Prime Time Players vs. Los Matadores (w/Torito)
Back and forth to start, but then Titus destroys Diego with a big backbreaker. Matadores quickly fight back, landing a suplex/senton on O'Neil that leaves him in a really bad way. He's trying to make the tag, but Matadores have control in their corner.
Matadores tear away at Titus' leg. After a while, Titus shoulder blocks both men. He finally gets the hot tag to let Darren Young in. Young goes crazy and hits a Gut Check for the win. A couple of wins for PTP this week.
Winners: Prime Time Players via pinfall (Gut Check)
- We get King of the Ring and Cena/Rusev recaps.
Lucha Dragons vs. The Ascension
Conor and Sin Cara start out, and Cara gets muscled around easily. Cara hits a couple of dropkicks, tags Kalisto, and the to hit an assisted dropkick. Kalisto runs wild and hits the corkscrew press before getting thrown into the stairs before a commercial.
We come back to Viktor with Kalisto in a chinlock. Kalisto tries to fight back, but is dropped across the top rope for a two count. The Ascension continue to work Kalisto over for several minutes.
Sin Cara gets the hot tag, and both members of the Ascension are sent outside, where they are treated to a double dive. Back inside Kalisto gets a blind tag. Cara hits a Rampage Jackson powerbomb and Kalisto lands the Swanton for the win.
Winners: Lucha Dragons via pinfall (Swanton)
- We see the Verne Gagne tribute, as well as a Kane/Rollins recap to close the show.
WWE Superstars Results (5/1): Lucha Dragons, Ascension, Prime Time Players, Los Matadores In Action