Seth Rollins, Kane, and J&J interrupt. Rollins holds up his briefcase and says anything can happen at WrestleMania. Rollins says Randy Orton isn't in the building, and won't be. Kane books himself and Seth Rollins against Mark Henry and Roman Reigns.
Paige vs. Brie Bella (w/ Nikki Bella)
AJ Lee and Nikki Bella are on commentary for this match. Paige tackles Brie early on and attacks her outside of the ring. Back inside, Brie hits a bulldog and locks on the dreaded signature Brie Bella chinlock twice.
A double clothesline leaves both laying so the viewers will pay more attention to Nikki on commentary. Brie hits the Brie Mode knee, but Paige rolls her up for the pin.
Winner: Paige via pinfall
- We get a Raw Rebound featuring the Orton-Rollins feud.
Gauntlet Match
Daniel Bryan vs. R-Truth vs. Stardust vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper vs. Dolph Ziggler
Daniel Bryan vs. R-Truth vs. Stardust vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper vs. Dolph Ziggler
The announcers show tweets from Scott Hall, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart putting over the ladder match.
Dean Ambrose vs. Stardust
Ambrose brawls with Stardust off the bat, but Stardust leaves the ring and catches Ambrose on the way back in. A Disaster Kick gets a two count. The crowd chants "Cody," and Stardust flips out.
Stardust hits a front suplex, but Ambrose counters a sunset flip to pin him. Stardust attacks Ambrose from behind after being eliminated and drives Ambrose's shoulder into the ring post.
Stardust has been eliminated by Dean Ambrose via pinfall
Truth comes to make the save and disposes of Stardust momentarily.
Dean Ambrose vs. R-Truth
Truth yells at the ref to ring the bell. Stardust then distracts Truth, and Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds for a quick pin.
R-Truth has been eliminated by Dean Ambrose via pinfall (Dirty Deeds)
Luke Harper makes his way to the ring as we go to a commercial break.
Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper
Back from the break Ambrose hits a cross body, but Harper starts working over Ambrose's injured shoulder. Harper locks on a nice Fujiwara armbar/crossface mix, but Ambrose breaks free.
Ambrose clotheslines Harper off the apron to the floor, and comes back in the ring where he runs into a swinging side slam. Harper locks on the armbar/crossface again, and then superkicks Ambrose. On the rebound, Ambrose hits a clothesline. Harper recovers and finishes Ambrose with a sit down powerbomb.
Dean Ambrose is eliminated by Luke Harper via pinfall (sit down powerbomb)
Daniel Bryan's music hits and the crowd goes nuts as we get another commercial break. Back from commercial J&J Security are having other security guys screen the entrance doors for Randy Orton.
Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan
We come back to the match and Bryan is working over Luke Harper's leg, and then gets him up for a surfboard. That was impressive. Bryan kicks Harper, but gets dumped out of the ring to the floor.
Harper plants Bryan with a body slam and punishes him with a gator roll. A big boot from Harper sets up a rear chinlock, but Bryan fights out and hits a big suicide dive to the floor.
Back inside the ring Bryan lands his repeated kicks, but Harper comes back with a disgusting half nelson suplex that folds Bryan in half. Bryan took a sick bump on his neck there. Harper goes for the powerbomb, but Bryan escapes and locks on a heel hook to get the tap!
Luke Harper is eliminated by Daniel Bryan via submission (heel hook)
Dolph Ziggler is on his way out and has an inset promo as we go to another commercial.
Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler
The two lock up but reach a stalemate until Bryan kicks Ziggler in the corner. Ziggler reverses momentum and unloads in the corner. The two trade punches until Dolph Ziggler hits a neckbreaker. He eats turnbuckle when Bryan moves, and gets a kick to the face.
Bryan goes for a top rope Frankensteiner, but Ziggler rolls through for a two count. Bryan goes through his signature comeback spot, but the two collide on a cross body attempt and are left laying. We go to a commercial break with both men on the ground.
Back from commercial Ziggler hits a huge dropkick, but Bryan reverses a FameAsser into a powerbomb for two. Both men are on the top rope, but Bryan escapes out the back and crotches Ziggler. Ziggler counters into a cross body for a two count, and the crowd is loving it.
Bryan comes off the rope with a huge kick, but Ziggler gets his shoulder up at the last moment. Bryan sets up for the running knee, and Ziggler blasts him with a super kick out of nowhere. Bryan applies the Yes Lock and Ziggler counters with a bridge for two.
The two have a backslide battle, with Bryan winning it, but only getting two. They're back on their feet and Ziggler connects with a Zig Zag for the win!
Daniel Bryan is eliminated by Dolph Ziggler via pinfall (Zig Zag)
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler and Bryan shake hands after the match. Bad News Barrett comes out and attacks them with a microphone. He hits both with the Bull Hammer and leaves with his Intercontinental Title. Go out of your way to watch this match.
- A hype video Bella Twins vs. AJ Lee & Paige is shown. The rest of the WWE Divas offer their thoughts on the match.
Interspecies Tag Team Match
Tyson Kidd, Cesaro and Natalya vs. Los Matadores & El Torito
Tyson Kidd, Cesaro and Natalya vs. Los Matadores & El Torito
Cesaro hits a quick elbow drop, but walks into a huracanrana by Diego. Natalya tags herself in, but Kidd tags himself in right after. Kidd eats a Guerrero-style slingshot senton, but Cesaro helps him regain control quickly.
Cesaro hits a quick European uppercut and tosses Fernando from the ring. Kidd tries an apron kick, but gets tripped up. El Torito is tagged in as he and Diego land the Smoking Gunns' old finish.
Cesaro and Kidd are bounced from the ring, and Matadores both dive outside onto them. Inside the ring Torito gets Natalya with an armdrag, but then she kills him with a sit down powerbomb for the win.
Winners: Natalya, Tyson Kidd & Cesaro via pinfall (sitdown powerbomb)
Main event time, as the security guards are still watching for Randy Orton.
- Backstage, we see Mark Henry on the ground laid out. He won't be competing tonight.
Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins & Kane (w/ J&J Security)
This is now a handicap match, and Rollins and Kane take advantage of that fact out of the gate. They work Reigns over before Kane hits a sloppy running DDT. J&J have stationed the security guards to block the ramp.
Rollins gets the tag and methodically attacks his former Shield partner. Reigns fights back and takes out Kane, then hits Rollins with several corner clotheslines and a tilt-a-whirl slam. Mercury gets up on the apron but gets a Superman punch for his troubles. Noble does the same and is knocked off.
Rollins drops Reigns' head over the top rope, but gets caught by a Superman punch as he flies through the air. Kane tags in but walks into a Spear for the pin.
Winner: Roman Reigns via pinfall (spear)
Orton appears out of the crowd and hits Rollins. He takes out all of the security, including a big double DDT. Rollins comes back and eats a powerslam. Noble & Mercury both get RKO's as Rollins barely escapes.
WWE Smackdown Results (3/19): Huge Gauntlet Match, Roman Reigns , Randy Continue His Attack