Friday 27 February 2015

WWE SmackDown Results (2/26): FastLane Rematch, Mania Match Set

dean ambroseDaniel Bryan comes out and starts chanting "No!" and says nobody believed in him a few years ago, but realized there were people behind him and helped him main event WrestleMania last year.
During Bryan's promo, Bad News Barrett interrupts him and says nobody wants to hear him cry. The two trade verbal jabs as Bryan challenges Barrett to fight him. Instead, Dean Ambrose comes out and attacks Barrett. While they're outside the ring fighting, Bryan picks up the Intercontinental title. Bryan and Ambrose lay Barrett out, and Ambrose grabbed the title.
The Miz vs. Dean Ambrose
Damien Mizdow is absent tonight, and Cole said that Mizdow was possibly filming a commercial. Miz lands a neckbreaker and goes to work wth a chinlock on Ambrose. Ambrose works out of it and boots Miz in the face.
The two go back and forth until Bad News Barrett came back to go after his championship. Ambrose attacked Barrett, reversed the Skull Crushing Finale and hit a clothesline and Dirty Deeds for the pinfall.
Winner: Dean Ambrose via pinfall (Dirty Deeds)
Barrett manages to get the title back. Backstage he's interviewed and said Ambrose and Bryan can't beat him, and the title won't ever leave him.
Naomi (w/ The Usos) vs. Natalya (w/ Cesaro & Tyson Kidd)
Natalya was selling her injury from Raw throughout the entire match, including her entrance. The two went back and forth with reversals and counters for a while until Natalya scored with an airplane spin. She doesn't keep the advantage for long, however, as they both collide on a double cross-body attempt.
Naomi goes after Natalya's injured leg as Cesaro and Kidd get attacked by the Usos for trying to interfere. The referee checks on Natalya, but she catches an unsuspecting Naomi with a discus clothesline for the win.
Winner: Natalya via pinfall (discus clothesline)
- Rusev and Lana are out and cut a promo on John Cena. They say that Putin congratulated Rusev on the win, and they show a message from him on the screen where Putin calls Rusev a hero. Rusev said he won't face John Cena again, but will defend his title at WrestleMania against a worthy opponent, who he will beat.

Jack Swagger came out and interrupted Lana and Rusev, saying Rusev is scared of Cena. Swagger is still over a little bit as he's getting a good crowd reaction. Swagger assualted Rusev, sending him outside the ring. Rusev came in and kicked Swagger before putting him in the Accolade and making him tap, twice.
Bad News Barrett vs. Daniel Bryan
R- Truth is on commentary, so it looks like they're going to keep going with this. Bryan attacks early and locks on a surfboard while kicking Barrett. BNB comes back and hits the Winds of Change and tosses Bryan to the outside of the ring, which allows him to celebrate with the Intercontinental Title as we go to a commercial break.
As we come back, Bryan hits a nice kick for a two count, but puts Barrett in the Yes Lock. As he struggles to get out, Truth takes off with the I-C title. Barrett struggles, but finally makes it to the ropes, which leads to him tossing Bryan into the post. Bryan counters the bull Hammer with the running knee and gets the victory.
Winner: Daniel Bryan via pinfall (running knee)
Barrett looks for his title, but it's long gone.

- A Roman Reigns interview with Byron Saxton airs. Reigns says he hates the word "can't," but knows how good Brock Lesnar is. He says he knows he's going to beat Brock Lesnar, and is going to prove it.
We see Ambrose running into Truth, who says he's the new I-C champion. Ambrose asks for the belt back, and R-Truth hands it over. Well then.
Fandango (w/ Rosa Mendes) vs. Curtis Axel
Axel continues his AxelMania program, but this match is short and sweet. Fandango beats him with the top rope leg drop.
Winner: Fandango via pinfall (top rope legdrop)
- Mizdow is backstage filming a commercial, but an irate Miz shows up and goes off on him. The director offers the commercial to the Miz, who accepts, leaving Mizdow upset.
- It is announced that Bad News Barrett will defend his Intercontinental title at WrestleMania in a multi-person ladder match. The competitors weren't announced.
Goldust vs. Adam Rose (w/ Rosebuds)
This match ends quickly, with Goldust landing the Final Cut for the win after Rose misses a move from the top rope.
Winner: Goldust via pinfall (Final Cut)
After the match, one of the Rosebuds attacks Goldust. It's Stardust, and he's dressed like a sock monkey(!!!!). He drops Goldust with Cross Rhodes to end the segment.

- Bray Wyatt cuts a promo, and he's not happy that he's being made to wait by the Undertaker.
Seth Rollins, Big Show & Kane (w/ J&J Security) vs. Ryback, Erick Rowan, Dolph Ziggler.
The heels all get heat on Ziggler for an extended period of time, as he's playing the babyface in peril, and playing it to perfection. Big Show squashed Ziggler with a Vader Bomb, but Ziggler kicks out and scores with the Fame Asser. Show makes a tag to Kane, who goes afterZiggler but promptly eats a huge DDT.
Ryback gets the hot tag and cleans house, finally destroying Seth Rollins with the Meat Hook. He set up for the Shell Shocked, but Big Show pulled Rollins off Ryback's shoulders. Erick Rowan makes the save, but Rollins flies out of nowhere with a big dive to the outside.
Back inside the ring Ziggler lands the zigzag on Kane and Rollins kicks Ryback right in the chops. Rowan used J&J Security to his advantage by tossing Joey Mercury in the ring to get the ref's attention while Ziggler illegally came in and super kicked Rollins. Ryback capitalized and hit Shell Shocked for the win.
Winners: Ryback, Erick Rowan, Dolph Ziggler via pinfall (Shell Shocked)

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WWE SmackDown Results (2/26): FastLane Rematch, Mania Match Set
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