Wednesday 10 June 2015

WWE NXT results for 10 June 2015

WWE NXT results for 10 June 2015Mojo Rawley & Zack Ryder vs. Scott Dawson & Mike Rallis
Mojo controls both opponents early on before tagging out to Ryder. Zack runs wild, hittng a big dropkick before the Broski Boot. He gets worked over briefly before hot tagging Mojo who gets hype, as they say. Ryder hits the Rough Ryder for the win.
Winners: Zack Ryder & Mojo Rawley via pinfall (Rough Ryder)
  We see vignettes for Finn Balor's return to Japan and Dana Brooke.
Emma vs. Blue Pants
Huge "Happy Birthday" chants for Blue Pants as she mocks Emma's dance. Emma attacks her and takes control with a submission hold, rocking Blue Pants every time she tries to break out. Finally Blue Pants escapes and kicks Emma several times, before landing clubs to the chest for two. Emma applies the Emma Lock for the submission.
Winner: Emma via submission (Emma Lock)
- Enzo, Cass and Carmella vs. Alexa, Blake & Murphy is set for next week. The former cut their typical fast tongued promo.
Tyler Breeze vs. Bull Dempsey
Dempsey immediately drops Breeze and applies a rear chinlock. Breeze battles out and gets tackled again. Breeze is playing the babyface. He runs from Bull outside the ring and Bull gets tired as the crowd chants "cardio." Breeze rolls an exhausted Dempsey in the ring and hits the Beauty Shot for the win.
Winner: Tyler Breeze via pinfall (Beauty Shot)
- We take a look back at the NXT Takeover Women's Title match.
Becky Lynch vs. Jessie McKay
McKay lands a shoulder block but gets arm dragged repeatedly before landing a boot. McKay locks on a standing armbar while periodically working the arm. Lynch gets a couple of roll-ups but cant get the pin. Instead she hits a clothesline and a hammerlock suplex. Lynch locks on the armbar for the win.
Winner: Becky Lynch via submission (armbar)
- Regal is backstage where Bull Dempsey comes up eating junk food. Regal tells him to get his act together.
- Jason Jordan is shown saying he'll find the right tag partner. Chad Gable offers his services again and Jordan rejects the Olympian. Gable then writes his name on Jordan's locker.
Baron Corbin vs. Angelo Dawkins
Dawkins tries to utilize his amateur background, but a big elbow takes that out of the equation. Corbin takes over with a clotheslines and a punch. Dawkins fights backs and gets killed with a clothesline. End of Days. Pin. That was impressive.
Winner: Baron Corbin via pinfall (End of Days)
 Kevin Owens comes out for commentary
Samoa Joe vs. Scott Dawson
Joe grabs an arm, but Dawson is holding his own in there wrestling with Joe before resorting to brawling tactics. Owens brags about how great of a back elbow he can do, and it's hilarious. Joe hits a uranage and a Muscle Buster for the win.
Winner: Samoa Joe via pinfall (Muscle Buster)
Joe tells Owens to get in the ring and stop running from him. Owens says he doesn't run anywhere, which is funny. He calls Joe a rookie in NXT. William Regal comes out and announces Samoa Joe vs. Kevin Owens next week in a non-title match.

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WWE NXT results for 10 June 2015
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