Wednesday 27 January 2016

WWE NXT results for 27 January 2016

WWE NXT results for 27 January 2016.Tonight's main event is a triple threat match for number one contender ship to the NXT title!
American Alpha vs. Blake & Murphy (w/ Alexa Bliss)
Jordan immediately takes down Murphy, then Gable goes to work on both men, landing arm drags and head scissors until Murphy feigns a knee injury and takes out the leg of Gable. Blake and Murphy work the leg over for several minutes in their corner. Jordan gets the hot tag and goes crazy. Grand Amplitude gets the win for AA.
Winners: American Alpha via pinfall (Grand Amplitude)

 Emma and Dana Brooke are backstage and they're trashing Carmella for lacking skills and losing to Blue Pants, as they probably should.
 We see an Asuka video package.
Nia Jax (w/ Eva Marie) vs. Liv Morgan)
Nia hits a Breaking Ground Slam, and applies a Cobra Clutch. Liv Morgan gets out and dropkicks Nia Jax, and goes for a guillotine that Nia shucks off and sidewalk slams. Leg drop, that's it.
Winner: Nia Jax via pinfall (Leg Drop)
 Enzo, Cass and Carmella is backstage, and Carmella says she'll beat Emma next week all by herself. Enzo and Cass trash Dash and Dawson before leaving.
 We get a great Baron Corbin video package.
Bull Dempsey vs. Alex Riley
Riley pummels Dempsey and hits him with a neckbreaer for two. Riley connects with a spinebuster and a big knee and gets the win.
Winnner: Alex Riley via pinfall (knee)
Riley looked aggressive and heelish. After the match he says he's had a lot of time while he's been hurt to watch NXT. NXT showed Zayn's return date and what Apollo Crewshad for breakfast, but nothing on him. This was a good promo.
Elias Samson vs. John Skyler
Samson is incredibly boring, and I can't tell if it's his fault or not. This is really one sided and Samson wins with a neckbreaker.
Winner: Elias Samson via pinfall (Neckbreaker)
- The Hype Bros are backstage talking about their match with the Vaudevillains next week. Apparently Mojo Rawley watches Zack Ryder sleep.
Number One Contender Match
Samoa Joe vs. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin
Corbin and Joe both get sent outside early, and Joe trips Zayn to drag him out. The two brawl all the way back in the ring, going back and forth. Corbin pops back up and takes out Zayn as we go to our last commercial.
Zayn sends both men outside and hits his huge flip over the top rope onto Joe and Corbin. Back inside the ring, Zayn barely kicks out of Deep Six by Corbin. Joe hits a double senton on both opponents, then a powerslam on Zayn for a two count. Zayn impressively hits Corbin with a Blue Thunder Bomb for two!
Joe pulls Zayn out and puts him to sleep with a Kokina Clutch outside, but walks into End of Days! Zayn breaks up the count. Corbin loses it and beats the hell out of Zayn, but eats a corner Exploder and a Helluva Kick, but Joe pulls Zayn out! Zayn locks a Sharpshooter on Corbin, then Joe applies a crossface at the same time and Corbin taps out!!
The referee is trying to make a decision, and William Regal comes to the ring and says he's going to have to go review the tape. We don't get an answer as we go off the air.

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WWE NXT results for 27 January 2016
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