Keep in mind that we will also be the spot for the latest news, recaps and post-fight analysis after "Pettis vs. Dos Anjos."
Without further delay, see below for the latest UFC 185 results. (Note: This will go from the bottom up; therefore, scroll toward the bottom for the latest detailed round-by-round action.)
Evening folks, Stumpberg with you for the first two fights and Braiterman hanging out for the rest of the night.
Rafael dos Anjos def Anthony Pettis by decision (unanimous) 50-45 x3
Joanna Jedrzejczyk def. Carla Esparza by TKO (punches) at 4:17 of Round Two
Johny Hendricks def. Matt Brown by decision (unanimous) 30-27 x3
Alistair Overeem def. Roy Nelson by decision (unanimous) 30-27 x3
Henry Cejudo def. Chris Cariaso by decision (unanimous) 30-27 x3
Ross Pearson def. Sam Stout by KO (punch) at 1:33 of Round Two
Elias Theodorou def. Roger Narvaez by TKO (GNP) at 4:07 of Round Two
Beneil Dariush def. Daron Cruickshank by submission (rear-naked choke) at 2:48 of Round Two
Jared Rosholt def. Josh Copeland by TKO (GNP) at 3:12 of Round Three
Ryan Benoit def. Ryan Benoit by TKO (punches) at 1:34 of Round Two
Joseph Duffy def. Jake Lindsey by TKO (head kick and punches) at 1:47 of Round One
Germaine de Randamie def. Larissa Pacheco by TKO (punches) at 2:02 of Round Two
Joanna Jedrzejczyk def. Carla Esparza by TKO (punches) at 4:17 of Round Two
Johny Hendricks def. Matt Brown by decision (unanimous) 30-27 x3
Alistair Overeem def. Roy Nelson by decision (unanimous) 30-27 x3
Henry Cejudo def. Chris Cariaso by decision (unanimous) 30-27 x3
Ross Pearson def. Sam Stout by KO (punch) at 1:33 of Round Two
Elias Theodorou def. Roger Narvaez by TKO (GNP) at 4:07 of Round Two
Beneil Dariush def. Daron Cruickshank by submission (rear-naked choke) at 2:48 of Round Two
Jared Rosholt def. Josh Copeland by TKO (GNP) at 3:12 of Round Three
Ryan Benoit def. Ryan Benoit by TKO (punches) at 1:34 of Round Two
Joseph Duffy def. Jake Lindsey by TKO (head kick and punches) at 1:47 of Round One
Germaine de Randamie def. Larissa Pacheco by TKO (punches) at 2:02 of Round Two
155 lbs.: UFC Lightweight Champion Anthony Pettis vs. Rafael dos Anjos
Round 1: Anjos in the red, white and blue, Pretty Tony Showtime Pettis in black. Tan Dan is our ref. Pettis opens with a pair of high kicks. RDA with a couple of body kicks. Nice left from Anjos as well. Pettis blocks a head kick, but eats a solid punch from RDA. Nice left to the body from Anjos. Right from Pettis. Pettis' right eye looks like it's black already. Jump knee from Pettis. Left kick, right hand from Anjos. Right from Pettis. Liver kick from RDA. Left, too and right from Pettis. Left to the body from Rafael. Body kick and a right from the champ. Another straight right. Pettis getting in a couple, RDA firing, gets in a right. Low kick from RDA. Right hand lands for Tony. Combo from Pettis. Left uppercut hits from the Brazilian. Takedown with just under a minute left. Pettis with his butt on the canvas, but his back to the cage. Nothing happening at the moment. Knee from Dos Anjos. Left hand from RDA.
10-9 Dos Anjos
Round 2: Pettis boxing a little cleaner, until the time when he doesn't and gets hit with a left and RDA presses forward. Takedown attempt, but fails. Clinch to the fence. Knees to the thighs. Nice body kick from Pettis. Left hand from RDA. Pettis with a nice 3-piece combo. Weird jump-in elbow that gets him into a takedown. Full guard. Elbow. Pettis looking for an armbar from bottom. Couple of lefts from RDA. Elbows and Pettis is bleeding, too. Pettis backhanding while looking for a high guard that he can't get. Good right from RDA. One minute left. Couple of left hands lands for Anjos. Two more big ones.
10-9 Dos Anjos
Round 3: They trade leg kicks to open. RDA with one more. And a liver kick. Eye poke to RDA, but a light one and Anjos is OK. Nice high kick from Pettis, but RDA bites down and lands a left. Uppercut from Pettis. Lead leg kick lands from the challenger, a does a jab. Takedown attempt again and gets it. Full guard. RDA not doing a lot, but the ref is letting it go. Pettis scrambles and gets up. RDA still draped on him with a body lock. Knees to the thigh. They break. Head kick for Anthony, body for RDA and into a double leg for Anjos. This is reminding me of what Clay Guida did to him a while ago and makes me wonder what Khabib Nurmagomedov has to say to either man here. Up goes Pettis, down goes Pettis. Pettis scrambles and with 10 seconds left, RDA takes his back. Hammerfists.
10-9 Dos Anjos
Round 4: RDA misses a leg kick, lands a liver. They trade leg kicks. RDA with a left hand. A right hook gets in. Uppercut and body kick from Pettis. A second. Right from both men as RDA dives onto a takedown attempt. Anjos gets it into half. Almost a reversal in a scramble, but Anjos remains on top and even advances. RDA working on a kimura. Pettis is gripping onto his own hand solid, but so far able to maintain his defense. Scramble. Dos Anjos gets on his back and gets both hooks in. The hooks are loose and Pettis is on top. RDA scrambles right back up. Pettis with the takedown, but RDA right back up. Pettis still with the clinch and getting in some lefts. Anjos reverses and holds the head down to get in some body knees. Pettis back up, but has his back to the cage. Double unders for the challenger and he uses it to just drag Pettis down.
10-9 Dos Anjos
Round 5: Flying knee attempt from Pettis early. Right hand from Anjos. They exchange body kicks, but RDA goes after a takedown. Clinch to the links. Pettis with a combo, Dos Anjos with a left. Another takedown attempt successful for RDA. Side control. Unless Pettis does something spectacular, this could be all over right here with 3:30 left. Pettis rolls and scrambles. He's up halfway through the round. RDA with a body kick and there's the double leg. Down goes the champ. Ninety seconds to go. Armbar attempt. Nothing. One minute. Kimura attempt... no dice. RDA to the back. New champion folks.
Final result: Dos Anjos defeats Pettis by decision (unanimous) 50-45 x3
115 lbs.: Women's Strawweight Champion Carla Esparza vs. Joanna Jedrzejczyk
Round 1: Carla in the teal singlet, JJ in the red trunks and black bra. Esparza ducks under the jab and tries for the takedown. JJ stuffs it and punishes Carla with an elbow. Another single attempt, and after some struggle, JJ goes down. JJ scrambles and manages to get up and out. Right on the break from Carla. Straight to the takedown again. She has JJ in a front headlock. Down goes JJ, but she's back up again. Knee from JJ. Whizzer and a good right elbow from JJ. Stuffs that takedown. Esparza with a hip toss, but JJ manages to stay out. Another attempt. Another stuff. 1-2 from JJ. Takedown feint. JJ misses on an overhand. That one lands. Left, too. Takedown. Stonewalled again. Knee on the break from JJ on the break. Solid right hand from JJ. Esparza fakes into an overhand, doesn't get it. Another right. A left.
10-9 Jedrzejczyk
Round 2: Right from Esparza, one back from JJ. Single-leg attempt. Blocked yet again. Elbow on the break from JJ. Right to the jaw. Takedown... sprawl.... nope. Right, left, right from JJ. Strange attempt that doesn't really seem to be a whole-hearted attempt from Carla. She eats an elbow for trying. Another failed takedown. Knee. Jab. JJ is teeing off here and still stuffing every takedown attempt. 1-13 on takedowns now. Enormous right hand. JJ starts flurrying in rapid-fire succession and the referee stops it just as Esparza slumps against the cage. I was about to score that a 10-8 round. That was getting brutal.
Final result: Jedrzejczyk defeats Esparza by TKO at 4:17 of rd. 2
170 lbs.: Johny Hendricks vs. Matt Brown
Round 1: Brown in black and red, Hendricks in olive. Hendricks keeping out of range of Brown's probing punches. clinch, and Brown gets a knee, but Hendricks with a big slam. Brown squirms and gets up without any damage getting through. Clinch. Double unders from Hendricks, who can't get a takedown and eats a knee for his troubles. he keeps at it and gets the takedown into a full guard. Good defense so far from Brown. Hendricks isn't getting in much with this top position, getting his neck and wrists held onto. Matt looking for a triangle, but Johny postures out of it. That allows Brown to get out and stand. Head kick from Brown. Elbow and knee from Brown land flush. Another takedown from Hendricks. He gets in a left, but is still getting stymied by the movement of Brown on the bottom. Brown has a cut on his head from some of this stuff.
10-9 Brown
Round 2: Left from Brown. He tries a headkick and gets taken down. He gets right back up, however. Body kick from Brown. Left from Hendricks. Another gets in flush and Hendricks gets a nice takedown into side control. Good shrimping from Brown to quickly regain half. He starts looking for an arm triangle, but gives it up. There's a nice left hand. Backhand from Hendricks. Three right hands. Sporadic GNP whenever Hendricks is able to get free. Bit of a quick standup from the ref. Hendricks with a punch-kick combo. Another. He slips a right from Brown. Feints from Hendricks. Brown with a right. Knee from Johny. One from Brown. Takedown from the All-American wrestler with about 70 seconds left. Brown scrambles up. Nice combo from Hendricks. Brown fires back, but isn't successful. Takedown with 20 to go. Half guard.
10-9 Hendricks
Round 3: Hendricks slips on a leg kick, but springs up before Brown can do much. Hendricks with a low single as Brown clipped him with a knee coming in. Weird position, almost an inverted triangle position. Matt escapes. Right from Hendricks. Takedown #7 despite another fence grab from Brown. Hendricks' eye is a bit busted. Half guard. Side. Matt circles to the cage to push off it, but no dice. Elbows from Hendricks. Brown throws the legs past Hendricks' neck to get out of the position, but Hendricks follows in the scramble to get the back. Side control now as Brown rolled. Brown firing from the bottom. He's trying for subs, but Hendricks is defending every sub attempt so far. Uneventful end to the fight.
10-9 Hendricks
Final result: Hendricks def. Brown by decision (unanimous) 30-27 x3
265 lbs.: Roy Nelson vs. Alistair Overeem
Round 1: Reem in gray, Nelson in white. "Big D needs 4 octagon girls". Thanks, Mike. Reem with a nice teep to the thigh. Nelson feints in, but doesn't throw as Alistair circles out. Jump knee from Reem lands to the chest. Overhand from Roy gets blocked and Overeem lands a leg kick that Roy spins from. Another one to the ankle. Jab from Roy. Right from Reem. There's a nice left from Nelson. Another ankle kick and another body knee from Alistair. That knee hits the chin. Again. Leg kicks. Reem backs to the cage and eats some uppercuts up against the fence. Reem manages to cover up and protect himself from most of the damage. He clips Roy with a punch as he gets away. Those leg kicks are adding up. That one gets Nelson to the canvas as he stumbles. Knee to the body as Nelson moved for a takedown. That knee got blocked, but a huge liver kick did not. Reem gets in a jab and another ankle kick.
10-9 Overeem
Round 2: Reem gets in a right. Roy lands that annoying leg teep. Good right from Reem. Leg kick and runs away from the cage. Roy is limping now. Roy checked that one. Nice shot from Roy, but Reem recovered well there. Roy comes forward and Reem is on his bike. Reem with a takedown, but zero control on it and Roy stands right away. Nice liver kick again from the big Dutchman. Nelson just misses with a right hand. Nelson gets Reem backed to the cage and fires off a few shots to the body as Reem covers up well. Huge jump knee from Reem lands to the chin again!. As always, Nelson has a great chin. Overhand right from Roy at the end.
10-9 Overeem
Round 3: Gotta say, I'm impressed with Overeem so far. He's looked a lot tougher and smarter than what we've seen so far. Right hand from Reem. Leg kick trips Roy, but it turns out it was low. We pause. Ow. Replay shows the knee to the junk straight up lifted Nelson off the ground. We continue and Overeem gets off a nice straight right. Reem misses a spinning elbow and nearly gets in trouble, but runs out of it. Left from Nelson and Reem is backed against the fence. Nelson looks for a takedown. Reem fights it off. Reem with a a headkick that staggers Roy. Roy is too tough to go down, however. Nelson looks low with a takedown into an overhand. Knee from Reem and a right. Reem blocks the overhand and circles away. Another knee. Big left from Nelson with 35 seconds left floors Nelson. Reem stands and gets hurt again... and Roy GOES FOR A TAKEDOWN?! WHAT WAS HE THINKING?! The round ends with that.
10-9 Overeem
Final result: Overeem def. Nelson by decision (unanimous) 30-27 x3
125 lbs.: Chris Cariaso vs. Henry Cejudo
Round 1: Cejudo in gold, Cariaso in red. Nice line, Goldie... "4 octagon girls in Big D". Nice euphemisms there. Couple of low kicks from Chris. Cejudo with a punch. They clinch and Cejudo with a near immediate takedown. Left hand from Henry. Half guard pass. Knee to the arm as Cariaso stands. Body kick from Chris. Right hand from Henry. Cejudo clinches into the cage and starts kneeing the thigh. Cariaso manages to break free. Superman punch and a head kick behind it from the former Olympian. Clinch to the cage, knees again from both men, mostly Cejudo. He drops down and gets the takedown. Cariaso stands after some light GNP. Not sure I get the Ric Flair "wooo!" yells from the crowd on each knee, but hey, Texas. Liver kick from Chris lands.
10-9 Cejudo
Round 2: The 2nd opens with Henry surging forward, and Cariaso winging a big overhand counter - nothing lands. Henry with a straight. They clinch and there's the takedown again. Cariaso is good about not taking too much damage on the ground so far, but he isn't winning the rounds, either. Half guard here near the cage. Cariaso gets up - again, with nothing bad happening to him - but they're still in that clinch. Nice left elbow from Henry. Cariaso gets double underhooks and reverses. They break. Knee from Cejudo. Cariaso checks the leg kick, but walks forward straight into a blast double. Half guard. Full. Some sporadic GNP, but Cariaso is holding on very well. Cejudo postures up, gets kicked away and allows Cariaso to stand. Body kick from Cejudo. Cariaso gets in a counter.
10-9 Cejudo
Round 3: Cejudo with a nice lead left. Cejudo catches a teep and gets a takedown. Half guard. Couple of elbows and a knee from Henry. Elbows from Henry, close to 12-6 that gets a warning from Herb Dean. Cejudo stands and eats a good upkick before diving back into guard. Cejudo pauses and then backs away, waiving Chris to his feet. They exchange body kicks. Clinch and double unders from Chris. Cejudo pummels for one, Chris reverses, Henry gets a second underhook and gets the takedown with 1:20 left in the fight. Knee to the body from Cejudo. Strange can-opener variation from Cejudo, but Cariaso gets out. Cejudo postures and gets upkicked again. Cariaso rolls for a leg at the end, but can't get it.
10-9 Cejudo
Final result: Henry Cejudo def. Chris Cariaso by decision (unanimous) 30-27 x3
155 lbs.: Ross Pearson vs. Sam Stout
Round 1: Stout in white, Pearson in blue. Pearson lands a left early. Stout gets in a kick. Nice right from Pearson. Stout with an uppercut. Nice inside leg kick right at Stout's knee. Both men get in lefts. Stout whiffs on a huge right, gets in a body kick a little bit later. Another. Stout misses a couple of punches, but ends the combo, Dutch-style, with a leg kick. 3-2 from Stout. Pearson with a left. An uppercut, too. Stout lands a right. Body shot from Ross.
10-10 in round where I can't really decide who won.
Round 2: Pearson opens with an inside leg kick. Stout gets one back just afterwards. Good left from Ross. There's a right, too. Stout throws to the ribs. Huge left hook and good lawd, Stout timber'd like he was poleaxed. Stout sat up for a second, only to eat a huge right as "Tan" Dan Miragliotta dives in to stop it.
Final result: Pearson def. Stout by KO (punch) at 1:33 of rd. 2
185 lbs.: Elias Theodorou vs. Roger Narvaez
Round 1: Narvaez (pronounced by Goldie as "Nar-vice") in black, Elias in maroon. Kick from Theodorou into a clinch as he wants to get in on the taller man. Narvaez with a counter left off a kick. Inside leg kick from Elias. Elias is coming up short on nearly everything he throws. Right hook from Roger. Cup check onto Narvaez's pills gives us a quick break in the action. It's slow the rest of the round.
10-9 Narvaez
Round 2: Theodorou catches a leg kick and lands a nice right. Elias gets in on a single and gets him down. Full guard after a brief scramble. Elias postures up and gets in a left before sitting down to maintain posture. Narvaez went to deep half to create a scramble and got up. Roger is bleeding now. Narvaez went high with a kick but too high for the big man. Nice head kick from Theodorou. Another kick, this time to the leg. Elias goes for a takedown and Narvaez feeds him a leg for a single. Roger takes it. Elias is pounding and pounding and pounding... the ref is giving Narvaez every chance, and he does pop up and attempt to break free, but Theodorou stays on top and is slugging away. Finally the ref has to break it up and end it. Understandable, as he ate a good 30 or 40 unanswered.
Final result: Theodorou def. Narvaez by TKO (ground & pound) at 4:07 of rd. 2
155 lbs.: Daron Cruickshank vs. Beneil Dariush
Round 1: Daron in white, Dariush in blue and red. They trade leg kicks. Weird, superman-lunge from Dariush. Leg kick hits, though. Head kick from Daron lands. Body kick from Beneil. Combo from Cruickshank and he is able to keep the better grappler, Dariush, off him. Dariush keeps kicking to the liver. Dariush tries a takedown, but Daron is able to end that. Daron misses an axe kick, and Dariush clinches. Crooks manages to get away and circles out. Another liver kick lands for Beneil, but he crouched down and it hit on the arm. Front leg question mark kick lands for Daron, but there wasn't much on it. Jump knee attempt from Daron, but that allows Dariush to get the takedown. Daron trying to scramble, but Dariush in side control. He gets in a couple good shots before the round ends.
10-0 Dariush
Round 2: Left hand and a superman punch from Beneil. Cruickshank works on a takedown, but gives it up. They trade and both men get in some good shots. Daron fails on a takedown, but this is probably a bad idea against the expert grappler. Lo and behold, Dariush takes his back in a scramble. Dariush goes for an armbar, but Daron gets out of it. They scramble and Cruickshank lands in a body triangle... Dariush snaking his arms in for the rear-naked... and he gets the tap.
Final result: Dariush def. Cruickshank by submission (rear-naked choke) at 2:48 of rd. 2
265 lbs.: Jared Rosholt vs. Josh Copeland
Round 1: Rosholt in orange trunks and Copeland in white. Lotta man meat moving around in this one. Copeland with a crouched stance to start, and they spend a good 45 seconds staring at each other before Rosholt punches his way in. Neither man connects and they break. Rosholt with a takedown, but Copeland defends. Josh has his back to the cage, gets in a right. Rosholt working for the position, but not doing much with it but maintaining. He tries a foot sweep, no effect. Uppercut from Copeland and we've got a break from the ref. Rosholt misses a right. Tentative pace from both men still here. There's a right from Rosholt, but Copeland eats it well. There's another huge right that Copeland just stares down. A short right this time. Counter right from Copeland and Rosholt is stiff legged for a second. Copeland comes in, but Rosholt keeps his wits, ducks under a punch and pushes Copeland to the fencing.
10-10 round in my book
Round 2: Jab from Copeland. Rosholt misses a kick. Copeland misses and Rosholt circles out from the forward pressure. Right from Jared, left from Josh. Copeland stuffs the takedown. The pace is glacial here. Two minutes left in the round and Copeland eats a body kick and a knee. Rosholt in a single, picks him up and dumps Copeland on his head. Quarter guard up against the cage here. Rosholt's right hand is free and he's getting in some nice GNP here. Not sure what Rosholt is doing, but he stopped punching to... try for some ill-advised submission that he can't even get the setup for.
10-9 Rosholt
Round 3: They're punching in ones, slowly. Finally after a minute, Rosholt dives in on a single and gets him down. Side control for "Big Show". Knee on belly for Rosholt and he's getting in some good right hands. Copeland's nose is leaking. Copeland has shown little ability to get up, and despite a bit of space, he can't get up. Rosholt starts swinging rights and lefts, and despite the rights hitting Copeland directly in the back of his head, the ref has seen enough and stops the fight.
Final result: Rosholt def. Copeland by TKO at 3:12 of rd. 3
125 lbs.: Sergio Pettis vs. Ryan Benoit
Round 1: Benoit in the pink spandex and Pettis in white. Lead left from Ryan gets in and he angles out. He tries a head kick that misses and Pettis counters with a left. Pettis with a right that wobble Benoit, but he seems to recover well enough. Body kick from Serge. They both trade punches before backing out. Benoit slips a jab. Rogan thinks that Ryan might've hurt his right hand. Benoit ducks for a takedown and gets the takedown, but within seconds, Sergio sweeps him and he's on top in half guard. Good elbow from Pettis. Benoit surges into a sweep and gets out from underneath. Sergio gives him a little space and Ryan stands. Both men are back up and swinging and kicking. Pettis seems to get the better and with Benoit advancing, Pettis ducks under and gets the takedown on the wrestler. Full guard. Pettis with some decent GNP. Ryan gets in a few elbows, but he's mostly on the down side of the traffic.
10-9 Pettis
Round 2: Benoit comes out aggressive, but Pettis sidesteps him when he gets too close. Right hand from Pettis. A takedown attempt from the lightweight champ's younger brother, but Benoit gets out of it. He eats a right for his troubles. Leg kicks for both men. Big left hand from Benoit and Pettis drops instantly! Pettis is still there, but Benoit is instantly on top of him, swarming with punches and the ref jumps in. Benoit randomly kicks Sergio in the ass after the stoppage for some reason.
Final result: Benoit def. Pettis by TKO at 1:34 of rd. 2
155 lbs.: Jake Lindsey vs. Joseph Duffy
Round 1: Left hook lands for Duffy, then a 3-2. Body shot, stiff jab. Lindsey answers with a hard leg kick. Duffy connects on a straight right, followed by a 3-2. Another two punch combo, then a leg kick. Duffy looking extremely sharp early. One minute in. 1-2 lands for him. Lindsey leg kick checked. Duffy lands a straight right, then wobbles Lindsey with a head kick. Duffy smells blood. He rips him to the body with three huge punches, culminating with a left hook that sends Lindsey to his knees. Absolute domination from Duffy.
Final result: Duffy def. Lindsey by TKO (head kick and punches)
135 lbs.: Larissa Pacheco vs. Germaine de Randamie
Round 1: GDR opens with an inside leg kick. Pacheco to the outside. More leg kicks, plus jabs from de Randamie. Hard straight right from the Dutchwoman. Head kick blocked. One minute in. Another 1-2 lands for de Randamie. Pacheco lands a glancing right, just avoids a big swing. de Randamie using her jab very well. Two minutes in. Good uppercut from GDR. Hard 1-2 lands. Again. Two minutes to go.
Pacheco tries a spinning attack, eats a right hand for her trouble. Pacheco tires up, taking her to the fence. KNees to the thigh from the Brazilian. GDR reverses position. One minute to go. Big knee from the plum before they separate. de Randamie continuing to land the jab. Nice right hand, then a huge uppercut and straight right. Pacheco eats a nasty combination before the bell. 10-9 de Randamie.
Round 2: GDR lands a right and a leg kick. Pacheco tries one to the body, blocks a knee with a kick to the groin. Body kick by Pacheco. GDR with a glancing overhand right. One minute in. Pacheco tries and fails to tie up. 1-2-3 by GDR. High kick glances off. Stiff left after a missed uppercut. Lead overhand right. BIG uppercut. de Randamie rattles her with a pair of massive overhand rights and Pacheco covers up, backing to the fence. The referee has seen enough. Terrific performance from de Randamie.
Final result: de Randamie def. Pacheco by TKO (punches)
Ufc 185 Pettis vs Dos Anjos Results