We get a hype video for GFW vs. TNA.
The show begins with Jeff and the GFW crew coming out. Jeff has his king of the Mountain belt with him. Jeff says his TNA says are over and he's retired from active in-ring competition. Jeff says GFW is about competing at the highest possible level, which is what all promotions should aspire to do. Jeff says he's vacating the King of the Mountain title and it will be defended on tonight's show.
Eric Young comes out and interrupts. He brags that he is God and that Jeff is looking at God right now. He brings up the injuries he has caused to Angle and Melendez. He doesn't respect Jeff or his accomplishments and says he's just the booker man. Young attacks Jarrett and the GFW guys step in to help their boss. Then the TNA people, including Robbie E and Ken Anderson run in and there's a massive inter-promotional brawl! We head for commercial.
Jeff and Sonjay and the other GFW people are backstage. They deny this is an invasion. GFW just want to compete and showcase their skills. This is just Young escalating things because he is insane. Hmmm. Why don't I trust them?
Awesome Kong vs. Lei'd Tapa
Lei'd's manager talked trash prior to the match starting. Kong hits a cross body right off to get a two. She hits a splash but again gets a two. Tapa fights back with a Samoan drop. Kong clotheslines her outside to the floor where they brawl so long they both get counted out. Kong continued to beat her up and hit the scoop and slam. Good for what it was but Tapa still seems to be a little green.
Match ends in Double Countout
We learn PJ Black will be competing in the King of the Mountain match, as well as Eric Young.
Bobby Roode cuts an in-ring promo complaining about Jeff not putting him in the King of the Ring title match. He's also angry at Spud for kicking Aries out of TNA. Spud comes out. He calls Roode "a condescending p****." Spud says he knows Roode doesn't think he deserves to be here. But guess what? Spud knows he's worked harder than anyone to make it in pro wrestling. He brings up taking the fight to Kurt Angle for the World title and defeating Austin Aries. Spud calls Roode a big bully. And tells him that if he messes with him, he'll fight back.
Spud then slaps him. Roode hits back and we now have a brawl on our hands. Roode grabs the mic and attacks Spud with it. Roode chokes him with the jacket and hits the Roodebomb. Then he sends him into the steel stairs shoulder-first. Ouch. Brutal. Roode then hits a cross face on him as the referees attempt to help. Fun segment.
Jeff, that bastion of morality, scolds Roode backstage. Roode says Jarrett can't tell him what to do and he needs to get out of his face.
Jesse Goderz vs. Bobby Lashley
Lashley clotheslines him and his a corner shoulder and suplex into the corner of the ring. Godderz gets out of the ring and Lashley chases him. Back in the ring, Lashley continues to dominate with a cool handspring spinning elbow. Jesse fought back with a powerslam but was too busing heeling it up to get the advantage and Lashley hits the spear for the one-two-three.
Winner: Bobby Lashley
Clips of Full Metal Mayhem air. We learn Drew has been taken out by a mystery assailant and there is now a vacant spot in KOTM. Karen claims someone is working against the GFW-TNA alliance and Jeff resolves to get to the bottom of this mystery. A regular Hercule Poirot, Jeff is. Dixie says she'll go to the hospital and check on Drew. She tells Jeff "Trust me." Yeah, as a general rule, if someone makes a point of saying "trust me" you probably shouldn't.
EC3 and Tyrus are coming down to the ring. Carter gets on the mic and brags about being Matt Hardy in Full Metal Mayhem last week. EC3 says he will be champion forever and ever. Matt Hardy comes out, still selling his injuries. He concedes that Carter gave a very strong performance and defeated a Hardy brother at their own game. But he says he will not die. He wants another shot. Carter admits he respects Hardy not but it isn't up to him, it's for the fans to decide. So, no to a re-match. Tyrus then attacks Matt and Carter hits him with his belt. Carter celebrates to close out of the segment.
Taryn tells the Dollhouse they will take out Kim next week in a steal cage match. We learn Chris Mordetzsky is in the King of the Mountain match now.
Bryan Meyers and Travis Lee vs. Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards
Decent match but it didn't get nearly the amount of time you would think. Wolves won with a powerbomb and back-cracker force of nature combo for the pin. Meyers and Lee looked pretty decent though and managed to get in some offense.
Winner: Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards
Lashley cuts a promo and he talks about being able to win, no matter where he is or what sport.
Tigre Uno vs. Sonjay Dutt
Some good athletic moves early on. Things spilled out on to the floor where Dutt hit a spinning running hurricanrana. Back in the ring he hit a spingboard splash for the two count. He hits a Frankenstiener from the ropes but Tigre Uno counters with the roll up.
Winner: Tigre Uno
Carter complains to Jeff and says he's on to him. Jarrett says he has a replacement for Drew Galloway and tells Ethan he'll defend the belt next week. Carter is furious. Ad break.
We come back and Anderson cuts a promo package, saying he's wrestled for years and it might be time for him to retire from the business now and go be a dad. But not until he's crushed Bram and gone out of his own terms. He makes an open mic challenge match for next week.
Bobby Lashley vs The Adonis vs. Robbie E. vs Eric Young vs. PJ Black in a King of the Mountain match
Good main event. PJ Black won and next week he faces EC3 at the Turning Point show. Somewhat surprising result. Lashley pinned Eric with a spear to start with. Black got a pin with the sunset flip on Mordetzsky. Adonis and Young were sent to the penalty box. Robbie pinned Black the Boom drop and now Black's in the penalty box. Lashley pins Robbie with a spear after he ducked the clothesline. We go to commercial.
As we came back, Lashley was sent outside as the guys gang up on him. Adonis rolled up Young and he's sent to the box. In a great movement,Robbie dove off the penalty box to hit Masters and Lashley. Black brought a ladder into the ring. Young gets out and goes after Lashley. Then he pilvedrove Robbie onto the stairs. Brutal. Unsurprisingly, Young gets a pinfall and he is sent to the box. Lashley climbed the ladder. Eric Young shoved him off. Young climbed up but Black tried to shove him him off. He holds on as much as he can but then Lashley speared him off! Black hit a 450 splash on Lashley to take him out then climbed up and grabbed the KOTM belt.
Winner: PJ Black
Matthews hypes up Turning Point next week as we fade to black.
TNA Impact Wrestling results for 12 August 2015