ACH vs. Alberto El Patron
El Patron is over big time, as the two follow the Code of Honor to start. Patron takes control of the match, but the show cuts to a commercial break early.
The tides have turned as we come back from the commercial, and ACH lands a nice double foot stomp that can't get the pinfall. He hits another one for the same result. The crowd isn't being too kind to this match early on, but changes their minds in the middle of the match.
ACH hits the Crash and Burn flip to the outside, tosses Alberto in and gets two off of a German suplex. He tries to follow up with a 450 splash but eats knees. Alberto locks on the armbar to put ACH away.
Winner: Alberto El Patron via submission (armbar)
- A video promo shows the Briscoes and ODB training
Mark Briscoe vs. Michael Elgin
The two start brawling to kick off the match, despite adhering to the Code of Honor. Elgin gets an advantage and hits a somersault leg drop, and the crowd doesn't like it at all.
Briscoe tries to fight back with his redneck kung fu, but Elgin cuts that off with a big clothesline. Briscoe manages to hit a nice exploder suplex and Death Valley Driver, but doesn't go for the pin. Elgin knocks Briscoe to the mat, then scores a big splash for a two count.
Elgin powerbombs Briscoe into the turnbuckle, followed by a Jay Driller on Mark Briscoe and gets the pin. This match didn't get much of a reaction besides a smattering of boos for Elgin.
Winner: Michael Elgin via pinfall (Jay Driller)
Elgin threatens Mark with a turnbuckle, but Jay Briscoe comes out for the save, but gets laid out with a belt shot from Elgin. Tomasso Ciampa arrives and chases Elgin away, then Hanson pops up and chases Ciampa, before everyone brawls.
ROH World Television Championship
Jay Lethal (c) (w/ Truth Martini & J Diesel) vs. Roderick Strong
Jay Lethal (c) (w/ Truth Martini & J Diesel) vs. Roderick Strong
The Code of Honor is adhered to, and Jimmy Jacobs is out to fill in for Martini on commentary, who is filling in for Corino.
A quick series of reversals keeps ending in Lethal gloating. There's some stalling after that with Truth Martini and Jay Lethal getting some cheap heat as we go to a commercial break.
Strong has the upper hand until Lethal scores with the Lethal Combination. Strong struggles but reaches the ropes, but his former partner BJ Whitmer shows up to attack Strong while the ref is distracted.
Lethal tries to abandon the match, but Strong gets on the mic and tells him to come back and re-start the match. Lethal obliges ant the bell rings, allowing Strong to lock on the Strong Hold, but Lethal gets to the ropes.
Both men are up top until Lethal scores Hail to the King, that only gets two. Strong comes back with a big kick for two, but Lethal hits a couple of superkicks and a Lethal Injection for the win.
Winner: Jay Lethal via pinfall (Lethal Injection) to retain the ROH World Television Championship
Strong is shown fighting Whitmer backstage, while Alberto El Patron comes out to the ring to attack Lethal. El Patron is standing tall to end the show.
Ring Of Honor results 22 February 2015