Ryback retained the Intercontinental Championship over Big Show with a Shellshocked following a Meathook clothesline.Ryback got a good reaction.
Curtis Axel and DamienSandow defeated The Ascension and Los Matadores in a fun match. Comedy happens many time in this bout.
Jimmy Uso defeated Brad Maddox with a Splash following a Superkick.
R-Truth defeated Bo Dallas with a lie detector over all just fair match. Not fair enough to pop the crowd.
Dean Ambrose defeated Luke Harper in a worst match. Dean got a huge reaction.
Neville defeated Stardust with a roll up.
Natalya made Alicia Fox tap out.
Roman Reigns got Bray Wyatt in a Street Fight that saw interference from Harper, Braun Strowman and Ambrose.
WWE live event results from Salisbury Maryland for 6 September 2015