Monday 16 February 2015

WWE Monday NIght Raw Results 2/16, Bryan Brawl Reigns

roman reignsJohn Cena comes out and reviews what Rusev did to him last week, but he says no more, and Rusev being unbeatable is a bunch of crap. He says you need to take the fight to Rusev to beat him, and he will be the first Superstar in history to beat Rusev, and he fights to win for the United States Championship. Rusev walks out and Lana says Cena just doesn’t get it, and he is delusional because Rusev is more superior than anyone, including Cena, the one who ‘never gives up.’ Lana says there’s no coming back this time, then Cena says Rusev’s never had his ass kicked, so he’s going to do it right now. Cena charges him on the ramp and they slug it out, then Cena drops him with a clothesline and a few referees try and break it up. Cena kicks Rusev in the chest, then he slams him headfirst into the mini tron twice, and punches him a few more times before taunting him. 

Luke Harper vs Dean Ambrose
Harper hits Ambrose in the corner and whips him into the ropes, then Ambrose slams him down and knocks him outside. Ambrose goes for a splash but Harper kicks him in the face, then we get back from a break to see Harper applying a side headlock. Ambrose bites him and throws some elbows, then he connects with a DDT off the ropes before hitting an elbow drop for two. Harper comes back with a side slam for two, then he whips Ambrose but Ambrose rebounds and hits him before connecting with Dirty Deeds for the win. 
Winner – Dean Ambrose 
Big Show interrupts a conversation between Kane and Triple H, and they yell at each other and try to blame each other for what happened on Smackdown. HHH tells them that this is stupid and it’s gone on too long, then they blame each other for the Royal Rumble and argue again. They threaten each other until HHH says they represent The Authority and they make him look bad, and they apologize. HHH says he is going to take care of Sting tonight, and they had better handle their own business tonight, and he wants solutions, not excuses.
Bray Wyatt cuts a promo about tragedies, and what happened makes him want to do something horrible. He twists a spike in his fingers and says it’s all a pity, but it’s time.
Goldust and Stardust are shown waiting in the locker room, and Goldust says he doesn’t want to go there, then Dusty Rhodes walks in. He says their family has been going through some tough times, and Dustin has been trying to get through to Cody, and none of this galaxy stuff matters. He says whatever happens, they have a bond, then he asks them to stand together and Dustin and Cody shake hands.
The New Day (w/ Big E) vs Gold & Stardust 
Woods applies a waistlock and throws Stardust back, then Stardust backs him into the corner and Goldust tags himself in. They stomp Woods on the ropes, then Woods comes back with an enziguiri before Kofi tags in and connects with a diving forearm. Kofi hits a corner crossbody for two, then Stardust pulls the ropes down and sets up a Disaster Kick, but Woods ducks it. Stardust stops to avoid Goldust, but Woods uses the distraction to kick Goldust in the face and picks up the win.
Stardust helps Goldust up and tries to lead him out of the ring, but Goldust can’t get up and falls down. Stardust picks him up again and Goldust hugs him, then stumbles forward, but Stardust hits Dark Matter and leaves him laying in the ring. 
Winners – The New Day 

Byron Saxton says Daniel Bryan got eliminated from the Royal Rumble match, and he somehow worked his way into getting a chance at a title match at Wrestlemania. Reigns says if the roles were reversed, he would have taken his elimination like a man, but Bryan didn’t do that. He says the only reason Bryan has a chance again is because of him, and eventhough Reigns won the Rumble, he still has to fight Bryan at Fast Lane. Reigns says he’s going to take it all away from Bryan on Sunday, and they can believe in that.
Roman Reigns vs Kane 
Reigns stomps Kane in the corner and suplexes him for two, then Daniel Bryan distracts him by leading a YES chant at commentary. Kane uses it to uppercut Reigns, then he chokes Reigns on the ropes and punches him a few times before applying a headlock. Reigns breaks it with a side suplex, then Kane charges the corner but Reigns elbows him and climbs the ropes to attempt an clothesline. Kane hits him on the way down, then he dropkicks Reigns in the face for two before Reigns hits some clotheslines. Reigns hits a Samoan drop for two, then Kane kicks Reigns in the face after Bryan starts another YES chant, and starts taking the commentary table apart. Reigns blocks a chokeslam and spears Kane on the floor, then makes it back in the ring and beats the ten count. 
Winner – Roman Reigns 
Byron Saxton is trying to get a word with Paige when the Bellas run out of the Divas locker room with Paige’s in-ring gear. They laugh and say she’ll have to wrestle naked, then Paige runs out in a towel asking where they went. Paige looks upset about having a match next with no gear, then she asks Cameron to help her, but Cameron blows her off as the Rosebuds dance down the hall.  

Summer Rae vs Paige 
Paige makes her entrance in one of the Rosebuds’ dresses, and Summer makes fun of her but Paige slams her throat first into the ropes. She slams Summer into the turnbuckles and kicks her, then she knees Summer in the face a few times and whips her into the ropes. Summer reverses and hits a spinning heel kick, then Summer applies a legscissors underhook submission before he legdrops Paige. She goes for another but Paige rolls away, then she connects with a few clotheslines and a kick before making Summer tap to the PTO. 
Winner – Paige 
Dolph Ziggler vs Seth Rollins 
Both men cut a promo on each other before Rollins attacks, then we get back from a break to see Rollins throw Dolph outside. The ref throws Merucry and Noble out of the match before they can interfere, then Rollins whips Dolph into the barricade and tells J&J he has it from here. Rollins goes for a powerbomb but Dolph counters with a rollup attempt, then he hits a DDT for two before attacking again. Both men counter each other’s moves several times before Dolph kicks him in the face and hits a Zig Zag, but Merucry and Noble rush back out and break up the pin. Ryback and Erick Rowan run out to make the save, and clear the ring before celebrating.
Winner (by disqualification) – Dolph Ziggler  

Triple H comes out and says he heard people say he is afraid of Sting, but they are all wrong and it takes more than some tricks to beat him. He says Sting, the Franchise of WCW, will stand face-to-face with The Game at Fast Lane, then Ric Flair cuts him off and walks to the ring. Flair says HHH can’t get mad at him because there in Orlando, where HHH inducted him into the Hall of Fame, and he came to say nothing but nice things. HHH says he’s here to praise Sting, but he already knows how good he is, but Flair says he loves him. Flair says he shouldn’t take Sting lightly, and HHH says all due respect, he doesn’t need the history lesson because he knows it already. HHH says he would have run Sting out of WWE if he ever showed up here, because Sting’s legacy was built on Flair reputation, so he would have kicked ass on principle.
HHH says after all of this, now Sting wants to make it personal with him, because he is WWE and Sting wants to take it from him, so Flair tells him to calm down. Flair says HHH is the greatest in the world when he is wrestling, but his worst enemy is time off, just like when Flair never thought Daniel Bryan would beat him, and he did. Flair says all he is telling him is to not let Sting sneak up on him, and HHH says he appreciates it, but he knows what he’s doing. HHH says he’s no Ric Flair, but when it comes to ass kicking Flair is no HHH, and Flair says that’s fair. He says to do him a favor and not be on his back at Fast Lane like last week on Monday, then HHH gets pissed and shoves him. HHH says next to his wife and kids, nothing is as important as WWE to him, and he will kick Sting’s ass and never show his face again.
Darren Young & Local Worker vs The Ascension
The Ascension cuts off the other team’s introduction and attacks them before the bell, then they beat Young in the corner until Titus O’Neil runs out for the save. Titus whips Viktor across the ring and kicks Konnor in the face, then Darren whips him out of the ring and they talk trash to the Ascension. 
Result – No Contest 

Damien Mizdow (w/ The Miz) vs Bad News Barrett
Sandow stomps Wade until Miz rings a bell, and makes Sandow clean his shoe, then Sandow gets back on the apron and Miz distracts him again. Wade knees Sandow in the face and slams him into the ring apron, then Sandow catches Wade with a neckbreaker and Miz rings the bell again. Sandow was setting up for a Skull Crushing Finale but breaks it, then Miz says ‘nevermind’ and Wade hits the Bullhammer for the win. 
Winner – Wade Barrett 
Dean Ambrose runs in from the crowd and slams Wade into the ringpost, then he zipties Wade around the post and holds up his contract. Wade screams at him but Ambrose says he is signing the contract whether he likes it or not, and Wade tries to get away and screams to cut him loose. Ambrose forces him to sign anyway, and Wade screams that it’s illegal and it’s not his signature, but Ambrose says he will see him at Fast Lane and celebrates.
Jimmy Uso & Naomi (w/ Jey Uso) vs Tyson Kidd & Natalya (w/ Cesaro)
Nattie and Naomi tie up, with Nattie applying a grounded headscissors, but Naomi reverses and they trade a few holds. Both try to reverse each other’s pins and submissions, with Naomi finally getting the pin by hooking the legs. Kidd yells at Nattie after the bell, but Cesaro tells Kidd to let it go and gets them to leave. 
Winners – Jimmy Uso & Naomi 
Daniel Bryan vs Big Show 
Show hits Bryan a few times and chops him in the corner, then Bryan goes for a quick sleeperhold as Roman Reigns talks to fans at ringside. Bryan looks over as Reigns signs some autographs, and Show goes down to both knees as Bryan still has the hold locked in, but Show comes to and flips Bryan over his shoulder. Bryan kicks Show in the chest a few times, then Show blocks a kick and chops him as we go to a break. We get back to see Bryan kicking Show, then he hits the ropes but Show applies a bearhug in the middle of the ring. Bryan tries to counter and ends up hanging Show over the ropes in a front facelock, and he breaks it when Reigns throws merchandise into the crowd.
Bryan goes for a suicide dive but Show catches him, and he tries to send him into the ringpost but Bryan floats over and shoves him towards the post. Show turns and shoves Bryan into Reigns, then he tries to spear Bryan but ends up taking Reigns out when Bryan sidesteps him. Show rolls Bryan back in and ends up getting caught with a low dropkick, then Bryan connects with some corner dropkicks before Show calls for a chokeslam. Bryan counters with a YES Lock but Show makes it to the ropes, then Bryan kicks him in the chest several times and goes for another cover. Show throws him across the ring so Bryan heads up top, and Reigns runs in and Superman punches Show and causes a disqualification.
Winner (by disqualification) – Big Show 
Bryan looks furious as he sits on the turnbuckles, and Reigns talks trash to Show, but turns back around and Bryan missile dropkicks him out of the ring. Reigns runs back in and slams Bryan in the corner, then he throws him outside and Bryan shakes his head as he gets up. Reigns dares him to come back in so Bryan rushes him and throws a few punches, then they go to the mat and slug it out before falling out of the ring. Reigns whips Bryan into the barricade as a group of referees run out, but Bryan and Reigns end up calming down and point at the Wrestlemania sign. The refs back off and Bryan offers a handshake, and Reigns slaps his hand before they end up turning and charging each other again. Bryan dropkicks Reigns outside, then he connects with a suicide dive before Reigns whips him into the crowd. They continue to fight through the crowd, and make their way back to the timekeeper’s area where Bryan hits Reigns with a chair. Reigns punches Bryan in the mouth and tackles him over the broadcast table, then referees finally separate them as the show ends. 

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WWE Monday NIght Raw Results 2/16, Bryan Brawl Reigns
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