Thursday 1 January 2015

WWE NXT Results for 1 January 2015, Baron Corbin,Itami & Balor vs. The Ascension

baron corbinLucha Dragons vs. Tye Dillinger & Jason Jordan
Kalisto did some high flying moves but ends up getting caught by Jordan, and thrown across the ring with a big toss. The challengers work them over for a few minutes, keeping Kalisto isolated in their corner with quick tags. Jordan does a lot of the heavy lifting, literally. The champs eventually come back and Sin Cara makes the hot tag. Cara hits Jordan with a sunset flip powerbomb off the top rope for the win. Cool move; short match. 
Winners: Lucha Dragons
 The Vaudevillians run out from the crowd and attack Sin Cara and Kalisto after the match. They hit one of their finishers on them and pose with the title belts; apparently this feud is not over yet. 

Carmella comes out with the boys and does her “hottest chick in the ring” gimmick. Enzo and Big Cass do their shtick, and then reveal the first major return of 2015….it’s ole Blue Pants! 
Carmella vs. Blue Pants
This match doesn’t last long. Carmella bullies Blue around the ring, but Enzo tries to support her and creates a distraction. Blue Pants rolls her up for the win. 
Winner: Blue Pants
Enzo tries to apologize after the match but Carmella attacks him. Big Cass breaks them up, but she ends up leaving alone. 

CJ Parker vs. Baron Corbin
Bull Dempsey is actually at ringside to watch this one. The crowd starts counting, but Baron is a bit distracted so he doesn’t destroy Parker as quickly. He still wins the match with the End of Days in about 30 seconds. 
Winner: Baron Corbin

-After the match, Bull tries to flee through the crowd, but Baron tells him to stick around. He throws him over the barricade and they start brawling, until a swarm of officials come down to separate them. 
-Charlotte comes out with the NXT Women’s Championship. She gives some respect to Sasha Banks, calling her the toughest Diva she’s ever had to face, but rejects the idea of another match because she’s already beaten her twice. Banks come out and says none of that stuff matters. She rushes the ring with Becky Lynch, looking for a fight, but Natalya’s music queues from out of nowhere and she comes down to even the odds. Charlotte and Natalya back them off, and the heels retreat up the ramp. 

Hideo Itami & Finn Balor vs. The Ascension
Pretty similar to their match at Takeover, but with brief commercial breaks a bit shorter. Alex Riley is trying to convince us that Balor and Finn are nothing until they come through NXT, which is hilarious. It would be less hilarious if he wasn’t praising the Ascension as an established team of proven wrestlers at the same time. 
Winner: Hideo Itami & Finn Balor 

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WWE NXT Results for 1 January 2015, Baron Corbin,Itami & Balor vs. The Ascension
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