Friday 29 May 2015

NJPW On AXS results for 29 Prince Puma in action

NJPWNJPW On AXS results for 29  Prince Puma in action.NJPW is currently running Best of the Super Juniors, and tonight's episode will feature six great junior heavyweights in action.
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship
Young Bucks (c) vs. Time Splitters
KUSHIDA and Nick avoid each other before Jackson puts the boots to KUSHIDA and tags his brother. KUSHIDA fights back and double teams Matt while tagging in and out to Shelley. Matt and his brother end up working over Shelley's arm, but Shelley and KUSHIDA both hit big time dives.
We fast forward in the match and all hell breaks loose, culminating in a suicide Swanton Bomb by KUSHIDA on the Bucks. Back inside, Time Splitters hit a powerbomb/Sliced Bread combo that gets broken up. Matt Jackson hits superkick #1, then spins outside for a tornado DDT. The Bucks hit the Indytaker, but the pin is broken up. This match is completely nuts.
A rope assisted 450 splash from the Bucks gets a 2 count on KUSHIDA, and Time Splitters take over. KUSHIDA applies the Hoverboard lock in the middle of the ring and gets the submission.
Winners: Time Splitters via submission (Hoverboard Lock) to become IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions
It looks like we're getting a tag match featuring the legendary Kazushi Sakuraba up next.
Toru Yano & Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Minoru Suzuki & Takashi Iizuka
Sakuraba and Suzuki start off with some worked catch wrestling work. Sakuraba goes after his double wristlock repeatedly until Yano and Iizuka tag in. Suzuki is back in and applies an armbar over the ropes, but the match breaks down. Suzuki and Sakuraba brawl into the crowd as we go to a break.
Iizuka is strangling himself with a cord as we come back. Eventually Yano is completely destroyed by a chair, Iizuka's fingers of death and a Suzuki piledriver.
Winners: Minoru Suzuki & Takashi Iizuka
- Kota Ibushi is interviewed and really talks up Ricochet, who works in Lucha Underground as Prince Puma.
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship
Kota Ibushi (c) vs. Ricochet
The two go back and forth in a ridiculous, impressive show of athleticism to start. Ricochet hits a Zig Zag and a standing star press for two before working over Ibushi. Ricochet lands a cloverleaf variation, but Ibushi is able to get to the ropes rather quickly as we go to a break.
Ibushi hits the Golden Triangle moonsault to the outside as we come back from break. The two trade big strikes, and Ibushi gets a two off of a standing corkscrew moonsault. Ricochet shows up Ibushi with an insane somersault plancha on Ibushi that sees him completely clear the ring post.
Ricochet is on the top rope and Ibushi goes for a super Franksensteiner to a standing Ricochet, but Ricochet flips out and lands on his feet, from the top rope. One of the coolest spots I've ever seen. Ibushi misses on a Phoenix splash and both men are down.
Ricochet hits a springboard star press for two, but Ibushi hits a big kick to the head. Ibushi hits the Phoenix Plex for the win. Awesome match.
Winner: Kota Ibushi via pinfall (Phoenix Plex) to retain the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship
- The two embrace inside the ring. Ricochet says Ibushi was better tonight. Ibushi said Ricochet was truly amazing. Ibushi said he can't compete with Ricochet's ariel moves.

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NJPW On AXS results for 29 Prince Puma in action
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