Friday 13 February 2015

TNA Impact Wrestling Results 2/13 Superstar Returns, Kurt Angle Calls Out Lashley, Jeff Hardy

ethan carter 3This week's bombastic blockbuster begins with a thorough recap of all the fussin' and feudin' that led up to Lockdown. When the dust settles, the BDC is on the ground in Glasgow, Scotland. Kurt Angle comes out first and takes in the crowd before raising his mic. He thanks Austin Aries and Gunner for helping him out at Lockdown. Then he puts over Lashley as the heavyweight champ, calling him one of the best wrestlers in the world. Angle calls Lashley out to the ring and personally thanks him for helping to defeat the BDC. Lashley shakes hands with Kurt but says he did it for himself. Angle then gets down to brass tacks and says he wants a shot at Lashley's title. Cue the BDC.
MVP says the Beat Down Clan didn't really lose at Lockdown and then says the BDC is going to do what they do best and beat down some folks. Lashley says he'll fight if they want to fight and tells MVP to pick two guys to take on him with his partner… Kurt freakin' Angle.
Recaps roll, Aries and Roode sound off back stage, and then we head to commercial.
After the break, EC3 is backed by Tyrus and he rages about wanting to cut Rockstar Spud's hair. Carter challenges Spud, Mandrews and Jeremy Borash to a handicapped match. Carter and Tyrus will meet them in the ring. Let's go down to ringside.

Austin Aries vs. Bobby Roode
Aries gets the jump on Bobby off the bell, working his arm and then catching him off the rope with an arm drag. Roode gets Aries in the crossface but that doesn't take. Aries mounts some respectable offense off the ropes and when the battle spills out of the ring, Aries goes airborne and takes out Roode on the floor. Roode mounts a comeback in the ring and earns a near-fall. Aries gets up hurting but hits Roode hard. Roode still puts A-Double back on the mat and covers again but can't finish the job. Aries gets up and they slug it out some more. Aries gets some momentum on his side but Roode remains in the hunt. Aries gets fired up, landing a big discus shot but then missing Roode when diving outside. AA gets a face full of steel barrier for his trouble, putting Roode back in the driver's seat. They end up back in the ring and Roode looks to put him away but Aries tries for a small package. Roode counters with the crossface and after a decent stretch, Aries taps.
Result: Bobby Roode wins via submission.

Roode takes to the mic and puts Aries over after the bell and the crowd approves. Bobby wants another shot at Lashley's title, too. Eric Young mounts a sneak attack, signaling that their feud is far from over.
After a pause for commercials, we get a gander at the refs helping Roode up the ramp. EY comes at Roode again and hits a piledriver on the stage. All things considered, he's pretty proud of himself. From the booth, Josh Matthews and Taz say that Young has crossed the line of professionalism. They hint that Bobby Roode may be out of commission for a while.
Back in the ring, Al Snow tells the Scotland audience that he doesn't like their hometown boy, Grado. He says he's giving Grado one last chance to quit wrestling before he kicks Grado's ever-lovin' ass. Grado comes out to face down Snow. He takes the mic from Snow and tells him to shut up. Al says that Grado is just feeling good because he's in front of his friends and family. We get a look at Grado's mom out in the crowd and she's sporting a "AM GRADO'S MAW" t-shirt. Snow goes to her and jacks his jaw some more and then she starts swinging at him. Snow looks to get in her grill and Grado chases him off. Those two will meet in the ring next week.
We get some more commercials and then the show resumes. Crazzy Steve is on the ramp, wearing some kind of scary monkey toy around his neck.
Crazzy Steve vs. Bram
Steve dodges Bram's initial attack and then tries to lock up but Bram gets control and never looks back. Looks like a squash match. Bram takes a mic and taunts Magnus as the match continues, finally putting Steve away with a spike DDT.
Result: Bram defeats Crazzy Steve via pinfall.
Backstage, Rockstar Spud cajoles Jeremy Borash into joining their handicap match against EC3 and Tyrus.
Kurt and Gunner confer backstage and Gunner asks Kurt if teaming with Lashley is really a good idea. Kurt basically blows off Gunner's concern. Well… that was weird. Let's go back to the ring because something interesting is a-brewing…

Rockstar Spud, Mandrews and Jeremy Borash vs. Ethan Carter III and Tyrus
Spud goes at Tyrus and gets thrown off. Mandrews tries next. Both Brits are down, so it's Borash's turn. Tyrus tags in EC3 who laughs at JB. Carter invites Borash to hit him and then swipes at him. Borash blocks EC3's punch with both hands and then unleashes a flurry of offense. Carter eventually reigns it in but JB manages to tag in Mandrews who puts EC3 on the defensive. Tyrus makes it back in and dominates Mandrews before tagging out. EC3 stays on top until Mandrews manages to bring in Spud. Tyrus gets involved but Spud takes him out with something like an inverted DDT. The announce team likens it to something from Spike Dudley. Tyrus rolls outside and… JEREMY BORASH GOES UP TOP! He gets some decent air and comes down on Tyrus, taking them both out of the fight. Inside the ring, Carter hits the one-percenter on Spud and gets the three-count. What a fun match.

Result: Ethan Carter III and Tyrus defeat Rockstar Spud, Mandrews and Jeremy Borash via pinfall.
After the match, Tyrus and EC3 taunt the guys from the ring. Anderson shows up and cleans house of the heels and the Glasgow crowd roars with enthusiasm.Outside of the venue, Kenny King and Low-ki lay waste to Gunner. Break time.
Madison Rayne opens up the next segment. She talks about being a decorated Knockout and a few times some audio interrupts her. Awesome Kong eventually surfaces and she's there to fight.
Madison Rayne vs. Awesome Kong
Kong looks like she's going to dominate this one but Madison musters some decent offense. Kong hits the implant buster pretty quickly and covers for the win.
Result: Awesome Kong defeats Madison Rayne via pinfall.
More commercials roll and then we recall the events of last week's Lockdown show, including Jeff's nasty bump off the cage. Matt Hardy comes out to share an update on Jeff's status. He says that Jeff was "broken" last week in a way that's never been done. James Storm interrupts…
Storm says he's put Hardy away where others have failed, including The Undertaker. Storm tells Hardy that it's his choice to either join The Revolution or end up like Jeff. Not surprisingly, hardy declines. He takes a shot at Storm before Storm's disciples spill into the ring and pick him apart. They set him up for something big but the Wolves fly out and disperse the scene.

Backstage, Aries shrugs off his loss and says he's on his own timetable. Kenny King tries to ambush him and Aries fights back. He's overpowered when the other BDC guys get involved.
The main event is within sight…
Kurt Angle and Lashley vs. Samoa Joe and MVP
Joe and Angle mix it up first. Angle gets Joe in check and Lashley tags in. Lashley And Samoa Joe trade blows for a while and once Lashley slows a bit, Joe takes control and bring in MVP. They tag in and out to keep the heat on Lashley. Lashley is bounced from one end to the other, fighting back at times but mostly struggling to stay in the contest. He finally comes back, hitting a neckbreaker on Joe and then landing the tag on Kurt. Angle delivers a German suplex to Joe and then to MVP. Squaring off against Joe again, the Samoan rakes Kurt's eyes and then MVP comes in and tosses Kurt into the post. MVP, as the legal man, follows up with a cover and the two-count. The two battle back and forth and when the ref is distracted, Low-ki messes with Angle from the outside. Joe tags in and beats on Angle as Lashley calls for a tag. Indeed, both guys tag their partners at the same time and Lashley and MVP fight once again. Lashley looks for the win with a spinebuster but Joe interferes. Angle puts Joe in an Angle lock but Joe flips him out, distracting Lashley and allowing MVP the chance to roll him up for the win.
Result: Samoa Joe and MVP defeat Kurt Angle and Lashley via pinfall.
Lashley and Angle argue in the ring after it's over. It's a sure bet, they'll be duking it out before long.

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results 2/13 Superstar Returns, Kurt Angle Calls Out Lashley, Jeff Hardy
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