Friday 1 May 2015

Rusev's Main Event Potential Would Be Damaged by Possible Loss at Payback?

cena vs rusevRusev is heading for what will be the final chapter in his feud with John Cena at WWE Payback on Sunday, May 17. The bout is for Cena's United States Championship and will be an I Quit match, an environment that Cena's character thrives in. But even if Cena goes over at Payback, Rusev should not be damaged all that much by it. In fact, his main event potential is just now being tapped.

Three matches against Cena is a great indication that someone inWWE creative believes in Rusev. His size, his strength, his anti-American rhetoric, all make him the perfect old-school heel and the kind of opponent that's perfect for Cena.

It's a great scenario for Cena, as he needs a solid heel with zero chance of gaining fan support. It helps him in terms of fully getting over and it gives the crowd an old-fashioned good-versus-evil dynamic. Cena is still the man WWE likely considers to be the topbabyface and this feud has been the best way to showcase that.

But Rusev has also benefited from facing Cena. Just being in the same ring with Cena elevates Rusev and gives him a level of importance he did not have before. Rusev has stood toe to toe with Cena in the ring and has managed to shine despite the tremendous amount of star power he's up against.

It's his ability to deliver that has given Rusev the generous amount of spotlight he's enjoying right now. And that spotlight should continue if he loses at Payback.

While Rusev does have a tremendous upside and is doing well in his current role, the truth is that getting over on Cena is a whole different proposition. Cena is the top guy in WWE, the face of the company. He must look good all the time no matter how talented his opponent may be.

Very few Superstars can claim final victory over Cena as he just rarely ever finds himself in that position. And that will inevitably includeRusev, who is likely not going to leave Payback with the United States Championship. But this will not be the death sentence that many fans surely feel it will be.  There is no shame in doing the job to Cena and getting main event experience is the biggest positive for Rusev in this rivalry. Losing at Payback is not losing a spot; it's not even losing a step.

This angle has been booked as USA versus Russia, in a throwback feud that's reminiscent of the 1980's Cold War. The U.S. Championship only magnifies that drama and it's somewhat of a stretch to believe Rusevwill walk away with the win in the end. So instead of leaving Payback with a win, Rusev will instead be leaving with a main event star that burns a little bit brighter than it did before.

And honestly there's only so far up on the food chain that Rusev can go at this point. Seth Rollins is running heel as the WWE world heavyweight champion. Roman Reigns is heading back to the main event scene and cannot afford any significant losses along the way. Daniel Bryan is out once again with injury and that eliminates a potential great opponent for Rusev.

Dean Ambrose is really not near the main event right now and Ryback is entering into a program with Bray Wyatt. The options for Rusev are few at this point. Facing Cena and delivering solid matches in the process are essentially prepping Rusev for the moment when he can slide into the main event scene and be successful. The company's primary championship may not be in the cards right now but a rivalry against heavy hitters like Randy Orton or Brock Lesnar very well could be. And a strong Rusev standing across the ring from either man is far more intriguing than a guy with virtually no time served in order to deserve that spot.

All Rusev needs to do is keep his head down and keep doing everything right. Living his character, making fans believe in the monster he portrays and turning in top-notch performances night after night are building his reputation. That must continue and it can, against any number of midcard opponents. In the meantime, the spotlight will not fade from Rusev. Everything he's done to get over will not be erased and the company will still use him in key spots as he's needed. Then there's the issue of his mouthpiece Lana, who is beginning to catch fire with the crowds that want to cheer for her.

From a storyline perspective, this is a definite plus for Rusev. It puts him in the position of the bullying boyfriend, the Randy Savage character who's controlling Miss Elizabeth against her will. Fans will be drawn to this and the heat will surely come down on Rusev like never before. This will only strengthen Rusev as a heel while keeping him relevant at the same time. Fans will tune in to hate him and he will benefit from the attention he will receive as a result.

And when the time is right, Rusev can make the transition to main event status in a very believable way. He will already have earned the respect of his peers thanks to the work he's put in and he will already have the spotlight thanks to the angle between him and Lana. Falling to Cena at Payback is not the end of the world for Rusev; it may just be the beginning.

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Rusev's Main Event Potential Would Be Damaged by Possible Loss at Payback?
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