English schoolboys Cara to the outside, but gets dragged out of the ring. The Dragons hit double suicide dives on the Vaudevillains, but don't get a three count in the ring before commercial.
Back from the break English has an armbar on Kalisto, and shucks off a springboard armdrag attempt. Gotch is tagged in and lands a belly to back suplex for two.
Kalisto rolls English up for two, and tries to make a tag but English catches him in a headlock. Cara comes off the top with a flying headbutt and cleans house. He hits a Rampage Powerbomb while Kalisto comes off the top rope with a spinning head slam for the win!
Winners: Lucha Dragons via pinfall to retain the NXT Tag Team Championships
The team celebrates as the show goes off the air.

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WWE NXT Results 8 January NXT Tag Team Title Match, Sami Zayn Return, Chad Gable in Action
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