Sunday 31 May 2015

WWE Elimination Chamber 2015 Seth Rollins Vs. Dean Ambrose WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match

WWE Elimination Chamber 2015 Seth Rollins Vs. Dean Ambrose WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Seth Rollins (c) (w/ Kane & J&J Security) vs. Dean Ambrose
The two go back and forth, but Ambrose hits an armdrag and locks on an armbar. This causes Rollins to roll out of the ring and talk to J&J Security. Rollins boots Ambrose back inside, but Ambrose regains control and brawls with Rollins all over the ring before flooring the champion with a big chop.
Ambrose gets caught up in a tree of woe when Mercury interferes, and Rollins hits a double foot stomp off the top ropes. Ambrose mounts a little comeback but gets a flatliner to the turnbuckle followed by a Slingblade for a two count. This referee is getting run over by The Authority at every single turn.
A double body block puts both men down, but allows Ambrose to get back into it with a big reverse powerbomb. J&J pull Rollins out, but Ambrose comes out with a suicide dive that sends both he and Rollins flying over the announce table. Back inside Rollins tries to use the ropes to pin Ambrose but gets caught by the ref. Ambrose knocks Noble off the apron into Mercury and barely kicks out of a Rollins superkick to capitalize on the distraction.
Rollins reverses the rebound lariat of Ambrose, but both men end up going over the top rope. Rollins then tosses Ambrose into the guard rail with a running powerbomb for two. A flying knee from Rollins puts him firmly in control for a couple of minutes until Ambrose drills him with a big tornado DDT.
Rollins lands an enziguri, but Ambrose turns him inside out with a rebound lariat. Ambrose hits a big standing elbow drop and takes out all of the Authority with another huge elbow drop to the outside. Rollins pulls the ref in the way and Ambrose hits the ref. Ambrose reverses a Pedigree, hits Dirty Deeds and pins Rollins when another ref comes out. Ambrose is WWE Champion...or not. The original ref says it's by DQ. No title for Ambrose.
Winner: Dean Ambrose via DQ
That was a dusty finish. The Authority jumps Ambrose and takes the belt, but Reigns makes the save for Ambrose and takes everyone out. Ambrose and Reigns escape with the title.

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WWE Elimination Chamber 2015 Seth Rollins Vs. Dean Ambrose WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
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