Evolve 40 IPPV results features Drew Galloway, Prince Puma , Justin Gabriel & Chris Hero.(1) Drew Galloway def. Uhaa Nation in 11:14.
According to the rumor mill, this should be one of the last indie dates for Uhaa before he heads to NXT. Good match.
(2) Timothy Thatcher def. Tommy End in 16:23.
A very physical back-and-forth match with a real hard-hitting style. Very stiff. Thatcher won with a Fujiwara armbar.
(3) Drew Gulak def. TJ Perkins in 12:13.
The only negative thing about this match is that they had to follow the last. Gulak won with an ankle lock after a good series of submission reversals.
(4) AR Fox def. Ethan Page in 13:36.
These guys obviously watched the last two matches, as they went for the big spots and high-flying style to give the fans a break from the mat wrestling and submissions. The match was a lot of fun, but they did way too many two-count spots later on.
(5) Chris Hero def. Biff Busick in 19:37.
Definitely the longest match so far, but there wasn’t really a dull moment. Crowd was into it, dropped off, came back into it, dropped off, etc. Basically what you’d expect from a 20-minute match from these two. Hero won with a Tombstone Piledriver.
(6) Johnny Gargano & Rich Swann vs. Caleb Konely & Brian Cage in 15:07.
Swann took a bump earlier and got the wind knocked out of him. Gargano sold for way longer than normal because of it, and they ended up calling it due to injury stoppage. That said, it looked like Gargano submitted Konely. So we’re not really sure who won.
(7) Ricochet (Prince Puma in Lucha Underground) def. PJ Black (Justin Gabriel) in 14:23.
Ricochet (Prince Puma in Lucha Underground) stole the show from an athletic standpoint, but that’s not a shocker. PJ cut a promo. This came off as a great main event caliber match with a lot of presence. Ricochet is basically king of non-WWE wrestling over the last year, and PJ came off with a bit of star power fresh out of WWE (Justin Gabriel). Black took the 630 splash for the finish.
Fantastic show. Go out of your way to watch it if you’ve got the cash for the IPPV. Every single star was given enough time to build a good match and/or story, but almost none of the matches came off as too long either. Solid night of wrestling; only 7 matches and all over them over 10 minutes.
Evolve 40 IPPV results