Ryback defeated Bray Wyatt to retain the WWE IC Title. Ryback show great potential. Crowd's reaction for Ryback is also nice.
Bo Dallas came out and ripped the fans before losing to Jimmy Uso. Bo issued a challenge wanting better competition and out came Jack Swagger. Bo got in a cheap shot but lost to the ankle lock.
Cesaro beat Erick Rowan in a really good match. He hit the Cesaro Swing and then used Tyson Kidd's Sharpshooter to get the win
Chris Jericho came out and cut a promo but Luke Harper interrupted and we got an excellent match. Jericho got the win. Jericho got a pop.
The Bella Twins got Naomi and Tamina Snuka. Fans voted on this to be a tag match instead of Naomi vs. Nikki
The New Day retained the WWE Tag Titles over The Miz and Adam Rose, Curtis Axel and Damien Sandow, The Ascension in a Fatal 4 Way. Rose got pinned by Big E to end a really entertaining match
John Cena beat Kane in a Steel Cage match to retain the WWE US Title. Cena got pop of the night. John celebrated with fans to sent them home happy.
WWE live event results from Springfield for 12 June 2015