Sonjay Dutt pinned Jamin Olivencia after a big splash off the top. Olivencia played old school heel berating ring announcer for not pronouncing his name correctly.
Thea Trinadad pinned Lei’D Tapa with a spinning DDT in a classic David vs. Goliath match.
Moose pinned 2 Cocky Kevin Matthews after a spear. Matthews pinned Moose with a roll up which got reversed by officials and they restarted the match. Moose did the Dusty Rhodes flip flop & fly into a bionic elbow which got a huge pop. Moose the most over performer of the night so far.
Chris “Adonis” Mordetzky (aka Chris Masters) defeated “5 Star” Dustin Starr (local guy) with the Masterlock. Ring announcer played up his local West Tennessee connection. Lot of back & forth and hope spots for Starr.
Jim Cornette came out to thank the fans. He paid tribute to Dusty Rhodes and did a ten bell salute. He the introduced Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett thanked the fans.
Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows with Bullet Babe pinned the New Heavenly Bodies. Before the match Bodies cut a promo on Cornette and the original Heavenly Bodies. Causing Jim Cornette to cheer on/stay at ringside with the Bullet Club. Bodies worked over Anderson until he tagged in Gallows. Cornette nailed one of the Bodies with the racket allowing Gallows to get the win. After match Jarrett comes out and shakes hand with Bullet Club.
Global Force Wrestling first live event results from Jackson 13 June 2015