Saturday 6 June 2015

New Japan pro wrestling on AXS results for 5 June 2015

njpwWe see Bullet Club in action in New Japan pro wrestling on AXS results for 5 June 2015. We also see the tag team division highlighted, including some familiar faces like Davey Boy Smith Jr, Lance Archer and the Bullet Club!
NWA World Tag Team Championship
Killer Elite Squad vs. Tenzan & Kojima (c)
Both teams start out brawling until Davey Boy Smith Jr hits a wheel kick and tags in Archer. Kojima is in and a quick lockup soon devolves into more brawling. Kojima and Tenzan take turns hitting Mongolian chops before hitting a double team move to isolate Archer. Kojima then does 23 chops in a row to Archer before eating a Black Hole Slam. Smith knocks Tenzan from the apron as Archer works over Kojima as we go to commercial.
We come back to KES in control, but Tenzan breaks up a pinfall attempt. KES really brutes Kojima around until he makes the tag to Tenzan, who handles Archer in the corner to set up Calf Branding. KES quickly regain the control. Archer hits a moonsault that gets two as Mauro and Josh Barnett freak out. Tenzan hits a Mountain Bomb as Smith comes back in.
Kojima lands 17 more chops to Smith, followed by a top rope elbow for two. Kojima kicks out of the Hart Attack, and he hasn't been very good in this match. He gets out of the Killer Bomb, and Tenzan comes to his rescue to hit a Koji Cutter on Smith. They get a two count before all hell breaks loose and Smith gets a two on a Tiger suplex. The Killer Bomb is hit, but it doesn't get the job done. Kojima blasts Smith with a lariat for the pin.
Winners: Kojima & Tenzan via pinfall (Lariat) to retain the NWA World Tag Team Championships
- Mauro hypes the Bullet Club making appearance, coming up next.
IWGP Tag Team Championships
Bullet Club (Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows) (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi & Togi Makabe
It's good to see TV Asai putting plenty of Bullet Club matches on these shows, as they're really over here in the states, too. Tanahashi and Anderson tag out after some chain wrestling, and that too reaches a stalemate. The two teams brawl outside with Gallows beating down Makabe with weapons as Tanahashi eats a powerbomb on the floor as we go to break.
We come back to Bullet Club working over Tanahashi, which goes on for several minutes. Makabe gets tagged in and lariats Anderson for two. Tanahashi is tagged back in and Bullet Club resumes the beating they were administering before, culminating in Tanahashi kicking out of the Gun Stun from Anderson. Tanahashi hits a Slingblade, but eats knees on a High Fly Flow as we get to another commercial break.
Tanahashi takes out Anderson's leg with a dragon screw leg whip, and then flies over the top rope onto Gallows. Anderson is able to kick out of a King Kong Powerbomb. Gallows wallops Makabe with a steel chair, but Tanahashi prevents a Magic Killer, only to eat one of his own and roll out of the ring. Anderson hits a Gun Stun on Makabe followed by the Magic Killer to retain.
Winners: Bullet Club via pinfall to retain IWGP Tag Team Championships
Bullet Club celebrates in the ring as Makabe shares his thoughts on the match to close the show.

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New Japan pro wrestling on AXS results for 5 June 2015
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