Thursday 28 January 2016

Ring Of Honor results for 27th January 2016

brian fury
He we are to share ROH Results for 27th January 2016 with you. Show opens up with an excellent match between two new guys.
Shaheem Ali vs. Brian Fury
 The two trade arm locks early until Ali connects with a dropkick, a body slam and a standing frog splash. Ali's face is sent into the second turnbuckle, but Fury can't put him away. Ali gets two on an awesome gutwrench powerbomb, and the crowd gets behind him.
Fury pulls a neckbreaker out of nowhere, but both men end up outside the ring. Ali gets a great reaction off of an Exploder suplex on the floor. Back inside, Fury grabs the ref, headbutts Ali and hits a pop-up powerbomb for the win.
Winner: Brian Fury via pinfall (Pop-up Powerbomb)
 Cedric Alexander gets a great hometown welcome, and Veda Scott takes the mic and talks about their settlement from ROH. They take a shot at Jonathan Gresham and say that they want the biggest and the baddest. Cheeseburger comes out.
Cedric Alexander (w/ Veda Scott) vs. Cheeseburger
Cheeseburger gets a quick couple of two counts before eating a knee. Cheeseburger hits a springboard knee of his own, but falls victim to the Lumbar Check. Alexander wins.
Winner: Cedric Alexander via pinfall (Lumbar Check)
Cedric assaults Cheeseburger and Gresham comes out to make the save. Looks like we're getting Cedric Alexander vs. Gresham right now.
Cedric Alexander (w/ Veda Scott) vs. Jonathan Gresham
Gresham gets the best of Alexander and Scott runs in for the DQ.
Winner: Jonathan Gresham via DQ
Veda Scott holds up Gresham's head while Cedric kicks repeatedly and hits the Lumbar Check. Refs pull Cedric Alexander away.
 Nigel McGuinness is in the ring, and he's quickly interrupted by The House of Truth. McGuinness says Adam Cole is the number one contender. Cole comes out and says he beat Kyle O'Reilly, and now he's done with him. Nigel disagrees and says he's doubling down in Vegas, and it'll be a triple threat match. Kyle O'Reilly comes down and challenges Cole and Lethal to face ReDRagon next week. We'll have an exclusive interview with Adam Cole leading into his championship match.
 Silas Young is backstage, still hurt that the Boys left him.
 Moose interrupts the Elgin/Jay Briscoe match. Stokely Hathaway says he asked Nigel to make another triple threat match, and Moose is now involved.
Michael Elgin vs. Jay Briscoe vs. Moose (w/ Stokely Hathaway)
Elgin hangs on to a vertical suplex despite Moose kicking him. He then puts Briscoe on Moose's shoulder and hits a Flatliner on Moose. Moose dropkicks Elgin to the floor, and then Briscoe boots Moose several times as we go to a commercial break. We come back to see Elgin landing a Tower of Doom spot that lays everyone out.
Elgin with a slingshot splash on Moose, but it doesn't get the pin. Elgin pushes Briscoe into a spear from Moose, then connects with an enziguri. Moose comes back with a pop-up lariat, but it doesn't get the job done. Briscoe comes back in with a superkick to Elgin, but gets turned inside out with a clothesline. Briscoe pulls out a backslide and wins.
Winner: Jay Briscoe via pinfall
Elgin takes the mic after the match and challenges the Briscoes to face him and Tanahashi at the 14th Anniversary PPV. The Briscoes accept, but this won't be happening because of Tanahashi's injury.

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Ring Of Honor results for 27th January 2016
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