Sheamus comes out and blabs about Ambrose being reckless, and he says he'll be the next WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Ambrose tells Sheamus he looks stupid.
Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus
A series of knees from Sheamus doesn't accomplish much, as he's clotheslined to the outside of the ring. Ambrose goes for a suicide dive, but gets clocked. Instead, Ambrose does a tornado DDT to the floor as we go to a commercial.
We come back to see Ambrose tossed off the top rope, then Sheamus bodyslams him several times to where Ambrose's leg goes over the rope. Sheamus follows up with a stretch muffler, powerbomb and half crab. Ambrose fights back and scores with the rebound clothesline.
Ambrose knocks Sheamus from the ring and hits a suicide dive, then rolls him into the ring and connects with the diving elbow. The lights go out, Harper and Rowan show up, and Sheamus connects with a Brogue Kick outside. He hits another inside for the win.
Winner: Sheamus via pinfall (Brogue Kick)
We see a comic-book style promo for Neville/Stardust, which is way better than any match they've had. Neville says that he's going to teach Stardust a lesson, and the altitude era is now. Stardust appears on the TV laughing maniacally when he leaves. That was pretty good.
Neville vs. Adam Rose
Rose takes control early and beats Neville down in the corner before getting a one count on a suplex. Rose gets clocked going for a dive and kicked to the mat. Another big kick to the head sends Rose outside where Neville gets an Asai Moonsault. Red Arrow. Ballgame.
Winner: Neville via pinfall (Red Arrow)
Stardust appears on the TitanTron after the match and cuts a deranged promo.
We get a B.A.D. video package.
King Barrett comes out and says he's the King of Bad News. He says to hail him and puts his crown back on.
Kevin Owens comes out and says he gave John Cena the toughest fights ever. He lives by the motto "fight another day," and he wasn't risking injury to cost himself money. He then criticizes Rusev for being too worried about women.
Kevin Owens vs. Rusev (w/ Summer Rae)
Rusev rushes the ring and attacks Owens as we go to a commercial. We come back to see Owens in control, methodically beating down a a grounded Rusev. Finally the former Alexander hits a fallaway slam but walks into a superkick. Cannonball from Owens connects in the corner for two.
Owens does a Codebreaker, and then applies a headlock before slugging Rusev with punches. The Bulgarian comes back with a swinging back suplex and a spinning heel kick. A superkick floors Owens, but KO ditches the match and loses via countout.
Winner: Rusev via countout
Cesaro says he's made a lot of sacrifices and it's all been worth it, and tells people that the American Dream is alive. Kevin Owens comes backstage and tells Cesaro that nobody cares, and he abandoned his family. Cesaro says Owens abandons all of his matches, and tells him not to choke on a sandwich like he choked against John Cena.
Team B.A.D (w/ Tamina) vs. Bella Twins (w/ Alicia Fox)
Nikki Bella takes Naomi down with an arm drag and a spinebuster, but she kicks out. The twins hit Naomi with a double flapjack, but Naomi fights back and tags Sasha in, who gets put into a headscissors by Nikki, while the champ does pushups. Brie then goes for the Brie mode knee, but gets superkicked by Tamina as we go to commercial.
We come back to see Sasha controlling Brie Bella, including hitting her brutal double knees in the corner. BAD double teams Brie for a couple of minutes until Brie manages to knock Naomi out of the ring. Nikki gets the hot tag and runs wild, getting Naomi with the Alabamaslam. Sasha breaks up a Rack Attack, but Brie tackles her, then she and Fox take out Tamina. Nikki hits the Rack attack on Naomi for the pin.
Winners: Bella Twins via pinall (Rack Attack)
Seth Rollins vs. Cesaro
Rollins goes after Cesaro out of the gate, sending him outside as we go to a commercial. We come back to see Rollins handling Cesaro, getting a two after a clothesline. Cesaro comes back with big uppercuts, but gets cut down by Rollins throwing big knees.
Rollins eats a dropkick for a two count, and fights back with a turnbuckle Bomb. A Pedigree is turned into a Sharpshooter, then a crossface in the middle of the ring. Rollins gets to the rope, lands a big kick, but is victim to a pop-uppercut for a two count. Rollins grabs his belt and tries to leave, but gets a big uppercut. The ref is tossing the belt out and Rollins gives Cesaro a thumb to the eye and a Pedigree for the win.
Winner: Seth Rollins via pinfall (Pedigree)
Owens comes to the ring and attacks Cesaro after the match, landing a pop-up powerbomb on Cesaro
WWE Smackdown results for 23 July 2015