Sunday 21 February 2016

Charlotte vs Brie Bella Fastlane 2016

charlotte vs brie bella for fastlane 2016
WWE Divas Title Match: Brie Bella vs. Charlotte
Brie comes first to the ring to a pop and then Charlotte makes her way out to the ring with his father Ric Flair.Brie is wearing Daniel Bryan's kickpads from WrestleMania XXX tonight. They lock up and go to the corner. They lock up again and Charlotte slams Brie on her face. Charlotte mocks the "yes!" chants now. Brie charges but Charlotte goes to the ropes and forces her to back off. They trade holds on the mat now. Brie fights out of the scissors and nails Charlotte with strikes. Brie with a fireman's carry takedown and an armbar as The Nature Boy looks on.

Charlotte with some more offense and hits a knee to the jaw. They trade some locks. Brie mocks Flair in a fun full way.Both gals make it to the floor but Charlotte runs in to the ring. Charlotte goes for an Alabama Slam and says this is for Nikki but it's blocked. Brie rolls her up for 2. Charlotte comes right back with a clothesline. Charlotte wastes time and poses as fans boo. Charlotte with a 2 count. Charlotte with knees to the back now. Charlotte with another 2 count. Brie looks to go for the Yes Lock as they trade holds. Brie ends up on Charlotte's back with a sleeper hold locked in.
Charlotte breaks the hold and drops Brie for a 2 count. Charlotte with a shot to the neck and the head scissors. Charlotte slams Brie and tosses her around with the scissors. Charlotte launches Brie with the scissors and kicks to her feet. Charlotte mocks The Bella Twins and wastes more time. Brie ducks a kick and slams Charlotte's face into the mat. Brie calls for "Brie Mode" and hits the running knee to the face. Brie with a bunch of forearms and one big forearm to drop Charlotte for a close 2 count. Charlotte fights back and delivers chops to the chest. Charlotte ducks and nails a neckbreaker. Brie with a close 2 count. Charlotte runs over Brie with a big boot to the face.
Charlotte goes for the Figure Four but it's countered. Brie sends her to the apron. Brie dropkicks Charlotte to the floor, right next to Flair. Brie dropkicks Charlotte from the apron again. Brie rolls Charlotte back in and goes to the top. Brie with a missile dropkick. Brie sells a leg injury but hits a bunch of "yes!" kicks. She misses the roundhouse but slams Charlotte with a Bella Buster for a 2 count. More back and forth but Brie is selling the leg injury. Brie gets the Yes Lock applied. Flair throws a fit at ringside. Brie turns it into a single leg crab right in Flair's face. Brie adjusts her position and her leg goes out. Charlotte quickly kicks out of the hold and Brie goes face first into the rope. Charlotte applies the Figure Four into the Figure Eight for the win.
Winner: Charlotte
 After the match, we go to replays. Brie recovers as The Flairs make their exit.

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Charlotte vs Brie Bella Fastlane 2016
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