Thursday 23 April 2015

WWE NXT Results (4/22): Kevin Owens Vs. Alex Riley, Rhyno, Finn Balor, Hideo Itami In Action

kevin ownes Tonight we'll see Finn Balor, Hideo Itami, Rhyno and Kevin Owens all in action!
Finn Balor vs. Tye DillingerThe two start out working each other's arms until Balor hits a big dropkick. Balor lands a series of forearms and a Pele kick, followed by a slingblade. Finn Balor with the diving stomp, and that's it.
Winner: Finn Balor via pinfall (Coup de Grace)
- Tyler Breeze is on the tron and says he isn't impressed by Balor.
- Dana Brooke is being interviewed, and says she's the strongest diva, and this is her playground.
- Kevin Owens says he beat Alex Riley a few weeks ago, and he will again.
Number One Contender's MatchBayley vs. Becky Lynch vs. CharlotteBayley and Charlotte go after Becky, but Bayley keeps Charlotte from pinning her. Charlotte chops Bayley, getting big "woo" chants from the crowd. Bayley quickly gets the crowd on her side, however. Becky hits a nice wrist clutch suplex on Charlotte as we go to commercial.
We come back to Becky Lynch working over Bayley, but unable to get a pin, and throws on a kneebar. Charlotte is knocked off the apron again, but Bayley takes control by attacking Becky. It doesn't last long as Becky applies a leg lock, but Charlotte hits Natural Selection for two before Bayley breaks it up.
The three tease a tower of doom, but Becky Lynch ends up eating a powerbomb/top rope back elbow. Bayley suplexes both girls, but Charlotte locks on the Figure Four. Bayley gets the to the ropes, but Charlotte locks on her Figure 8. Becky Lynch pins Bayley while in the hold.
Winner: Becky Lynch via pinfall- We'll see Hideo Itami in action next.
Hideo Itami vs. CJ ParkerParker has a headlock briefly, but Itami fights back and kicks Parker, who goes to the apron. A jawbreaker over the ropes regains control for Parker, as he continues to work over Itami. Parker lands a nice suplex, but it only gets 2.
Itami demolishes Parker with kicks, finishing with the Shotgun kick.
Winnner: Hideo Itami via pinfall (Shotgun Kick)- Sasha Banks confronts Becky Lynch backstage. They trade verbal jabs.
Rhyno vs. Jesus De LeonClothesline. Belly-to-belly suplex. Gore. The End.
Winner: Rhyno via pinfall (Gore)- Blake & Murphy see Carmella backstage, but Enzo & Cass run them off. Cass & Enzo aren't happy she's wearing jewelry bought by Blake & Murphy.
Alex Riley vs. Kevin OwensRiley hits several punches and a dropkick that send Owens reeling to the outside. Owens slams Riley's head into the ramp as we go to a quick break.
Back from the commercial the two are brawling, but Owens gains control with a senton and rear chinlock. Riley fights back with RAGE, and scores a flipping neckbreaker before falling off the top rope. Owens follows up with a clothesline and cannonball before eating a pop-up powerbomb.
Winner: Kevin Owens via pinfall (Pop Up Powerbomb)Owens continues the attack after the match, but Sami Zayn makes the save. They brawl, and then Zayn hits a huge dive on Owens and 6 security guards to close the show!

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WWE NXT Results (4/22): Kevin Owens Vs. Alex Riley, Rhyno, Finn Balor, Hideo Itami In Action
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