Sunday 21 February 2016

Chris Jericho vs AJ Styles at Fastlane 2016

aj styles vs chris jericho fastlane 2016
AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho
AJ Styles comes to the ring in his phenomenal styles. Jericho next to the ring and we witness a usual in ring introduction. They lock up and go to the corner. They lock up again and trade holds. Styles with an early roll up for a 2 count. More back and forth. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho but it's blocked. Styles goes for the Calf Crusher but Jericho quickly gets to the bottom rope and goes to the floor. Fans cheer them both.

 Styles baseball slides to the floor but Jericho runs right in the ring. We get dueling chants from the crowd now. Styles comes back in and they lock up. Styles gets the upperhand and takes it to the corner. Styles slams Jericho and drops a knee to the face for a 2 count. They trade several chops now. Jericho with forearms. Styles throws Jericho to the apron but he goes to the top and comes down with a big right hand. Styles gets right up with a dropkick. Styles with a snap suplex as the dueling chants start back up.

Jericho manages to hit a bi back drop and then clothesline him , he also hits a baseball slide. Styles sent out into barrier. Jericho brings it back to the ring and makes his way to the top rope.Jericho with a crossbody for a 2 count. Jericho with a headlock and Styles makes it for a slam but Jericho suddenly gets the control back on. Styles somehow hits a flying clothesline and a clothesline into the corner. Jericho is on his knees and Styles hits another high running punch to the mouth of Jericho.Styles tries a Styles clash but Jericho turned it to and enzigiri. Jericho sets for a running bull dog but takes a face first to the floor for a close count.

They go on and Jericho hits a Lionsault for 2. Jericho with a clothesline in the corner before taking Styles up top for a superplex. Styles slides out and drops Jericho's face into the turnbuckle. Styles springboards in from the apron but before he can bounce off the top rope, Jericho nails a springboard dropkick, knocking Styles off the rope for a 2 count. More back and forth as they go into the corner. Jericho is on top as Styles catches him with a pele kick. Styles climbs up for a hurricanrana but Jericho catches him and falls to the mat. Jericho is still holding Styles and puts him in the Walls, right in the middle of the ring.
Styles crawls some and finally makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold. Jericho is frustrated now. He goes to work and drops AJ on his head outside of the ring. The referee counts as Jericho comes back in. Jericho goes back out and applies the Liontamer on the floor. He comes back in and lets the referee count. Styles makes it back in before the count out but Jericho nails a Codebreaker. Jericho covers but Styles gets the bottom rope. Jericho calls Styles a stupid son of a b---h and a stupid man. He slaps Styles around in the corner. Jericho runs into a boot to the chest. Styles fights back now. Styles counters a move and nails the Styles Clash for a close 2 count. Styles goes into the Calf Crusher. Jericho tries for the bottom rope but finally has to tap out.
Winner: AJ Styles
After the match, Styles stands tall and has his hand raised as his music hits. He goes to the corners and poses for fans as Jericho gets up. Jericho comes from behind and pulls Styles from the top. They come face to face. Styles turns to leave and Jericho grabs him, drawing his fist back. Styles says they can go again if Jericho wants to. Jericho drops his fist and extends his hand as some fans boo. Styles shakes Jericho's hand as they play his music again.

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Chris Jericho vs AJ Styles at Fastlane 2016
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