Thursday 21 May 2015

Damien Sandow Will Bring New Life to Curtis Axel's WWE Career

Damien Sandow is channeling his inner machismo. Miz's former stunt double recently began paying tribute to Randy Savage on WWE programming, continuing his seemingly never-ending quest to find himself.

But this time he's not doing it alone. Curtis Axel is joining him in his identity crisis as the Hulk Hogan to Sandow's Macho Man. The gimmick may have come from out of nowhere, but the pairing has some potential to really get over, and Sandow will help Axel while improving his own standing at the same time.

It's a long time coming for Axel, as the third-generation Superstar has been spinning his wheels for quite some time. The most traction his career ever enjoyed was upon his repackaging, when he was placed with Paul Heyman. But it ultimately led to nowhere. Axel's new lease on life expired almost as soon as it began.

The character change just didn't take. He lacked charisma, his new direction was not intriguing enough to make fans care about him and he faded into obscurity. The next glimmer of fame he saw was the Battle Royal gimmick that took place at WrestleMania 31, and even that wore thin quickly.

However, thanks to Sandow, Axel is back on the map once again. Now, things are perhaps beginning to turn around for him.

This new approach may not be revolutionary in terms of originality, but it may just be what Axel needs to finally get over the hump. Fans are getting a glimpse of what Axel can do when he's no longer inhibited by a gimmick that seems uncomfortable for him.

Finally, he looks like he's enjoying himself, and when a talent can relax and have fun, the fans can as well.

The fact that this pairing seems to be one of convenience instead of a master plan on WWE Creative's part is of little consequence. The truth is that once Macho Mandow and Axel are in front of the live crowd, they have the opportunity to get over, and that's more than can be said of other Superstars (Zack Ryder) who rarely ever make it onto TV anymore.

The only way for Axel to continue getting airtime at this point is the same way everyone else has, and that's to have a hook—something that makes him stand out from the rest. He's fundamentally sound in the ring, but in the showbiz environment of WWE, that's not enough. He needs more.

Now he has it. This angle provides instant spotlight for him and gets him back on the scene right now, which is a good thing for him. The long term, however, may require a bit more, and that's where Mandow comes in.

Mandow is very accustomed to playing the comedy routine, as it has been the primary device used in his career practically from the moment he debuted on the main roster. Fans know what they're getting with him, and they know he's more than capable of entertaining them on a high level. Now, his reputation will be used to give Axel the same rub with the WWE faithful.

The modern-day Mega Powers can continue together not just for random spots on Raw and SmackDown but for extended humorousstorylines as well. WWE could allow them to cut promos together, much in the same vein as Hogan and Savage. They could slide in to make the save for other babyfaces, which would give them more spotlight.

A Miss Elizabeth character could even be thrown into the mix, which would add even more fan interest. A popular Diva would be great in this role and could play it very tongue-in-cheek in the same manner as Mandow and Axel. Bayley from NXT would perhaps be a great choice, as she could be allowed to just be herself while attempting to physically look the part as well.

The dynamic between the three of them could prove to be very entertaining, and specifically for Axel, it would serve as yet another way to keep him relevant.

Mandow has proved he can succeed in nearly any role the company gives him, but that success has come via TV time and proper booking, which Axel has not always received. Now he has that same chance to succeed, and it's thanks to Mandow that he will be given the spotlight he needs to finally make a lasting impact with the crowd.

Axel must take advantage of it, as this may be the best chance he has to finally make it. Mandow is making it possible for him, and now it's up to Axel to truly fill the role he's been given.

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Damien Sandow Will Bring New Life to Curtis Axel's WWE Career
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