Thursday 4 June 2015

WWE SmackDown Results For 6/4 Kevin Owens NXT Title Open Challenge

smack downWWE SmackDown Results For 6/4 Kevin Owens NXT Title Open Challenge No 1 Contender Match For Tag Team Championship And Much More.
Seth Rollins comes out alone and mentions it's been a year since the Shield split. He celebrates this fact and runs down his past year. After ten minutes, Ambrose shows on on the Titan Tron and says he's just as much of a scumbag as Rollins, but everyone knows he beat Rollins. He says he's the rightful WWE Champion, and at Money in the Bank, he'll win or die trying.
Number one contender's match
Prime Time Players vs. Lucha Dragons vs. Ascension
The Dragons double team Darren Young, but only get a two count out of it before he goes on the offensive. The Ascension gets tagged in but end up on the receiving end of a dive (in stereo) from the Dragons as we go to commercial.
We come back to see The Ascension in control. Kalisto fights back but ends up getting H-Bombed by Conor and Viktor. Young tries to intervene, but gets bounced from the ring. Kalisto tags Titus, who goes banana sandwiches on everyone. Cara breaks up a pin with a senton, but Titus takes out half the field before hitting a pumphandle powerslam to win.
Winners: Prime Time Players via pinfall (pumphandle powerslam)
 New Day is backstage talking about how they're going to run the table at Money in the Bank. Kane comes up and says Kofi faces Neville tonight. Kane hates New Day for some reason.
Ryback vs. Stardust
Stardust attacks early and dominates the first minute of the match, but Ryback hits a big spinebuster. Meat Hook and Shellshocked. 
Winner: Ryback via pinfall (Shellshocked)
 Paige cuts a promo and says the Bella Twins are holding back girls like herself,Emma and Summer. She says she's going to change it.
- We see Luke Harper and Erick Rowan being spooky backstage.
 Kevin Owens comes out and says Cena thinks he's some little kid in Cena gear. He's tired of Cena corrupting kids, including his. He makes his NXT Title open challenge. Zack Ryder answers it. Poor guy.
NXT Championship
Kevin Owens (c) vs. Zack Ryder
Ryder hits a facebuster right out of the gate and sends Owens reeling, but gets tossed into the barricade. Back inside Ryder lands knees and a dropkick but gets superkicked and powerbombed. It's over.
Winner: Kevin Owens via pinfall (pop-up powerbomb) to retain the NXT Championship
After the match, Owens hits a cannonball and another powerbomb.
Neville vs. Kofi Kingston (w/ New Day)
Neville hits a body press early, but is tossed outside where New Day attack him as we go to commercial. We come back to Kofi getting kicked repeatedly by Neville as New Day harasses. Neville almost gets a three, as the Smackdown announcer says "ooh" with almost every move.
New Day pulls Kofi outside, and Neville hits a big Asai moonsault on everyone. Neville knocks Woods off the apron and scores a quick pin on Kofi.
Winner: Neville via pinfall
 MizTV with Lana is next. Miz says he thinks Rusev's apology was sincere. Lana threatens to slap him, and brings out Rusev to tell his story. Rusev says that America is all about giving second chances, and he wants one from Lana. She says no and Rusev calls her a cow. Ziggler comes out and leads Lana away.
Sheamus vs. Roman Reigns
Sheamus sends Roman Reigns outside the ring but gets clotheslined as he gives chase. Sheamus tosses Reigns into the announce table and then over it as we go to our final commercial break.
We come back to Reigns putting a beating on Sheamus before missing the basement dropkick. Sheamus lands several strikes before eating another clothesline. Sheamus sends Reigns outside but gets tripped and Reigns hits his dropkick. Back inside a Samoan Drop sets up a Superman Punch, but Kane comes out with J&J Security, allowing Sheamus to hit a backbreaker for 2. Reigns fires back with a Superman Punch, but Kane hits a big boot for the DQ
Winner: Roman Reigns via DQ
Kane chokeslams Sheamus and announces he'll be the final Money in the Bank ladder match entrant. He chokeslams Reigns to end the show.

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WWE SmackDown Results For 6/4 Kevin Owens NXT Title Open Challenge
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