Monday 11 May 2015

WWE RAW Results (5/11) – Neville vs Cena, Triple H Returns, Daniel Bryan Vacates IC Title!

daniel bryanTriple H walks to the ring and says he’s ‘home’, and they need to clear the air because they have problems getting along in the Authority. Seth Rollins comes out and says he agrees with HHH, and says Kane is out to screw him over and they need to fix things. The fans keep chanting for Dean Ambrose and Rollins mocks him, then Rollins says Kane isn’t fit for his job anymore. Kane comes out and says he’s learned alot in all his years, but HHH tells him to get on the same page and get along. He says he knows Rollins can be irritating and you want to hit him, but you don’t because HHH says he is best for business.
HHH says Rollins had better leave Payback as champion or he might say Kane is no longer needed, and Kane needs to tell him right now. Kane doesn’t say anything, so HHH says he needs to know he’s on the same page when he faces Roman Reigns. He turns his attention to Rollins and says he will face Randy Orton, and Jamie Noble starts yelling about how it’s unfair. HHH says there’s one more guy in the title match on Sunday, and he needs competition right now, so Mercury and Noble will face… Dean Ambrose! 
Joey Mercury & Jamie Noble vs Dean Ambrose
Ambrose slams Noble down and kicks him, then he goes for Dirty Deeds but Noble runs away. Mercury cheap shots Ambrose and clotheslines him, then Noble assists with a running elbow. Ambrose comes back with some strikes before Mercury pulls Noble outside, but Ambrose dives on them before hitting a standing elbow on Noble for two. Mercury breaks it up so Ambrose kicks them and hits a double rebound clothesline, then he throws Mercury outside and hits Noble with Dirty Deeds for the win. 
Winner – Dean Ambrose

Bad News Barrett vs Dolph Ziggler
Dolph knocks Wade outside as we go to a break, then we get back to see Dolph hit him a few times. Dolph hits the ropes and Sheamus (at commentary) jumps on the apron and causes a distraction. Wade turns and hits a Bullhammer for the win. 
Winner – Bad News Barrett
Sheamus gets in the ring and stomps Dolph a few times, then Dolph fights back but gets dropped with a Brogue Kick. 

Erick Rowan (w/ Luke Harper) vs Fandango
Harper hits Fandango and slams him down, then he picks him up and hits a pumphandle type slam for the win. Post match, Harper assists with a whip clothesline before they celebrate. 
Winner – Erick Rowan 
United States ChampionshipNeville vs John Cena (c)
Cena blocks a few strikes and hits a side slam, then he hits a Five Knuckle Shuffle and calls for an AA. Neville counters and kicks him, then hits a corkscrew moonsault off the middle rope and gets a two count. Neville hits a back handspring elbow and springboards at Cena, but Cena catches him and calls for an AA. Neville blocks and kicks him, then Cena connects with a stiff clothesline before hitting a quick Attitude Adjustment for two. Cena takes Neville up top but Neville drops down and powerbombs Cena for two, then he connects with Red Arrow but Rusev runs out and attacks him
Winner (by disqualification) – Neville 
Rusev targets Cena as the ref rings the bell, and kicks him in the face before putting him in the Accolade.

Roman Reigns vs Kane

Kane attacks Reigns during his entrance and they slug it out on the floor, then Kane whips Reigns back and forth between the barricade and apron. Kane whips him into the steps and tries to throw him back, but Reigns jumps back and hits a Superman punch. Reigns spears Kane over the commentary table, then he stands tall as a group of referees break it up. 
Result – No Contest 
Brie Bella (w/ Nikki Bella) vs Tamina (w/ Naomi)
Tamina hits Brie a few times and applies a chinlock, then she knees her a few times and sends her into the corner. Brie kicks Tamina and hits a missile dropkick for two, then she drop toe holds Tamina into the ropes and knees her in the face. Brie goes for another running knee but Tamina blocks it, then she hits a superkick for the win. 
Winner – Tamina 
Curtis Axel vs Macho Man-dow 
Sandow elbows Axel and hits a few scoop slams, then he heads up top but The Ascension cuts things off. Konnor says this isn’t entertaining, and these delusional idiots in the ring are just trying to jump start their careers. Viktor says there’s a difference between laughed at and laughed with, and this is the dawning of their time. They scream ‘welcome to the wasteland’ and run in the ring, but Sandow knocks Viktor down and helps Axel up. Axel hits a legdrop and Sandow heads up top, but Konnor pulls Viktor outside and retreats. 
Result – No Contest 

Daniel Bryan comes out and says he’s had a lot of downtime lately and he doesn’t do well with that, but he’s glad to be back. He says he’s been accepted and treated better by the fans over anyone backstage, and last year was really hard for him. Bryan says the fans got him his opportunity at Wrestlemania 30 because no one else wanted him to have it, and it’s hard to admit Stephanie was right to strip him of the title. He says he didn’t know how long he would be out, and they deserve a fighting champion, which is why he is out there tonight. Bryan says he’s been told his return is indefinite, but they deserve a champion who fights for this title, and it deserves to be in the ring. Bryan says that’s exactly where he is leaving it, because he is officially relinquishing his Intercontinental Championship.  
Big E (w/ The New Day) vs Cesaro (w/ Tyson Kidd & Natalya)
Cesaro uppercuts Big E and sends him in the corner, then he knocks him outside as we go to a break. We get back to see Cesaro break an abdominal stretch by E, then he throws E back and punches him a few times. E slams him down and hits the ropes, but Cesaro springboards off the ropes and drops him with an uppercut. Cesaro hits a few suplexes, then he goes for a Giant Swing but Woods jumps on the apron so Kidd kicks him in the face. Kofi knocks Kidd down, but Cesaro counters a pin attempt by E and gets a modified crucifix roll up for the win. 
Winner – Cesaro
Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins 
Orton hits Rollins and whips him into the corner, then he hits a backbreaker before Rollins hits a STO into the turnbuckles. We get back from a break to see Orton catch Rollins off the ropes and slam him for a two count, then Rollins knocks Orton outside and dives on him on the floor. Orton makes a comeback and hits a DDT, then he calls for a RKO but Mercury and Noble run in and attack, causing a disqualification.
Winner (by disqualification) – Randy Orton
Orton fights them off and whips Noble into the ringpost, but Rollins attacks from behind and stomps Orton on the mat. Kane comes out and grabs a chair, but stays at ringside as Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose run out for the save. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds on Rollins, then they all move towards Kane, but he stays put. Reigns spears Rollins, almost taunting Kane to come help, but Kane stays put as Orton hits a RKO. Following this, Reigns spears Orton, but Ambrose turns and drops him with Dirty Deeds, to the delight of the crowd.

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WWE RAW Results (5/11) – Neville vs Cena, Triple H Returns, Daniel Bryan Vacates IC Title!
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