Friday 22 May 2015

WWE SmackDown Results (5/21): Roman Reigns Returns, Bray Wyatt Vs. Dean Ambrose, Meta Powers

roman regins & dean ambroseWelcome to our Smackdown coverage. After being absent from Raw, tonight we'll see the return of Roman Reigns!
 Roman Reigns comes out and says he didn't win at Payback, but he had a good time. He talks about punching Seth Rollins in the mouth, the Shield hitting a triple powerbomb, and brawling with his friend Dean Ambrose. Reigns then announces he'll be in the Money in the Bank ladder match.
Dean Ambrose comes out and says this year, he won't be able to win Money in the Bank, because he'll be WWE Champion. Kane comes out and says Reigns isn't in the match and has to prove he deserves a title match. Kane books Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt tonight, and says he isn't giving Reigns a match. Reigns says he'll have some catering and make sure Kane does everything best for business tonight.
The Ascension vs. Cesaro & Kidd (w/ Natalya) vs. Los Mataodores (w/ Torito) vs. Lucha Dragons
New Day and PTP are on commentary, so we have like 7-8 guys on commentary. Lawler does the "millions of dollars" dance with PTP.
Sin Cara and Kidd start off, with both men getting two counts before Tyson Kidd hits an arm drag. Viktor is tagged in, but gets clocked by Kidd and tags Diego. Torito tries to distract Kidd, but gets pulled off the apron by Kidd as we go to commercial.
As we come back, Sin Cara gets a tag and hits Conor with a springboard body press and a springboard arm drag to take over the match. Right after, he eats knees on a Lionsault and gets worked over by The Ascension. Viktor hits a Tiger bomb and the match completely breaks down.
Cesaro tags himself in and suplexes Viktor before scoring with the uppercut parade. He and Kidd hit their finish, but people keep trying to steal the pin. Kalisto gets two on a rana spike, and all hell breaks loose with dives from Tyson Kidd and Sin Cara dive outside. Finally, Kalisto hits a huracanrana for the win.
Winners: Lucha Dragons via pinfall
 We see a recap of Lana leaving Rusev for Dolph Ziggler. Dolph is being interviewed when Lana comes up and wishes him luck. Ziggler says he knows she's just trying to make Rusev jealous and he's ok with it.
King Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler
The two grapple around, with Dolph gaining the advantage and landing a neckbreaker before the Heart Stopper elbow for two. Barrett fights back and lands a suplex of his own as we go to a commercial break.
We come back to Ziggler breaking out of a submission hold and scoring a big dropkick. Barrett comes right back with Wasteland, but it only gets a two count. Barrett takes Ziggler outside and runs him in to the barricade before going back in.
The two trade kicks, and a big boot almost gets Barrett the three count. Barrett goes for the Bull Hammer, but Ziggler superkicks his arm and hits the Zig Zag for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler via pinfall (Zig Zag)
Lana comes out to the ramp and claps for Ziggler.
 Paige comes to the ring and says it's good to be back. She plays a video of Naomi attacking her last month. Naomi says Tamina is competing in the wrong division and that she's Naomi's 'boyfriend.' I guess "this is my house" is Paige's catchphrase.
Naomi comes out and said Paige missed her chance and that she and Tamina run the division now. They go back and forth and this looks like two best friends got mad at each other on Facebook and ran into each other for the first time since. Naomi and Tamina attack, but Nikki Bella makes the save. Nikki then clocks Paige and hits the Rack Attack.
Stardust vs. R-Truth
This is the ninth televised match featuring Stardust and R-Truth since late March. Either way, Stardust gets control early with a straight jacket hold, and then connects with a Disaster Kick for a two count. Dark Matter also gets two. Truth tosses his glove in the air to distract Stardust and hits the Lie Detector for the win. Creative ending.
Winner: R-Truth via pinfall (Lie Detector)
 Ryback is asked about being in the Elimination Chamber. He runs around in circles, and says "Feed me more" then tells Renee Young he has some great vegan recipes for her. Yep.
- We see a recap of the last week for Kevin Owens, including Samoa Joe debuting last night.
The Meta Powers vs. Adam Rose & Heath Slater (w/ Rosa Mendes)
Mandow does the Savage jabs and Savage snap over the top rope, but Heath Slater drops him with a kick shortly after. He and Rose land a double suplex, but it gets a two count. Rose is tagged in and boots Mandow in the ribs before applying a chinlock.
Sandow hits a back suplex and tags to Axel, who has a huge fake tan and a bleached mustache. Punches, big boot, leg drop, that's it.
Winners: The Meta Powers via pinfall (leg drop) 
-Bo Dallas is interviewed by Renee Young, who asks about him attacking Neville Monday. He tells a story about a bird hitting a power line. He says Neville has a broken wing and he's trying to make him stronger.
Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt
Dean Ambrose is on offense out of the gate, but he chases Bray Wyatt outside and eats stairs as we go to our last commercial break. We come back to Wyatt beating Ambrose down with strikes and a body slam. He goes for a senton but comes up empty. Ambrose tries to fight back, but gets dropped by a body block.
Wyatt tries to set up something outside the ring, but Ambrose turns it into a nice tornado DDT on the floor. Both men make it inside before the three count and Ambrose pummels Wyatt before landing a body press.
Ambrose ties Wyatt up in the ropes and dropkicks him, which prompts him to roll outside. Ambrose goes for a suicide dive but gets caught and almost Sister Abigail'd. Ambrose turns it around and hits a clothesline.
Back inside, Ambrose nearly hits Dirty Deeds, but Wyatt ends up scoring with a big uranage. Ambrose gets the advantage but J&J distract him and both men are dropped with a double clothesline.
Seth Rollins' music hits, but so does Roman Reigns'. Reigns takes out J&J. The ref is distracted by J&J and Reigns Superman punches Wyatt, who walks into Dirty Deeds. Pinfall victory for Ambrose.
Winner: Dean Ambrose

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WWE SmackDown Results (5/21): Roman Reigns Returns, Bray Wyatt Vs. Dean Ambrose, Meta Powers
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